Last Updated: 21 Mar 2024 07:00 by ADMIN

There is a solution in Angular for clearing a multiselect programmatically at Provide a way to pro...~https://feedback.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/1404639-provide-a-way-to-programmatically-clear-selected-values-from-multiselect

Is there an equivalent solution for Vue?

Last Updated: 12 Mar 2024 13:35 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q2 (May)

When using both filtering and virtualized dropdownlist, it can sometimes occur that the list will show no items after a series of repro steps:

Stackblitz (modified with only a console.log in the handlePageChange function) from Vue Dropdowns Library & DropDownList Component - Virtualization - Kendo UI for Vue Docs & Demos (telerik.com)

Qsz3dh (forked) - StackBlitz

  1. open dropdown
  2. type 33333 into the filter
  3. see no data found
  4. quickly remove the last 2 3's, so now you're only filtering on 333
  5. quickly scroll down, then quickly scroll up
  6. see no data found and see that skip is NaN in the console
Last Updated: 29 Feb 2024 16:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Akshata
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Bug Report

MultiSelect does not scroll to the focused item. The problem seems to occur when the text of options extends over multiple lines.  
The option "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" extends over multiple lines in our example.


Here is a "https://stackblitz.com/edit/u4crwa-phh6zx" example. Search for "United" or any country that starts with the letter "H" or after.

Last Updated: 26 Feb 2024 17:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Akshata
Comments: 3
Category: Kendo UI® for Vue
Type: Bug Report

Hello Team,

Icon for MS Word is missing the logo which is impacting UX for our application. Appreciate if this is resolved on priority

Reference in the Image: Docx 1. docx

Last Updated: 22 Feb 2024 08:37 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Ryan
Comments: 0
Category: Stepper
Type: Bug Report

Describe the bug

The following Stepper StepProps should not be required ones:

  • successIcon: String;
  • successSvgIcon: Object;
  • errorIcon: String;
  • errorSvgIcon: Object;

The current implementation of the Stepper's Steps requires the definition of the above properties which results to an error in a Typescript context.

Expected behavior
The listed properties should be made optional.

Last Updated: 16 Feb 2024 13:44 by ADMIN
Created by: Boris
Comments: 6
Category: ComboBox
Type: Bug Report

Describe the bug
Combobox does not scroll to focused item

To Reproduce

Type v

Expected behavior
Volleyball is scrolled into view

Last Updated: 05 Feb 2024 11:02 by Jerry

Describe the bug
The DateTimePicker component provides the min and max props that allow you to configure specific days and hours restrictions that limit the selection one can make using the component.

Currently, the min and max limitations are applied only for the days and not for the hours meaning that if we define the following:

min: new Date(2022, 2, 1, 8, 30),
max: new Date(2022, 2, 10, 12, 30),

We will be able to select a date between 1st and 10th of March 2022 but we will also be able to select a time that is outside the defined range - for example, 18:30 on 10 March 2022.

To Reproduce

  1. Open this example
  2. Select 10th of March 2022
  3. See the Time view in the popup that allows you to select time that is outside the range of time defined in the max prop

Expected behavior
Based on the definition in the max prop, the Time view in the component's popup should not display the hours and minutes that are not available for selection


Last Updated: 01 Feb 2024 12:46 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q2 (May)

Describe the bug
The displaying of consecutive events in different timezones is inconsistent when we have a yearly recurrence.

To Reproduce

  1. Open this StackBlitz example
  2. Set your timezone to Mexico City
  3. Refresh the page and go the Sun, 6/18 - Sat, 6/24 week view
  4. See the Program 7 and Program 8 events in the Sat, 6/24 column
  5. Set your timezone to Mainland China
  6. Refresh the page and go the Sun, 6/18 - Sat, 6/24 week view
  7. See only the Program 7 event in the Sat, 6/24 column. The Program 8 event is visible in the Sun, 6/25 column

The above is not replicable if the following configuration is removed:

recurrenceRule: 'FREQ=YEARLY',

Expected behavior
The consecutive events in the Scheduler component should be displayed consecutively in all timezones and no matter the recurrence rule defined for each of the events.

Mexico timezone:
China Mainland

Last Updated: 22 Jan 2024 15:30 by ADMIN
Scheduled for Q2 2024

Describe the bug
The Tooltip is not correctly positioned in scenarios where a longer text needs to be displayed. This incorrect positioning leads to the inability to automatically close the Tooltip when the mouse is hovered out of the component.

To Reproduce

  1. Open this CodeSandbox example.
  2. Hover the yellow dot on the right

Expected behavior
The Tooltip should appear correctly positioned above the yellow point as it is in the scenario when you hover the left point in the above example


Last Updated: 25 Dec 2023 09:16 by ADMIN

Describe the bug

After inserting an image using the "Insert Image" tool it is possible to add a hyperlink to it using the "Insert Hyperlink" tool.

If the image's dimensions are then edited by selecting the image and using the "Insert Image" tool, the hyperlink that was added no longer exists.



To Reproduce

  1. Open https://codesandbox.io/s/elegant-parm-l7w93g
  2. Right click the image in the editor, you should see the option to open the link.
  3. Select the image
  4. Open the "Insert Image" tool
  5. Change the width or height to another value (e.g. width -> 200px)
  6. Click the insert button within the tool
  7. Right click the image in the editor, you should see the option to open the link is no longer there.

