We have recently update to version 7.0.0 of Telerik for Blazor controls.
We have also access to Progress ThemeBuilder application which we use to customize the default Material theme.
After the update to version 7 and also upgrading and compiling the new theme file for our application, TabStrip items fail to display the correct css and defaults to the theme's original css.
ThemeBuilder produces rules for the tab item items with the following path
.lvs-tabstrip.k-tabstrip .k-tabstrip-items-wrapper .k-tabstrip-items.k-reset.k-tabstrip-items-start .k-item.k-tabstrip-item
where the actual control generates the following
.lvs-tabstrip.k-tabstrip .k-tabstrip-items-wrapper .k-tabstrip-items.k-reset.k-tabstrip-items-start .k-item
As you can see it is missing the k-tabstrip-item class and the custom theme fails to render correctly. Either Telerik blazor libary did not add this extra class to each tab item or theme builder is inserting this class when it should not.
I can place this extra class on each TabStripTab element on its Class property, but I feel this is something that the actual Telerik for Blazor libray should do.
Looking at the source code of Telerik for Blazor library, the TabStipTab component generates add the k-item as default and then applies the value of property ClassToRender and its value is
$"{ActiveCssClass} {DisabledCssClass} {Class} {FirstItemClass} {LastItemClass}".Trim()
The Class is an empty string, which I currently use to "fix" the problem but I certainly would like a better solution like a real fix :)
Thank you telerik team
To demonstrate:
1. Open your simplest interactivity/selection demo, which is not grouped, in StackBlitz. See: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/grid/interactivity/selection/
2. Add the Grid's group prop. To demonstrate the bug nothing else needs changed
<Grid group={[]} ...
3. Run demo, scroll down and pick a row.
4. Observe the grid scrolls to the top and you cannot see your selected row unless you scroll back.
Setting the stage prop to "DEFAULT" does not update the Window component as expected:
const [stage, setStage] = React.useState<string>('DEFAULT');
const handleStageChange = (e: WindowActionsEvent) => {
Setting the window position is not permanent.
How to reproduce:
Chaging window stage also reverts previous position
We have recently upgraded our packages to version: "@progress/kendo-react-grid": "^6.1.0". While testing the new look and feel of the application we've noticed that the pagination is no longer working on several grids from the application. After investigating for a while, we have found the property that is causing the issue(rowHeight), please take a look at the Stackblitz example from below.
As you can see, in the example the pagination is not working. If we remove the property "rowHeight" from the grid the pagination is working again. We are not sure how these two are related but can you tell us what is going wrong and how we can fix it?
Dear sir/madam,
We noticed an error when setting the "defaultShowWorkHours" to false, it still shows the work hours as the default.
Check the Codesandbox
Expected behavior when you set "defaultShowWorkHours" to false, it shows the full day timeline
Hi, Keyboard navigation using "page down" and "page up keys" doesn't work.
Here is a stackblitz where the problem can be reproduced: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-q9n5fe?file=app%2Fmain.tsx
Reproduction steps:
It only works when:
Best Regards
Trying to drag an event in the scheduler duplicates (doubles) the event drag hints, but only in DayView.
The problem occurs when the event data doesn't have isAllDay property set. Even if you simply set it to false seems to resolve the issue. Problem is - Kendo's docs say that "The DataItem type does not limit the user to a specific fields in the data array", however the presence of this field is mandatory for the proper functioning of the DayView.
When importing Excel files that contain values with a currency formatting, the currency signs are not displayed correctly.
When importing an Excel file, the data displayed in the Spreadsheet component should look the same way as in the imported document.
Package versions:
KendoReact 8.0.0
Actual Result:
After invoking 'table' button, user is unable to select the size of the table i.e, Keyboard focus is not going to 'Insert row and column cell components.
Tab index property is not defined.
Control(s) must be accessible to keyboards and other assistive technology. Common causes of this problem include a) the element does not have a proper role assigned, b) the element needs tab-index="0" attribute to be focusable, or c) the component is not registering keypresses.
