Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024 17:12 by Joel Parker Henderson
Release 2024 Q4 (Nov)
Created by: Joel Parker Henderson
Comments: 6
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report
## Missing kendo-react-buttons

On this page:

On this section: "Add a KendoReact Data Grid"

On this page:

On this section: "Add a KendoReact Data Grid"

When I launch the app as usual:

yarn start

Then the browser page includes this error:

Compiled with problems:

ERROR in ./.yarn/__virtual__/@progress-kendo-react-data-tools-virtual-df92d36fcf/0/cache/ 19:0-55

Module not found: Error: @progress/kendo-react-data-tools tried to access @progress/kendo-react-buttons (a peer dependency) but it isn't provided by your application; this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.

Required package: @progress/kendo-react-buttons
Required by: @progress/kendo-react-data-tools@virtual:79c9c696d5f1e6f4dd730946c0d2912611551a498926b146bcbdd9d142588c5f4c2333469b63e7a9a2bdd1f0f1313d0d70b72cc8dbcafcc20e21e6b9790f6068#npm:5.2.0 (via /Users/joel/git/joelparkerhenderson/demo/demo-react-kendo/.yarn/__virtual__/@progress-kendo-react-data-tools-virtual-df92d36fcf/0/cache/
Ancestor breaking the chain: demo-react-kendo@workspace:.

The solution that works for me...

Add the package:

yarn add @progress/kendo-react-buttons

Edit `src/App.js` and add this line:

import '@progress/kendo-react-buttons';

Last Updated: 27 Sep 2024 05:41 by ADMIN

Title basically says it all. Issue can be easily observed in the basic Multiselect with virtualization example:

  1. Open the dropdown
  2. Scroll to the bottom end
  3. Close the dropdown
  4. Open it again - popup's scroll position is incorrect and therefore shows blank.

What seems strange is that I cannot reproduce this issue with the combobox virtualization, although I found a somewhat similar bug submitted for the combobox - 

Last Updated: 27 Sep 2024 04:59 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Grant
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

Hi team, 

Im my example (see here), I've added a 'name' attribute to the 'Persons' resource data, and changed the textField mapping to use the 'name' field, however the scheduler is still displaying the results of the 'text' attribute. 

Leading me to think that the scheduler is hardcoded to only look for the text attribute, because if its changed/removed, the scheudler does not display anything, regardless of what the 'textField' value is.

Please advise.


Last Updated: 04 Jun 2024 11:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Marcu
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report


We are encountering an issue with duplicate entries in our Kendo Grid with drag & drop functionality. When the grid is scrolled, clicking on any of the header cells multiple times results in the first entry being duplicated. This problem occurs on the example provided on your website as well: Kendo React Grid Row Reordering

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Scroll down within the grid.
  2. Click on any header cell multiple times.
  3. Scroll back to the top of the grid.

You will notice that the first entry is duplicated multiple times. It appears that the reorder logic is being triggered when a header cell is pressed.

We are using version 6.1.0. Please refer to the attached video for a visual representation of the issue.

Thank you for your assistance.

Last Updated: 15 Feb 2024 09:39 by ADMIN
Test Environment:
OS version: 22H2 (OS Build 25272. 1000)
Edge Dev Version: Version 111.0.1633.0 (Official build) dev (64-bit)

Pre- requisites: 
Open Settings -> Accessibility -> Contrast Themes -> Select Aquatic/Desert modes.

  1. Open the above URL and login with valid credentials.
  2. Now check some checkboxes (e.g., Bold, Underline, Insert ordered list, etc.)
  3. Now apply high contrast themes and try to differentiate between the checked and unchecked checkboxes. 

Actual Result:

Unable to distinguish between the checked and unchecked checkboxes in high contrast Aquatic/Desert themes.

Expected Result:
User should be able to distinguish between the checked and unchecked checkboxes in high contrast themes also. 

User Impact:

Users with low vision who rely on high contrast will not be able to distinguish between the checked and unchecked checkboxes in high contrast Aquatic/Desert themes.

    Last Updated: 01 Feb 2024 15:48 by ADMIN

    This is a bug on your documentation website.

    Go to for example to see that the side panel on the left is empty in an Edge browser. It flickers then it disappears.

    It works fin in Chrome and Firefox

    Last Updated: 22 Dec 2023 15:28 by ADMIN
    Release [R1 2024] PI 2
    Created by: Jason
    Comments: 1
    Category: MultiViewCalendar
    Type: Bug Report
    MultiViewCalendar component is broken in your library and in your example pages of it on your website at Clicking the date label in the top left of the control is supposed to change the view level correctly but it does not, it seems to be a click behind in its behavior.

    To reproduce on your site at

    Click on this month label

    Then click any other month than the one you were in

    Then it shows the wrong (previous) month

    If you keep clicking up and down from here you will find it seems to be navigating to your previous click each time, not the current click. Please correct this as its a bug in my new application going to production soon.

    Last Updated: 05 Sep 2023 14:17 by ADMIN

    As per the subject, you can no longer use the Calendar to select a date in a month before the currently selected Date. Please see the following demo:

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Click on the Calendar button
    • Click on any month before the currently selected month
    • Click on any date in the month
    • Observe that the day is changed correctly but the month is incorrectly incremented by one

    This error is not observed if you:

    • type in a date
    • use the mousewheel to scroll to the earlier date instead of clicking on the month
    • use Firefox instead of Chrome

    We aren't certain but don't believe this error was present before the latest Chrome 113 update. The error is reproducible in all versions of KendoReact from 5.2.0 onwards.

