When providing the input prop ariaLabelledBy, the resulting rendered element has an attribute of arialabelledby instead of aria-labelledby.
That is, this code:
<span id="my-input-label">My Input Label</span>
<Input aria-labelled-by="my-input-label" />
results in this HTML:
<span data-v-0b8cedaa="" id="my-input-label">My Input Label</span>
<span data-v-0b8cedaa="" class="k-textbox k-input k-input-md k-input-solid k-rounded-md k-required">
<input id="58c2f77d-91e5-444a-a948-90f4abb960e5" required="" arialabelledby="subject-label" class="k-input-inner">
But the input's HTML should instead look like:
<input id="58c2f77d-91e5-444a-a948-90f4abb960e5" required="" aria-labelledby="subject-label" class="k-input-inner">
Hello. I found a Bug on PanelBar Component at Nuxt3 environment, so I wrote a ticket.
When I click <PanelBar/> component's item the following image error occurs. the component does not work properly.
(I wrote a component as it is Kendo UI for Vue Native PanelBar Overview Page)
Please Check this once.
stackblitz (PanelBar Test on Nuxt3 Demo): https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-rsgcyn
ps. I checked out that the bug doesn't occur in the Vue3 environment.
stackblitz (PanelBar Test on Vue3 Demo): https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-afatj1
I would like to offer some suggestions for a few new icons to be added to the Progress Design System. I am currently trying to replace other libraries with the Kendo UI for Vue components, and these are a few icons I use for which I could not find a suitable replacement in the ones you provide. Please see the attached image for examples.
Also, it would be nice to have a "filled-in" version of some of the existing icons. For example, some current icons like "file-add" or "comment" are good, but they don't stand out at a smaller size. Having a solid color version (instead of just an outline) would provide options for bolder colors and make them more visible.
Describe the bug
at Nuxt Environment
- pagable info option doesn't render information about the current page and the total number of records (both of setting true / false, all)
- set pageable info option false, error raise like this.
To Reproduce
- https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-mcocsr
Expected behavior
- render information about the current page and the total number of records
- do not error raise
I noticed a bug with the Tooltip component, it can be reproduced here: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-vue-ui/components/tooltip/positioning/
In Tooltip.js there is a function called "handleMouseOut" that has this line:
const element = currentDocument && currentDocument.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
Followed by:
if (isTooltipElement(element) || this.computedTarget !== event.target) {
So when the mouseOut event is over the tooltip element, it is ignored, leaving the tooltip visible.
I was able to fix this by adding the following CSS styling to the tooltip element: `pointer-events: none;`, but now I may have introduced a new issue.
What is the reason for ignoring the mouseout event when it's over the tooltip?
Hi there.
so the orgChart generates a great organizational hierarchy, but I want to be able to drag and drop elements to other parents like you can do with the Asp.net ajax version of the orgChart. How do I do this please?
Hi there,
We create a dashboard like this:
We need to export in PDF format and we use the component:
Now we need to export in PNG or JPG format.
And this is our request: a Kendo Component that exports a dashboard with the same quality of the PDF component.
Thanks in advance.
Currently there is selection of row and selection of whole table. There is no group level selection.
We have to implement it ourselves. Not a big deal but still. Same applies to MAUI.
Thank you!
DataGrid should provide selectionState property for styling in following way:
Value is emitted onSelectionChange event.
Currently we need to implement property.
Thank you!
MultiSelect does not scroll to the focused item. The problem seems to occur when the text of options extends over multiple lines.
The option "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" extends over multiple lines in our example.
Here is a "https://stackblitz.com/edit/u4crwa-phh6zx" example. Search for "United" or any country that starts with the letter "H" or after.
There is a solution in Angular for clearing a multiselect programmatically at Provide a way to pro...~https://feedback.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/1404639-provide-a-way-to-programmatically-clear-selected-values-from-multiselect
Is there an equivalent solution for Vue?
I have a Grid inside a TabStrip. Resizable is set to true. If I resize the column, the column will change size but at the same time the width of the Grid will also change size proportional to the change in size of the column.
If I move the Grid to be outside of the TabStrip, resizing the column will not alter the width of the Grid. This is the behaviour I was expecting.
Here is some sample code that reproduces the issue.
<TabStrip :selected="0" :tabs="[
title: 'Paris',
content: 'Paris',
<template v-slot:Paris>
<Grid ref="grid" :style="{ 'max-height': '600px' }" :data-items="variations" :resizable="true"
:reorderable="false" :columns="caseGridColumns" :loader="loader"
@rowclick="(ev) => { caseStore.setCaseId(ev.dataItem.cases.caseid); getData(); }">
No variations were found
Drag and drop an image inside editor isn't working in Chrome.
sometimes the images is opened in new tab, sometimes the image path is added.
However, it works on Firefox.
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 example-col">
<KInput :style="{ width: '330px' }" :show-clear-button="true"></KInput>
import { Input } from '@progress/kendo-vue-inputs';
export default {
components: {
KInput: Input,
The problem occurs only on a component DropdownTree in which the filtering fonctionality is enable.
I have this problem when testing on Chrome and Firefox.
Describe the bug
When the Datepicker component is used with a custom calendar (Kendo Calendar component) the calendar does not close on click outside of the component
To Reproduce
1. Open this StackBlitz example - https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/festive-tesla-hm596x
2. Click on the Datepicker input to open the component
3. Click outside the Calendar component
Expected behavior
The DatePicker's calendar popup should close when the user clicks outside the component