Last Updated: 11 Oct 2024 03:02 by Jared

Can you provide settings for the Grid keyboard navigation to selectively ignore specific keys like Enter or Tab?

I would like to use the built-in keyboard navigation as it behaves the way we want outside of one inconsistency.

I've got a grid whose rows expand to show another, templated, grid. I also have clickable links in the cells of the parent grid. Using a mouse, I can click these links directly or click the expansion icon to expand the row. Using keyboard navigation, however, I can only expand the parent row when I press enter. On grids without a templated sub-grid, pressing Enter will focus the link in the parent cell. I would like this behavior to be uniform.

I have tried intercepting the keydown event, but it seems that the expansion occurs even when I try to prevent default or return false as it happens seemingly in parallel.

Is there a way to achieve the functionality I want without resorting to overriding keydown or, if not, is there a way to cancel/control the expansion myself rather than having it automatically happen so that I can handle it in a custom keydown?

Grid example:

On this grid, when I press enter while Dialog Link column cell is selected, it expands the row.

Here in this example is a grid without a templated subgrid. Pressing enter on the same column focuses the "AAA" anchor tag within it, which is the desired behavior in both grids.

My attempt to control the expansion myself via a custom keydown event. The expansion happens before this logic has a chance to finish running:

Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024 13:54 by Peter
Created by: Peter
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request a built-in way to define a column to be reorderable.  This would help allow specific columns to be reorderable and prevent animation from occurring when using the approach in this Kendo UI knowledge base article.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024 12:52 by Caner
Created by: Mohamed
Comments: 5
Category: Captcha
Type: Feature Request
As of .NET 6, the System.Drawing.Common is supported on Windows only:

Since the Telerik.Web.Captcha NuGet package depends on the System.Drawing.Imaging, we should consider migrating to an implementation that does not depend on the System.Drawing
Last Updated: 09 Oct 2024 19:16 by Scott
Created by: Patrick
Comments: 17
Category: Data Source
Type: Feature Request
At the moment, the DataSource only uses one field for its ID property (if you enter several, then only one is used, apparently).  This doesn't reflect reality, in that in many cases (where one record is a child of another), the key field for a database table is a composite (from 2 or more fields).  
The existing situation causes problems in inline editing of the KendoUI grid, because default values need to be set for foreign key fields, but if these are set to a valid value, then spurious calls to the Inline_Create method occur because the DataSource treats the record as a new record when it is not.
In any case, allowing multiple fields would simply reflect reality.
Last Updated: 07 Oct 2024 09:30 by Aiden
Created by: Aiden
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Currently in the editor when we add a table, we get to resize them in six corner points. Can we keep the table like below and make it resizable from one corner only:

Last Updated: 03 Oct 2024 12:56 by Suresh
Created by: Suresh
Comments: 0
Category: Splitter
Type: Feature Request

Expose the ability to set the content of a pane in a stable state. And not shrink or expand when the splitter is adjusted. The content should overlay each other as demonstrated in the video.



Last Updated: 03 Oct 2024 11:49 by ADMIN
Created by: Bilal
Comments: 22
Category: PDFViewer
Type: Feature Request

I have experience with OpenText Brava Enterprise. I've had the chance to integrate their Viewer in our in-house document management system. This viewer opens up to 100 file formats and allows to add/remove/edit annotations on files and saves these annotations as a separate layer on top of the file. So next time you open the same file to view, you can load the annotations (via API) calls and place the layer of annotations on top.

I was hoping I would see the same thing with Telerik PDF Viewer (and I am aware this works only for PDF). To allow the user to add a Text comment, Shapes, Stamps, Image, PDF Bookmark, etc.

Last Updated: 02 Oct 2024 16:11 by Mohd
Created by: Mohd
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request the open button for the Kendo UI Spreadsheet's toolbar to fully utilize a Kendo UI Button rather than a native input button.  One benefit would be to help provide a localization message with ease.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 02 Oct 2024 12:42 by ADMIN
Scheduled for 2024 Q4 (Nov)
Created by: Adam
Comments: 1
Category: PDFViewer
Type: Feature Request

Currently, when the PDFViewer is used with the latest pdf.js version 4.0.379 an error is thrown in the browser console. (Uncaught (in promise) Error: No "textContentSource" parameter specified.)

