The fontName tool shows an incorrect font name and gets focus after text selection.
* Open and run demo.
* Set the cursor to Line1, note an incorrect value in the fontName dropdown.
* Select/highlight Line4, choose Arial in the fontName dropdown and note an incorrect value in the dropdown.
* Put the cursor at the end of Line6, select Line4 and Line5 and Line6 using the mouse. Note that the keyboard focus has shifted to the fontName dropdown.
HTML5 now supports ruby annotations with the <ruby> tag set. The Kendo editor should be updated to allow entering and rendering ruby as well as a feature to support vertical text with ruby as some languages should be displayed.
When using the image browser widget inside the Editor widget, there is a possibility to add extra headers to support the antiforgerytoken. But inside the image browser, the upload widget is used, and there is no configuration possibility to add a header. A way around is to intercept the upload call via javascript and to bind to the XMLHttpRequest object. With this we can add a header. But this doesn't work for example in IE9, because no XMLHttpRequest support. <textarea kendo-editor="editorWidget" k-ng-model="data.processModelHtml" k-resizable="true" k-tools="['bold','italic','underline','strikethrough','justifyLeft','justifyCenter','justifyRight','justifyFull','insertUnorderedList','insertOrderedList','indent','outdent','createLink','unlink','insertImage','subscript','superscript','createTable','addRowAbove','addRowBelow','addColumnLeft','addColumnRight','deleteRow','deleteColumn','viewHtml','formatting','cleanFormatting','fontName','fontSize','foreColor','backColor','print']" k-image-browser="{ messages: { dropfileshere: 'Drop files here' }, transport: { read: { url:'api/imageapi/getimages', dataType: 'json', headers: { 'RequestVerificationToken': '@Html.RequestVerificationToken()' } }, destroy: { url: 'api/imageapi/deleteimage' , type: 'DELETE', dataType: 'json', headers: { 'RequestVerificationToken' : '@Html.RequestVerificationToken()' } }, create: { url: 'api/imageapi/addimagefolder', type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', headers: { 'RequestVerificationToken' : '@Html.RequestVerificationToken()' } }, thumbnailUrl: 'api/imageapi/getthumbnailimage', uploadUrl: 'api/imageapi/addimage', imageUrl: 'api/imageapi/getimage?path={0}' } }"></textarea> ==> not only uploadUrl parameter, but the same configuration mechanisme like for the transport read, delete, ... Regards,
Lots of forums use bbcode and adding support for this to the Editor would be great.
Such that it looks like: a) jdkfjdk fdkfj dkjf dfkjdf kjf b) djfkdjfk df dkf dkfjdkfjdkf dkfjd c) kdj fkdjfk djfkjd fkj fkfj Word does this and it is useful. Uppercase and Lowercase options would be useful too.
Dojo example.
The Editor adds an extra
element after the nested table:
<p> </p>
No empty paragraph is added on pasting content.
Currently when inside a table, the functionality for adding more tables disappears and is replaced by the table edit tools, however in our software tables are used to layout the HTML rendered by the editor, which prevents users adding tables at all. We need to keep ours set up this way and cannot switch to a CSS way of building the HTML :(
I was using save and edit buttons in RadEditor on ASP.NET Ajax extensivelly. Now, I've moved to MVC and noticed that these buttons don't exist at all!!! It's very weird. Ok, save functionality can be achieved fairly easily, but printing the content of an editor not much. I assumed that, when you were building MVC controls you would deliver the same functionality as in Ajax controls. Anyway, adding these buttons to editor tools would be great.
If you provide any editor control which render both OpnXml data as well as Html data, that will more helpfull for us. OR any convert method in kendo UI editor which convert OpenXml to Html and vise versa.
It would be nice to have a boolean property with the Editor to detect an enter keypress, and end the current style. We have custom css classes that the user "can't get out of" without going into the html view. Another option would be a tool that would "end formatting" so that further content would be unformatted. This problem can be seen at one of the demos, Go to the end of the content, type something, choose the "highlight" style, hit enter. The style is permanent until you use the arrow key down or click below the current content.
The Editor table wizard does not apply styling to all cells
The specified border is not applied. Selecting the February header instead and repeating the steps above applies the border styling
The styling applied through the wizard should be applied to the table cell
It would be helpful to have backend server support for node.js (express) for the image manager API. Perhaps it could be started in Kendo Labs as a joint community effort. Also, the API needs to be tuned to support the everlive URI hooks. While not go ahead and create and image content type with the API on the everlive side that talks to the editor image API.
Dojo example.
The border color of all cells is changed. If you re-open the table wizard and follow the same steps only the selected cell border color is set (expected). This behavior is not reproducible with tables added through the createTable tool.
The border color of the selected cell is changed.
Add an option to set the RTE to be read only. This is helpful when integrating the capability with databases that have records that may be in a "locked" state.
A tester of ours noticed a bug that completely breaks the editor until the page is refreshed.
Script error "Cannot read property 'nodeType' of null" in the console. None of the buttons work until the page is refreshed.
Attached is a video example tested with Dojo editor. Thanks!
When an existing table is wrapped in a <div>
and there is a </br>
tag in the content, then when a table is inserted through the insertTable tool, the rows from the previous table dissapear.
<table name="content" >
<td> </td>
<span >First </span>
<span >Second</span>
The rows from the initial table dissapear.
Note. The issue can be reproduced when both - the dic and the br tag from the example above are present.
screencast -
The extisting tables should not be changed when a new table is inserted