Expected behaviour

The image should retain any hyperlinks that have been added even if it is resized.

Last Updated: 18 Dec 2023 10:56 by ADMIN

Describe the bug
The is a slight bouncing of the DatePicker's popup when it is opened above the input of the component

To Reproduce

  1. Open this StackBlitz example
  2. Open the popup of the DatePicker

Expected behavior
The popup's opening animation should not have any bounces

Last Updated: 30 Oct 2023 11:26 by ADMIN
Scheduled for [R1 2024] PI 1
Created by: Daniel Knoll
Comments: 2
Category: Tooltip
Type: Bug Report

Describe the bug
The Native Tooltip is not hiding when the mouse cursor is moved fast from the target element in the direction where the Tooltip is about to appear.

To Reproduce

  1. Open this StackBlitz
  2. Hover the Button and move fast the mouse cursor to right(covering the area of the Tooltip)
  3. Repeat step 2 multiple times if the Tooltip hides

Expected behavior
The Tooltip should disappear when the mouse cursor is moved away from the target element no matter the direction in which the cursor is moved.


Last Updated: 21 Sep 2023 18:31 by Eunbyul

Describe the bug
The following warning appears in the browser's console when using the Native Grid in Nuxt context:

To Reproduce

  1. Open this example
  2. Check the browser's console

Expected behavior
No warnings or errors should appear in the console

Last Updated: 13 Sep 2023 12:42 by ADMIN


I noticed a bug with the Tooltip component, it can be reproduced here: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-vue-ui/components/tooltip/positioning/

  1. Hover where it says HOVER ME until the tooltip shows up
  2. Move the mouse up very quickly. When the mouseout event is over the tooltip, the tooltip does not close -> NOK, the tooltip is open, but the mouse is no longer over the element

In Tooltip.js there is a function called "handleMouseOut" that has this line:

const element = currentDocument && currentDocument.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);

Followed by:

if (isTooltipElement(element) || this.computedTarget !== event.target) {

So when the mouseOut event is over the tooltip element, it is ignored, leaving the tooltip visible.

I was able to fix this by adding the following CSS styling to the tooltip element: `pointer-events: none;`, but now I may have introduced a new issue.

What is the reason for ignoring the mouseout event when it's over the tooltip?

Last Updated: 12 Sep 2023 17:51 by Luke

Describe the bug
When using the ColorPicker component in a scenario where you can edit the RGB values of the component by clicking on a NumericTextBox that controls the R, G, or B color channels or changing the NumericTextBox value results in the following error:

To Reproduce

  1. Open this project
  2. Expand the popup of the ColorPicker
  3. Click on a NumericTextBox that controls one of the R, G or B color channels

Expected behavior
No errors should be thrown when using the RGB inputs of the ColorPicker

Last Updated: 24 Aug 2023 11:12 by Mohammed

Describe the bug
Custom value not persisted on blur when using value-primitive

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

If possible, share a runnable snippet on StackBlitz by following the steps below:

  1. Find an example in[ the documentation that looks similar to your case](https://stackblitz.com/edit/6kttks-xjfsfu?file=src%2Fmain.vue).
  2. focus the Combobox
  3. type some custom texts and click away to blur it
  4. Current: the custom typed text is cleared

Expected behavior
The custom typed value persists

Last Updated: 15 Aug 2023 07:35 by Andreas

Describe the bug
When using the DropDownList in combination with its label and aria-required props the aria-required is not correctly rendered

To Reproduce

  1. Open this CodeSandbox project
  2. Open the browser's DevTools
  3. Inspect the DropDownlist
  4. See where the aria-required attribute is rendered

Expected behavior
The aria-required attribute should be rendered on the element with the "combobox" role.


Last Updated: 14 Aug 2023 15:05 by Liam
Created by: Liam
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Bug Report

The DropDownList doesn't select the correct item on initial load in the list when list starts with 'Baseball, Basketball'. This can be observed in the following example:


Steps to reproduce:

  • refresh the preview window
  • tab to or open the dropdownlist
  • press the 'B' key

Expected result:
'Baseball' is selected

Actual result:
'Basketball' is selected.

Ticket ID: 1619469

Last Updated: 08 Aug 2023 16:27 by Patrick
Created by: Patrick
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report

Describe the bug
The following warning appears when using the InsertTable tool of the Native Editor:

[Vue warn]: Component emitted event "tableinsert" but it is neither declared in the emits option nor as an "onTableinsert" prop

NOTE: The warning won't appear when the project is built for production but, still this issue should be fixed

To Reproduce

  1. Open this StackBlitz example
  2. Insert a random table using the InsertTable tool
  3. Check the browser's console

Expected behavior
No warnings should appear when using the InsertTable tool


Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 05:08 by ADMIN

Describe the bug
The behavior of the Native and Wrapper MultiView calendars is different when using the next/previous arrows of the component.

The Native MultivVew calendar changes the selected date to the respective date of the next/prev month but doesn't change the month views as the Wrapper does.

Check the following two videos and see the differences:


To Reproduce

  1. Open this StackBlitz project
  2. Select a random date
  3. Click on the "next" navigational arrow

Expected behavior
The same as the selected date should be focused on in the next month just like the Wrapper MultuView Calendar does.

1 2 3 4 5