You can test the behavior in the Dojo linked here - https://dojo.telerik.com/@NeliKondova/eBUYEDAb. Run the example and wait for the pdf file to be loaded, then check the browser console. 

The latest Kendo version is compatible with pdf.js version 3.11.174. However, I would like the Kendo UI for jQuery to be compatible with pdf.js 4.x to avoid such misbehaviors. 

Last Updated: 02 Oct 2024 09:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Vahid
Comments: 48
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Kendo UI supports PDF export. It would be great if you could add glyph mirroring support to it as well (https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/blob/master/src/core/bidi.js). PDF export of RTL languages such as Arabic and Persian need this trick to work properly.
Last Updated: 02 Oct 2024 08:04 by alex
Created by: alex
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request

Currently, the Grid provides autoFitColumn and autoFitColumns methods, while the Treelist provides built-in only the autoFitColumn. I would like to have built-in support for the TreeList components, so the behavior to be equivalent to the Grid - example.

dataBound: function(e) {



Last Updated: 30 Sep 2024 15:20 by Marius
Last Updated: 30 Sep 2024 13:54 by Mike
Created by: Christian
Comments: 16
Category: OrgChart
Type: Feature Request

The horizontal space between all OrgChart nodes on the same level is one and the same and it is equal to the horizontal space needed to show the child nodes of the parent with most child nodes. It is represented by the red squares on the image below. This results in excessive empty horizontal space between nodes with no child nodes or no visible child nodes.

This may be observed on the following Dojo runner. Currently the OrgChart has empty space between the first level nodes, and also there is empty space after the last node:

Suggested behavior:
There is no empty horizontal space between nodes on the same level - highlighted in yellow on the image above. In the above scenario, there should be no empty space between the first level's second and third node and no space after the third node, which may be observed, when the first node has no expanded child node:



Last Updated: 30 Sep 2024 07:18 by Gurpreet
Created by: Frieder
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
Expose the ability to split the Scheduler content into standalone pages.
Last Updated: 27 Sep 2024 09:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request

I am running into an issue with allowing copy/paste of dates into the filter and cell input fields. Currently, the date fields have validation to support MM/dd/yyyy, and users of the app may be trying to copy dates in that are MM/dd/yy. I would expect Kendo to auto format the date to MM/dd/yyyy after the paste happens, or at least allow support for that, but it doesn't seem to happen.

In the cell, when putting in MM/dd/yy, a validation message appears saying the date is invalid, and there doesn't appear to be a way to override that. In the filter, when putting in MM/dd/yy and submitting the filter, it doesn't stick and completely ignores the date put in.

Steps to reproduce (filter):

  1. Copy a date formatted as MM/dd/yy
  2. Paste it into a date column filter
  3. Attempt to apply filter
  4. Notice that the filter is ignored

Steps to reproduce (cell edit):

  1. Copy a date formatted as MM/dd/yy
  2. Paste it into a cell datepicker field
  3. Notice the validation flags it as an invalid date
Last Updated: 24 Sep 2024 07:55 by JP
Created by: JP
Comments: 0
Category: Timeline
Type: Feature Request

Feature enhancement 

Horizontal TimeLine events don't have data-uid. Unify rendering with the Vertical TimeLine



Kendo UI version: [all]
jQuery version: 3.4.1
Browser: [all

Last Updated: 22 Sep 2024 10:45 by Mphikeleli
Created by: Sean
Comments: 2
Category: Barcode
Type: Feature Request
Support for generation of PDF 417 format barcodes.
Last Updated: 17 Sep 2024 07:08 by ADMIN



I was recommended to submit a feature request for this in this feature request. I also commented on a similar forum question.

Dynamically adding/removing tiles via the setOptions method works, however in my case I'm using the containers/tiles to display other widgets (like charts and data grids) in a dashboard. Re-initializing the TileLayout via setOptions forces me to recreate my data widgets, some of which are loading fairly large datasets.

