Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Sandeep
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


I have a query regarding multiple cell paste and transpose paste

1. Multiple cell pastes:

Mouse selection of multiple cells after selecting, the contents present in the cells should get copied and while pasting it should get paste in multiple cells.
e.g i) column no 3 and 4 having value 200 and 56700 after selection of this  value gets copied while pasting into column no 3 and 4,250 and 3250 replace by copied value
      ii) column no 3 and 4 having value 200 and 56700 and next row value i,e 250and 3250 after selection of this  value gets copied while pasting into column no 5, so the           values 2400,98250,6750,34500 replace by copied values

2.Transpose Paste:

Mouse selection of two or more cells, then the contents present in that cells should get copied then after clicking on transpose paste the copied cell content get pasted vertically in multiple cells.

e.g column no 3 and 4 having value 200 and 56700 after selection of this  value gets copied while pasting into column no 3,250 and 300 replace by copied value

all cells should be editable


Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Ivan
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Greetings.  I render my own custom headerCell item with a custom icon. Could you help me to find out the same way for rendering custom icons in k-group-indicator blocks (dropable area for grouping)?
Thanks in advance
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:30 by ADMIN

Create a custom view with only specific dates shown in the Scheduler.

For example, the Sheculder will only show the dates 02/02/2020, 02/10/2020 and 02/20/2020.

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Tim
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Add parseFormats option to the KendoReact DateInputs (DateInput, DatePicker, DateTimePicker etc).

The option is expected to work as the parseFormats one available in Kendo UI:


Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Gaurav
Comments: 6
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request



I am currently using kendoReact TreeList and using custom filtering for text. I want to limit allow filtering to happen only after user enters 3 or more characters. For this I want to show a placeholder saying "Enter more than 3 characters to filter....". Can I add a placeholder to the filter header ?


Thanks and Regards

Gaurav Thakur

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:27 by ADMIN
Created by: Ruud
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request


I'm using the tabstrip control for a complex form for the user to fill out. I am trying to find a way to preload all contents of each tab in the tabstrip to ensure all the controls are rendered. This is required for my validations to work correctly.

I did not see any property on the Tab or TabStrip control to achieve this. Am I missing something?



Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:26 by ADMIN

When using the auto for tooltip position, I would like the option to prioritize the order.

[right, left, bottom, top] for example would mean that it would check if that area is available to display a tooltip, and if not, it'll move on to the next one in the list.


Is this an option? How will I go about creating this functionality if not?

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:22 by ADMIN

Hi there, 
Im use chart component, and  sometimes the tooltip on grid disappear, i dont know why, and if i put the same code on the telerik this bug doesnt happen, here is an exemplo with the same data 

import * as React from 'react'
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

import {
} from '@progress/kendo-react-charts';

import 'hammerjs';

	const valueAxis = [
			name: "",
			format: "{0:n1}",
			font: "10px Roboto",

const seriesValues = [
			type: "bar",
			toolTipFormat: "{0:n2}",
			title: "Teste 1",
			spacing: 1,
      data: [27869.8616],
			type: "bar",
			toolTipFormat: "{0:n2}",
			title: "Teste 2",
			spacing: 1,
      data: [13277.95],
			type: "bar",
			toolTipFormat: "{0:n2}",
			title: "Teste 3",
			spacing: 1,
      data: [95164.9968],
			type: "bar",
			toolTipFormat: "{0:n2}",
			title: "Teste 4",
			spacing: 1,
      data: [115579.184],
			type: "bar",
			toolTipFormat: "{0:n2}",
			title: "Teste 4",
			spacing: 1,
      data: [null],
			type: "bar",
			toolTipFormat: "{0:n2}",
			title: "Teste 4",
			spacing: 1,
      data: [616.7145289747288],

const ChartContainer = () => (
    {valueAxis.map((e, idx) => (
          visible: e.visible !== undefined ? e.visible : true,
          format: e.format,
          rotation: "auto",
          font: e.font,
      {seriesValues.map((item, idx) => (
            font: '10px',
            format: "{0:n2}"


  <ChartContainer />,


I inspected the page and realized this, that div is the tooltip and thats working normally, k-animation-container-show class, top and left properties on style;

and this one, is the tooltip that doest appear in the screen, does not have all class and style, just doesnt show up, 

However, the component inside that div was rendered, as can you see

Im using this version



Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Matej
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Add a maxlength property to the NumericTextBox that limits the length of the user input, like the HTML input maxlength attribute: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_maxlength.asp 
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:20 by ADMIN

Please allow the Switch component to accept a title prop so that the Tooltip component can be used with Switch. Switch doesn't really support long labels, or labels at all in some themes, so it would be nice to be able to use Tooltip component with Switch component.

