Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 07:46 by ADMIN

When rendering this minimal DOJO containing a Kendo-UI Gantt chart in Chrome, space in the grid header is reserved for the vertical scrollbar on the right hand side:

When using Firefox, space is still reserved, although scrollbars collapse by default and therefore do not need any space:

Pending Review
Last Updated: 24 Jul 2024 13:59 by Lee
Created by: Lee
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request

I just upgraded from V2021 to V2024. Now, in the grid's filter menu, I have buttons with icons for filter and clear. I don't want the icons. I know I can target them with CSS and do a display: none, but there should be a setting to prevent showing them in the first place. I'm thinking this should be both a global setting for the default and a local setting in the widget to override.

Last Updated: 23 Jul 2024 14:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Tino
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request

I want to set the mask-character in the TimeDurationPicker.

Display as "08:__" or "__:15" is ugly and I want to display this as "08:00" or "00:15"

Last Updated: 23 Jul 2024 06:08 by Mansur
Provide a mechanism for disabling automatic recalculation of formulas in cells. In order to augment the widget when a large portion of sheets are and cells are rendered.
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2024 22:08 by oomaccounts
Created by: Sujeet
Comments: 2
Category: Gantt
Type: Feature Request


I am using kendo's Gantt chart. But I unable to achieve few things using the existing Gantt chart features.
Following are the features I request should be provided for Gantt chart:

  1. Multiple tasks/milestones in a row.
  2. Multiple rows for a parent task.
  3. If space is not available in preceding row(s), overlapping tasks should be moved to next row.
  4. User should be able to provide start date for the quarter in a fiscal calendar. Ex: If user give 01st-June as the start date, then Q1 should start from 01st-June. Hence, quarters will be defined as: Q1(June-Aug), Q2(Sept-Nov), Q3(Dec-Feb), Q4(Mar-May)

Gantt chart requirement point 1-4

Refer above image for point 1-4


       5. If task label is exceeding the width of the task, then height of the task should be increased to accommodate task label(in other words, text should            be wrapped). Also, font-size of the text should be responsive, that is, font-size should be reduced to accommodate entire text in minimum task height.

Gantt chart Requirements point 5

Refer above image for point 5


Last Updated: 18 Jul 2024 08:47 by Shaileshkumar
Created by: Shaileshkumar
Comments: 0
Category: MultiSelect
Type: Feature Request
Expose the ability to toggle the filtering functionality. Via an API configuration or method
Last Updated: 17 Jul 2024 08:37 by Samantha
Created by: Samantha
Comments: 0
Category: ImageEditor
Type: Feature Request
We need the ability to zoom an image in the ImageEditor on a mobile device using pinch zoom.
Last Updated: 16 Jul 2024 09:31 by Peili
Created by: Peili
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request

Bug report

Some date formats are lost when pasting from Excel and parsed as strings

Reproduction of the problem

Excel provided in Ticket ID: 1658266

copy and paste that into any Kendo Spreadsheet component.

Expected/desired behavior
Dates shall be parsed to dates

Kendo UI version: [all]
Browser: [all]

Pending Review
Last Updated: 15 Jul 2024 14:39 by Eyup


When selecting the Month View of the Gantt, unexpected blank space appears and the cell headers are not properly aligned.

To reproduce the problem, open this demo:

And Click Edit in Kendo UI Dojo:

Zoom out the browser so the Gantt has some larger Width and you will notice the blank space + misaligned headers:

The same issue can be observed in the Getting article: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/gantt/get-started

Last Updated: 15 Jul 2024 10:38 by Ning
Created by: Ning
Comments: 0
Category: ExpansionPanel
Type: Feature Request
Add setOptions() in the API of the ExpansionPanel
Last Updated: 11 Jul 2024 10:56 by Jeffrey
Created by: Jeffrey
Comments: 0
Category: Dialog
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the Dialog actions' text can only be defined as a string. We would like to have an option to use HTML instead.
Last Updated: 08 Jul 2024 12:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Michael D
Comments: 4
Category: Toolbar
Type: Feature Request

Assume there is a Toolbar with a splitButton that has a subItem. Both the splitButton and the subItem have clickHandlers configured. As long as the splitButton is not in the toolbar's overflow, everything is working correctly. However, when overflown, clicking on the subItem executes the clickHandler of the splitButton instead of the clickHandler of the subItem.

This behavior can be reproduced in the following DOJO: https://dojo.telerik.com/enanUKan/3. Watch the console output when clicking the splitButton/its subItem.

Two more hints:

  • The bug does not occur when using Kendo UI versions < 2021 R1 SP1 (2021.1.224).
  • The bug does not occur when the splitButton has no clickHandler.

Unfortunately, both options are no viable solution for us. Any suggestions?

Last Updated: 08 Jul 2024 04:42 by vivek
Created by: Mix
Comments: 1
Category: Date/Time Pickers
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request adding the Buddhist Calendar to the Kendo UI Date/Time Pickers/Calendar.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 08 Jul 2024 04:39 by Canice
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Introduce an expression builder for specifying filtering the grid by custom rules. Similar to the RadGrid for Silverlight: http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#ExpressionEditor/FilteringGridView
Last Updated: 03 Jul 2024 07:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Olivier
Comments: 1
Category: CircularGauge
Type: Feature Request

Compare to chart, Circular gauge is really poor as parameters and configuration.

It would be great to have more parameters like ;

* Be able to define to define the stroke (width) of the circular gauge

* Be able to define color for the idle part of the gauge (incredibly non existent) : from 0 to value color of gauge is determined by range, from value to 100 (or maxvalue of gauge) it is white and cannot be changed

* Be able to add kind of Dot on gauge with a custom color to represent a goal or target by setting its value


Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024 14:35 by Dan

Expose "columns.command.text.add" configuration for changing the Popup's editable when Add operations are performed. Similar to that of the columns.command.update.

Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 17:09 by Dan
Created by: Dan
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownTree
Type: Feature Request
Expose the ability to choose between single or multiple selections for the DropDownTree's CheckBoxes functionality. Perhaps in the form of a "mode" configuration.
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 10:44 by ADMIN


I would like to request a feature to include normal touch gestures on mobile devices on the PDFViewer, such as zooming in and out. In general, it would be great if the PDFViewer were more mobile friendly.


Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 09:58 by stefano
Created by: stefano
Comments: 1
Category: Toolbar
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request a built-in way to set the order of items for the overflow menu in a different manner compared to the non-overflow items in the toolbar.  


Last Updated: 30 Jun 2024 18:59 by Jeffrey
Created by: Bilal
Comments: 20
Category: PDFViewer
Type: Feature Request

I have experience with OpenText Brava Enterprise. I've had the chance to integrate their Viewer in our in-house document management system. This viewer opens up to 100 file formats and allows to add/remove/edit annotations on files and saves these annotations as a separate layer on top of the file. So next time you open the same file to view, you can load the annotations (via API) calls and place the layer of annotations on top.

I was hoping I would see the same thing with Telerik PDF Viewer (and I am aware this works only for PDF). To allow the user to add a Text comment, Shapes, Stamps, Image, PDF Bookmark, etc.

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