User should be able to navigate to insert row and column cell components to select the size of the table.
User Impact
When interactive components are not accessible, assistive technology users are blocked, which leads to everything from inaccessible content, features, and functionality, up to entire applications or sites.
We've been experiencing a weird behavior with the date picker element. We wanted to have an auto advancing cursor that moves from date -> month -> year without the user having to manually press the arrow keys.
We based our solution off this previous method in your JQuery element. However the React element has some buggy behavior when it comes to updating existing date values in the input that makes this method impossible. (the functionality works correctly in the JQuery version of the library, just not React)
When updating an existing value in the box from a single digit value (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, but not 10, 11, 12) instead of overwriting the existing value it appends the new number the user entered. For example, if a 01, is in the box and the user types 2 it becomes 12, when it should have become 02.
This can be especially confusing for the user when working with named dates (e.g. "Jan", "Feb", "Dec", etc) since they do not see the numbers involved. If the user is updating Jan, and they press 2. It should update to Feb not Dec...
I've attached a GIF of the problem below as I've described
Hi Team,
There is some unexpected behavior when resizing events after switching the Scheduler to 'Show Full Day'. Take a look at my sandbox, you'll notice, its barely anything, let alone anything fancy.
1. Create a new event that starts at 8am.
2. Switch the view to 'Show Full Day'
3. Using the start time resize handle and drag it up, to start earlier. And you will notice the dragItem actually drags down, and when you release the handle, the event appears in the correct place
This will only happen on the first resize when switching to 'Show full day'. You can replicate it more by switching back and forth between full day and business hours.
Similar Scenarios include:
1. Placing the event to end at 8am, switching to business hours and back, then drag the end time down, the dragItem will be positioned to start at 8am, but say its 7am and you will see the rest.
2. Placing the event to overlap 8am, will yield both problems.
Again this only happens on the first resize after switching views, and I've only tested it in DayView, so it might affect WeekView as well. There appears to be no issue when events overlap the endWorkTime.
Please see the following example of the Upload component being used to transfer a single file to a byte array:
Notice that all packages are latest including react 18 but I have not switched to the new createRoot API, and as per react documentation "Until you switch to the new API, your app will behave as if it’s running React 17" - this warning can be seen in the console window. When you upload a file, the FileReader onprogress and onload events result in the file being successfully uploaded with 100% progress. You can see current state and new state of all events in the console window.
Now please see the exact same example but switched to the new createRoot API:
Notice that the warning is no longer visible in the console window. When you upload a file, the FileReader onprogress and onload events result in the file being successfully uploaded but the file progress is overwritten. You can see current state and new state of all events in the console window - the new state from the onProgress event is lost, and the new state in the onStatusChange event reports zero progress.
I believe this is because of automatic batching in React 18.
Kind regards,
It is a common use case to provide Grid's dataItemKey property to make sure changes are properly reflected per documentation - https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/grid/api/GridProps/#toc-dataitemkey
However, when this accessor property is provided (usually a unique ID on all groups and items), Kendo uses it instead of its default auto-incremented `'ai' + absoluteIndex` key to index the <GridRow /> for each group's header and footer - giving them the same value and causing React to throw multiple warning about duplicate keys. This makes it unreliable to specify dataItemKey property when using the grouping feature with aggregate footers as it messes up with React's reconciliation mechanism.
Issue 1:
I've implemented insert table tool in the editor and I'm setting some states on editor blur. The bug appears when the editor is focused and I try to add a table. When I select the rows and cols from the dropdown and click to insert the table the editor blur is called my setStates are called and somehow the table insertion doesn't happen. In order to add the table I should not focus the editor and I have to click on the insert table button and select again the cols and rows.
Issue 2:
In the same editor I've added tableResizing plugin. The bug appears when I already have a table in the editor and open the insert table dropdown to add a new one. In that moment when the dropdown is still opened I hover over some of the already inserted table cells borders the insert table dropdown is closed.
