Last Updated: 09 Jan 2020 08:38 by ADMIN
Release 3.10.0
Created by: Antonis
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


I would like to request for the filter component to be supported in the KendoReact suite as it is in the ASP.NET Core UI suite.

One aspect is the hierarchical structure which can support complex filter scenarios but also the support to persist state of a set of filters.

Thank you

Last Updated: 24 Dec 2019 08:07 by ADMIN

In the case of multiple columns headers, the column width of the KendoReact  TreeList  is invalid



const columns = [
   { field: 'name', title: 'Name', width: 300, expandable: true }
    { title: 'Employee Details', width: 600, children: [
        { field: 'position', title: 'Position', width: 500 },
        { field: 'fullTime', title: 'Full Time', width: 100 }
    ] }
Last Updated: 24 Dec 2019 08:03 by ADMIN
When can I release the Spreadsheet in Kendo UI for React,not Wrapper
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019 11:32 by ADMIN
Created by: J
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Is there any prop so that I can trigger another event on press of cancel button on KendoCalender.
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019 06:58 by ADMIN
Created by: iConect Developer - Mike
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Add render prop for the SplitButton.

This will allow changing the main button and also the button that opens the DropDownList.

Last Updated: 21 Nov 2019 06:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Ruslan
Comments: 2
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request



From the last conversation through the webinar

jQuery Filter looks cool! What about Kendo React Filter?


Right now we do not have a KendoReact Filter component, but feel free to drop us a line in our feedback portal and we will consider implementing it.

Last Updated: 07 Nov 2019 09:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Paito
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

I'd really like a KeepIt prop on so that the action stays even when someone is typing or there is another message below it.

The use case would be a link to a Order # for example that they could go back to and click.

Example of how this works with react-native-gifted-chat:

Last Updated: 22 Oct 2019 08:33 by ADMIN
Release 3.5.0
Created by: n/a
Comments: 4
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request



We need to create a DateTime Picker with max and min limit on Date and also Time.

Currently, the range works as of 22/09/2019 5:30 AM to 21/09/2020 5:30 PM, where complete 24 hrs is been selectable.

We need the time range to be restricted per day. For instance, in the above example, it should be 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM per day from 22/09/2019 till 22/09/2020.


Thanks in advance.

Last Updated: 18 Oct 2019 11:48 by ADMIN
Created by: Adil
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Create a function callback for the Upload saveUrl.
This will allow for more flexibility when making requests.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2019 11:32 by ADMIN

Column locked with KendoReact Grid is not locked in the iPhone safari.  It's OK in Chrome phone simulator, but not in mobile. 


                    style={{ height: '400px', width: '500px' }}
                    <Column field="ProductID" title="ID" width="45px" locked />
                    <Column field="ProductName" title="Name" width="250px" />
                    <Column field="Category.CategoryName" title="CategoryName" />
                    <Column field="UnitPrice" title="Price" width="90px" />
                    <Column field="UnitsInStock" title="In stock" width="90px" />
                    <Column field="UnitsOnOrder" title="On order" width="90px" />
                    <Column field="Discontinued" width="120px" locked={true} />
                    <Column field="QuantityPerUnit" title="Additional details" width="250px" />
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2019 10:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Antonios
Comments: 4
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Please add toolbar support in the react conversationalui, just like it exists in the jQuery chat component.

We need in our projects a way to add custom action buttons, besides the simple "send" message.

Ie. attach files/images to a message, open emoji picker, etc.

Last Updated: 16 Oct 2019 10:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Susanta
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request



We have requirement of date picker display quarters view . please see the below example




Last Updated: 30 Sep 2019 06:47 by ADMIN
Created by: Antonis
Comments: 2
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


I would like to request the support of the search panel within the grid component same as in ASP.NET Core UI (

Thank you

Last Updated: 23 Sep 2019 09:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Glen
Comments: 2
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


Please create a React Scheduler component similar to

Last Updated: 23 Sep 2019 08:57 by ADMIN
Created by: ben
Comments: 12
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
in 0.3.0 release I was able to describe a column by percentages.  i.e.

<Column field="certification" title="Certification" width="40%" />

This no longer works in the 1.0.1 release
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2019 08:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Antonios
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Add support for styled components.

This will allow lazy loading for the styles depending on the used features of a component to reduce the styles sheet size.

Last Updated: 13 Sep 2019 10:59 by ADMIN
Release 3.4.0
Created by: Prashant
Comments: 2
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

KendoReact Editor not working in NextJS application.

This is the error:

ReferenceError: navigator is not defined.

The error can be reproduced in our NextJS application as well when adding the Editor component.

The error may occur due to this line:

const firefox = /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent);

Last Updated: 13 Sep 2019 07:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
In Panelbar , when we set expandmode set to 'single' it do not toggle the item . it only works with expandmode 'multiple'. 

We should also allow to toggle a panelbar item in 'single' mode 
a use case could be -i want to close all of the items in single mode
Last Updated: 13 Sep 2019 07:51 by ADMIN
Created by: laurence
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Hi, I'm trying to know if the components that are publicly exposed do not contain the correct styles. For example I tried to do this: '' but the result is not even close to what it should look like and I want know if it is because these styles / features are only with the paid version.
Last Updated: 13 Sep 2019 07:23 by ADMIN
Release 3.3.0
Pressing enter in the ComboBox will select the first item with the same text value.

If we have items with the same text value and we navigate through them with the arrow keys and then select one with enter, the ComboBox will return the first item with that text instead of the currently selected one.