I've been able to work around this using the internal source code for the kendoUI TileLayout, which I dislike doing and am always just one update away from my solution breaking. So far it works - I can add/remove tiles without destroying and re-initializing. I did run into some trouble with resizing and reordering, but I think I've gotten around that.


It seems a common usage for the TileLayout is to display dashboards/remote data. I do think implementing a solution to add/remove tiles without re-initializing would be beneficial for many developers using this widget.


Thank you,



     * At the time of this writing, the only kosher way to dynamically add/remove tiles to a kendoUI TileLayout is
     * to use the `setOptions` method and pushing/slicing the `containers` array. However, doing this destroys the
     * TileLayout and re-initializes it. We would have to re-initialize all the data widgets and submit requests to
     * the server all over again. So... I lifted this from the KendoUI TileLayout source code and modified it to
     * suit our needs.
     * It seems to work, but it just one update away from breaking. I guess I like living on the edge.
     * @deprecated
     * @param options {Object} the kendo.ui.TileLayout `containers` item configuration
     * @param idx {Number} the index of the tile to add
     * @param kendoTileLayout {kendo.ui.TileLayout} the kendo tile layout instance
    const addContainer = (options, idx, kendoTileLayout) => {
        const body = $(`<div></div>`).addClass('k-tilelayout-item-body k-card-body');
        const headerSettings = options.header;
        const id = kendo.guid();

        const container = $(`<div></div>`)
            .addClass('k-tilelayout-item k-card')
                id: id,
                role: 'listitem',
                'aria-keyshortcuts': 'Enter',

        if (headerSettings && (headerSettings.template || headerSettings.text)) {
            const header = $('<div></div>').addClass('k-tilelayout-item-header k-card-header');
            const headerContent = headerSettings.text ? `<div class="k-card-title">${headerSettings.text}</div>` : null;

            if (kendoTileLayout.options.reorderable) {

            header.append(headerContent || kendo.template(headerSettings.template)({}));


        kendoTileLayout._addContainer(container, options, idx, id);

     * @deprecated
     * This also is using KendoUI internal source code. If/when the folks at Telerik decide to implement a different
     * solution for dynamically adding/removing tiles, that should be used instead and this should be removed.
     * @param widgetId {Number} the id of the widget to remove
     * @param kendoTileLayout {kendo.ui.TileLayout} the kendo tile layout instance
    const removeContainer = (widgetId, kendoTileLayout) => {
        const widgetRegex = new RegExp(`${widgetId}`);
        const matchedContainer = kendoTileLayout.options.containers.find(container => container.bodyTemplate.match(widgetRegex));

        const containerGuid = matchedContainer.id;
        const containerItem = kendoTileLayout.itemsMap[containerGuid];
        const containerItemIdx = kendoTileLayout.items.indexOf(containerItem);

        kendoTileLayout.options.containers.splice(containerItemIdx, 1);
        delete kendoTileLayout.itemsMap[containerGuid];
        kendoTileLayout.items.splice(containerItemIdx, 1);


        // I've got a bad feeling about this.
        kendoTileLayout.element.off('mousemove'); // after removing a container, the resize handles weren't working.
        kendoTileLayout.resizeHandle = null;

Last Updated: 13 Sep 2024 09:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the functionality to add the pager to the top and bottom of the Grid.  I did see this request which set the Top OR Bottom position, but I'd like to see both in the future.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 12 Sep 2024 07:36 by ADMIN
Two issues, both relate to using the Org Chart control to visualize a large dataset, e.g. 4000 items, with 2000 items on one level.

1) Expanding a node gets VERY slow when expanding, taking several minutes to complete -- Is there anything we can do (short of partitioning the data) to make this go faster?

2) When expanding a large number of nodes, the chart gets unweildy.  For example, if I have a top node, then five nodes below that, and expand one of those five nodes, it spreads out every node on the second row, even though only one of those nodes needs to be spread out to allow room to display the nodes under it. --  Is there anything we can do to keep the display more compact, and avoid unnecessary spreading?  (See attached for example.) 
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