    Last Updated: 31 Jul 2023 07:16 by Joel Parker Henderson
    Created by: Joel Parker Henderson
    Comments: 4
    Category: KendoReact
    Type: Bug Report

    On this page:

    There's a syntax mismatch in end-of-line semicolons.

    This line ends with a semicolon:

    import '@progress/kendo-theme-default/dist/all.css';

    This line does not end with a semicolon:

    import { Calendar } from '@progress/kendo-react-dateinputs'

    All teams that I know of consider it to be an error to do both ways in the same file.

    The solution is to pick one way then be consistent. The broader solution is to use a linter, such as ESLint, that can process the code to ensure you're using your expected syntax and formatting.


    Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:57 by ADMIN
    I've already submitted this to the GitHub issues -

    Submitting here as it is an important regression with React 18 breaking all popup animations.
    Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:51 by ADMIN

    According to the repo should be updated nightly. However it does not seem to be.

    ~/Projects/kendo-react-private (master) git remote -v origin (fetch) origin (push) ~/Projects/kendo-react-private (master) git fetch --tags ~/Projects/kendo-react-private (master) git pull origin master From * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. ~/Projects/kendo-react-private (master) git tag | grep v5 v5.0.0 v5.0.0-dev.202201182040


    ~/Projects/kendo-react-private (master) git log
    commit 4bf2535e414ba2f342ddbef8daac9ec052f04cc2 (HEAD -> master, tag: v5.0.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
    Author: kendo-bot <>
    Date:   Tue Jan 18 22:41:34 2022 +0200

        chore(release): publish 5.0.0-dev.202201182040

    v5.0.0 seems to be the latest tag. Could someone verify that the github repo is actually being updated?

    Thanks for any help!

    Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:21 by ADMIN
    Created by: Rita
    Comments: 3
    Category: KendoReact
    Type: Bug Report

    toODataString throw exception on text filter changed from is null to contains. 

    Repro step:

    1. Choose filter by Name which is using text filter.

    2. Change filter from Is null to contains.

    3. toODataString threw exception.


    Error in /turbo_modules/@progress/kendo-data-query@1.5.5/dist/cdn/main.js (1:7873)
    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')
    Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:21 by ADMIN
    Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:18 by ADMIN
    Release 4.6.0
    AutoComplete focused item is not set correctly if the items are with different height.

    Currently, it is required to have the same height for the items, but this can be very hard in cases when the items are dynamic with various height.
    Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:15 by ADMIN
    Created by: Matej
    Comments: 1
    Category: KendoReact
    Type: Bug Report


    I have Scheduler vertical timeline with an user group and more users I add the wider is every slot.  Example 2 users . Example 4 users the slot is double in width in comparation with 2 users. Can I control this somehow?

    Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:14 by ADMIN
    Created by: Stuart
    Comments: 5
    Category: KendoReact
    Type: Bug Report

    Hi Guys,

    In GridProps for KendoReact Grid there is an error in the type information:

    Found here:

    In the GridProps.d.ts file it is:

         * Fires when a row is about to be rendered. Overrides the default appearance of the row.
        rowRender?: (row: React.ReactElement<HTMLTableRowElement>, props: GridRowProps) => React.ReactNode;

    This should be changed to:

    rowRender?: (row: React.ReactElement<React.HtmlProps<HTMLTableRowElement>>, props: GridRowProps) => React.ReactNode;


    Note that the React.ReactElement definition is:

        interface ReactElement<P = any, T extends string | JSXElementConstructor<any> = string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> {
            type: T;
            props: P;
            key: Key | null;


    So the first type parameter should be the props typ.

    I noted this while making use of it. After changing it it behaves sensibly. Worked around in my case by using 'as any' to void the type clash.



    Last Updated: 30 Jul 2023 05:13 by ADMIN
    Created by: Christian
    Comments: 2
    Category: KendoReact
    Type: Bug Report


    I created a solution using KendoReact Editor.

    The editor is set to enable the creation of tables (EditorTools.InsertTable).

    When the property 'defaultEditMode' is set to 'iframe',  the editor inserts a correct table with a width of 100% and visible cell borders.

    If I set the 'defaultEditMode' to 'div' and insert a table the table has a width of some pixels and no borders are shown. In other words, the inserted table is not usable.

    I need to set the editMode to 'div' because otherwise the editor doesn't adjust its look to the other parts of the page. The font is wrong etc.

    How can I get the tables to work in 'div' mode?


    Kind regards


    Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 13:29 by ADMIN
    Add accessibility insights for web extension for edge Anaheim(Dev) browser from

    1. open the given URL using valid credentials.
    2. Select 'reply' button.
    3. Now Run the fast pass using Accessibility Insights for web and observe the failure aria required children.

    Actual results:

    Elements with Aria role is not containing child role with in them.

    Expected results:

    Elements with Aria role should contain child role with in them.


    User Impact:

    For each role, WAI-ARIA explicitly defines which child and parent roles are allowable and/or required. ARIA roles missing required child roles will not be able to perform the accessibility functions intended by the developer.

    Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 13:02 by ADMIN
    Created by: iConect Developer - Mike
    Comments: 0
    Category: KendoReact
    Type: Bug Report

    Grid Header shifting when filtering column.

    When a column is half visible, and it is filtered, a misalignment will occur between the header and the Grid content.


    Last Updated: 28 Jul 2023 13:00 by ADMIN
    Created by: Nathaniel
    Comments: 2
    Category: KendoReact
    Type: Bug Report

    DropDownList and MulstiSelect do not open on click(IE 11). 

    They do open sometimes, but it seems random.

    They do open when using the keyboard.

    1 2 3 4