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:17 by ADMIN
Add a Dialog tool to the Editor that will allow editing the attributes of the inputs (or other elements).

This could be done as a demo, that showcases how this functionality can be added and extended for more elements.
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 12:17 by ADMIN

Actual results:

aria-label is not defined for ‘Reply editor’ when the keyboard focus is on 'Reply’ edit box narrator is announcing as “Editing End of line”.

All components need an accessible name, ideally using semantic elements and attributes. In rare cases, aria-label or aria-labelled by may be needed to alter the name. Learn more by reading about the accessible name property. 

User Impact 
When interactive elements have an incorrect name, it is difficult for people using assistive technology (like screen readers) to understand the purpose of control and its relationship to other content.  

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 11:24 by ADMIN
  1. open the given URL using valid credentials.
  2. Navigate to 'Reply' button and invoke it.
  3. Navigate to 'insert image' button and invoke it.
  4. Now, try to upload the image and observe

Actual Result:

User is unable to navigate to 'upload' button in 'insert image' dialogue. On invoking 'insert image' dialogue focus is navigating in the background and after navigating whole page then focus is going to the 'insert image' dialogue. Now, when user try to upload the image, focus is going out of the dialogue (going to the top of the page).


Expected Result:

Focus order should follow the meaningful reading order of the page and should return to previous elements when exiting a control.
On invoking 'insert image' dialogue, focus should be on the 'close' button of the dialogue and it should not navigate in the background.
While trying to upload the image, focus should go to 'clear selected files, upload and insert' buttons to upload the image.

User Impact:

When focus order does not follow the visible reading order, the experience can create a different interaction pattern, and/or unintended content relationships for assistive technology users. On rare occasions, there is a logical reason the focus order is different from the reading order, but the meaning of the content and interactions must remain the same. 

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 11:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Kavitha
Comments: 1
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

Actual Result:

Given I have a conteneditable div component in my web application, when I run FastPass using Accessibility Insights for Web, I get the follow error message:


<div aria-label="Post a question or answer" contenteditable="true" class="ProseMirror"><p data-prewrap="true"><br></p></div>
How to fix
Fix the following:
ARIA attribute cannot be used, add a role attribute or use a different element: aria-label

Expected behavior

Given I have a conteneditable div component in my web application, when I run FastPass using Accessibility Insights for Web, then I should not receive the following error message above

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 11:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Kelvin
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Hi support,

I would like to know what's the best way to set the modal dialog to the bottom of the page, and add animation for it to slide up to open and slide down to close.


Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 11:17 by ADMIN
Created by: SIGMA
Comments: 4
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Hello! Can you please add functionality to the choice of milliseconds in the DateTimePicker component?
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 11:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Jake
Comments: 3
Category: KendoReact
Type: Bug Report

Looking at the deliver1.PNG, there is a grid with a 'MultiColumnComboBox' component inside one of the columns. When a name is removed from a role in one row (deliver2.PNG), then that row is deleted/removed, the row below it moves up but loses its name on the UI but the data is not effected (deliver3.PNG).

Can confirm all data is intact when passing information to the 'MultiColumnComboBox' component, it's just a UI bug which doesn't display the value that was selected in the unedited/deleted row. Can also confirm this bug exists in other grids with 'MultiColumnComboBox' components.

The code path is as follows in images code1.PNG, code2.PNG, and code3.PNG. It can be seen there is a UserComboBoxCell element which returns a component called 'EditableGridMultiColumnComboBoxCell'. It is this component that uses the the 'MultiColumnComboBox' component.

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 11:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Pieter
Comments: 5
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request
Probably solvable with some custom styling, but it would be very handy to have a prop indicating where an icon should be rendered on a Button (start/end probably). Is something like this already requested somewhere (I couldn't find it)?
Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 11:12 by ADMIN

Hello Team,

With respect to the ticket - https://www.telerik.com/account/support-center/view-ticket/1547304

Currently, when we drag and drop items between multiple trees, item is getting removed from source and added to the destination. Would be nice, if there is an option to copy the item (while dragging) instead of removing from the source.

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2022 11:12 by ADMIN
Created by: pradeep
Comments: 0
Category: KendoReact
Type: Feature Request

Introduce a Format painter/brush tool that will allow copying the format from one selection to another (as in MS Word for example)

The format painter lets you copy all of the formatting from one object and apply it to another one – think of it as copying and pasting for formatting. Select the text or graphic that has the formatting that you want to copy.