How to set the default operator of a second date filter which is different from first,
I have attached the screenshot for two different operator i need in case of date filter.
How do I create a multi-row cell in footer? I have attached a screenshot as reference. Thank you
Good day!
Thanks for this wonderful library - we actually have a paid license in using ReactKendo.
Just a concern, because right now we are using TypeScript for us to improve our code quality but most of the Components in KendoReact is using any and not even allowing to pass a generic type.
Like for example in using KendoGrid - the data has `any` property so when rowClick is triggered, it returns `any` data type for `dataItem`
So what I did was, I wrapped the KendoGrid Component that would allow Type-Safety and override the `onRowClick` and any other functions that involve sending `dataItem` property.
Best Regards,
Is there a workaround for this issue?
I have a need for the 'Drop files here to upload' text to always be visible in the drop area of the KendoReact Upload component. Example of what I am talking about is in attached images.
Currently, using npm install --save @progress/kendo-theme-material will get the standard Material Design theme for use across the React Components, but why is Material Black not available this way? (npm install --save @progress/kendo-theme-materialBlack)
On your Grid Demos: When ever you try to edit a text cell the cursor always goes to the end of the text box
For example, go to your demo:
- Edit the first row. Try to type something before "Chai" - the cursor will jump to the end of the textbox
Hello Kendo React Team,
Here are a few bugs to address on the Kendo React Scheduler (3.6.0)...
Issue 1: November 3, 2019 Repeated on Week/Month Views
Visit https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/scheduler/views/month/ or https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/scheduler/views/week/, navigate to the first full week in November 2019. You will notice that 11/3 is repeated for Sunday/Monday. I'm wondering if this issue is related to daylight savings time. The calendar does not have a timezone configured (just uses the default UTC and my local timezone is PST).
Issue 2: Clicking an empty all day slot does nothing.
The onSlotClick callback should be fired when clicking on an all day event. I currently have to add an event listener using document.querySelectorAll("[data-slot-allday='true']"); to get the right behavior (definitely not ideal).
Issue 3: onItemDoubleClick and onSlotDoubleClick do not work on mobile devices.
My current solution to get everything to work on desktop and mobile is to use the onItemClick and onSlotClick and to not integrate useCallback with double clicking.
Suggested Improvements:
style={{ height: '400px', width: '500px' }}
<Column field="ProductID" title="ID" width="45px" locked />
<Column field="ProductName" title="Name" width="250px" />
<Column field="Category.CategoryName" title="CategoryName" />
<Column field="UnitPrice" title="Price" width="90px" />
<Column field="UnitsInStock" title="In stock" width="90px" />
<Column field="UnitsOnOrder" title="On order" width="90px" />
<Column field="Discontinued" width="120px" locked={true} />
<Column field="QuantityPerUnit" title="Additional details" width="250px" />
There was an error calling “ chart.surface.redraw() ”
onRender = (args,mapValues,stackedOrderBy) => {
const chart = args.target.chartInstance;
const valueAxis = chart.findAxisByName("valueAxis");
const categoryAxis = chart.findAxisByName("categoryAxis");
if (!chart) return;
let x= 1;
if( stackedOrderBy!="Ascending")
let axis = categoryAxis.options;
axis.categories = axis.categories.sort(function (a, b) {
if (mapValues[a] < mapValues[b]) {
return -1*x;
if (mapValues[a] > mapValues[b]) {
return 1*x;
return 0;
In the KendoReact Scheduler component, there is a bug when you try and change the date for an event.
Steps to reproduce:
Looks like you need to change the z-index of the date selector if it is a child of a modal.
Thanks! I attached screen shots.
When using the <Window> component, there is an issue trying to maximize, when a parent element has positioning (ie: position: absolute, position: relative). The calculation for defining the width uses window.innerWidth (similar for height). However, for placement, it uses top and left = 0.
You can see a sample of this on StackBlitz:
This is a straight copy of https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dialogs/window/controlled-mode/, but added the additional styles to the parent <div>.
Version is 3.14.
I'm seeing a bug in TreeList which seems to be related to how locked column positions are being set. The issue I'm seeing is when I scroll to the right the columns either overlap of have a gap between them. See image below.
I also created a demo that demonstrates this issue: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-lwp4ua?file=app%2Fmain.jsx
Seeing this issue in:
Add hideAfter prop to the Notification component.
This will allow controlling when the notification will be hidden.