Issue 3:
When the editor is controlled we have undefined as initial value and then we type something or try to add table for example the editor crashes and throw an error `Uncaught RangeError: Applying a mismatched transaction`. Even though the value type allows undefined EditorProps.value?: string | Node | undefined. It works fine though if the initial value is empty string.
"@progress/kendo-react-editor":"^5.11.0 | 5.12.0"
Minimal reproduction
I'm providing an vite + react + ts project. Steps to run the project:
npm install
npm run dev
It's reproducible in the provided examples in StackBlitz from Kendo, but the editor packages are not always resolved with turbo package manager. I guess it's the same issue as https://github.com/telerik/kendo-react/issues/1530
There is an issue with ComboBox remote virtualization. This is reproducible on https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dropdowns/combobox/filtering/#toc-filtering-with-remote-data-and-virtualization
Scroll slowly till almost the end of the list. Pay attention to the name: Paula Parente
Notice that the name keeps repeating after scrolling as the scroll goes back and forth. You'll need to scroll a few times more before the scroll continues to load
other items.
In our unit tests, we sometimes want to be able to use the ByTestId methods of the React Testing Library to find bits of DOM created by a Kendo component. However, setting a data-testid attribute (or really any data- attribute) on a Kendo component does not always result in the attribute appearing anywhere in the final DOM.
To demonstrate, below is a test suite (also included in the zip) where I tried putting a data-testid attribute on the Kendo components Input, TextArea, Checkbox, Slider, SliderLabel, MultiSelect, and DatePicker, then checked if the attribute appeared in the rendered DOM. The tests for Input, TextArea, and Checkbox are successful. The ones for Slider, SliderLabel, MultiSelect, and DatePicker are not.
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { Input, TextArea, Checkbox, Slider, SliderLabel } from '@progress/kendo-react-inputs';
import { MultiSelect } from '@progress/kendo-react-dropdowns';
import { DatePicker } from '@progress/kendo-react-dateinputs';
describe('Kendo Input', () => {
it('supports data attributes', () => {
<Input data-testid="the-input" />
const input = screen.queryByTestId('the-input');
describe('Kendo TextArea', () => {
it('supports data attributes', () => {
<TextArea data-testid="the-text-area" />
const textarea = screen.queryByTestId('the-text-area');
describe('Kendo Checkbox', () => {
it('supports data attributes', () => {
<Checkbox label={"Chad"} data-testid="the-checkbox" />
const checkbox = screen.queryByTestId('the-checkbox');
describe('Kendo Slider & SliderLabel', () => {
it('supports data attributes', () => {
<Slider min={1} max={2} data-testid="slider-root">
<SliderLabel position={1} data-testid="slider-label-1">One Fish</SliderLabel>
<SliderLabel position={2} data-testid="slider-label-2">Two Fish</SliderLabel>
const sliderRoot = screen.queryByTestId('slider-root');
const sliderLabel1 = screen.queryByTestId('slider-label-1');
const sliderLabel2 = screen.queryByTestId('slider-label-2');
// test them all at once so we can know the full scope of our failure/success
sliderRoot: expect.anything(), // don't be null or undefined
sliderLabel1: expect.anything(), // don't be null or undefined
sliderLabel2: expect.anything() // don't be null or undefined
describe('Kendo MultiSelect', () => {
it('supports data attributes', () => {
<MultiSelect data-testid="the-multi-select" />
const multiselect = screen.queryByTestId('the-multi-select');
describe('Kendo DatePicker', () => {
it('supports data attributes', () => {
<DatePicker data-testid="the-date-picker" />
const datepicker = screen.queryByTestId('the-date-picker');
The issue can be seen on your demo at https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/grid/
1) Load the demo from https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/grid/
2) Click on (x) in customerID grouping
3) Look at the console and see the line with exception:
The problem is that `e.originalEvent.target` is an svg object and it's className property is an object, not a string. The object is `SVGAnimatedString {baseVal: '', animVal: ''}` and it doesn't have the method indexOf.
Please fix asap.