I have a very simple chart, with date category axis, 2 series with just 2 values (two days). I set rotation for labels on a category axis to 45. When any "label" in a legend is clicked, the labels disappear. This problem appears only if rotation is set to 45. I have tried to set rotation to 40 or 90 - both are just fine. But rotation 45 seems to be broken.
It's great having the tsd files as part of the full download. It would even be better if you could submit a pull request to the DefinitelyTyped github repo https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped , as that would allow us to integrate Kendo UI documentation in JavaScript projects out of the box. This repo is used by the npm tool "tsd", which allows for really easy automation of the downloading and updating of tsd files. This would be akin to the bower dependency that you already submitted for kendo.core. more info here: http://definitelytyped.org/ Thanks, Jaume
make a widget like the asp.net Details View control. This displays the details of a single row from a grid in 2 columns. The Left Hand column has the field labels, the RH column has the values.
We have a use case where we are using ContextMenu with the following configuration: showOn 'click' alignToAnchor true, Anchor being a button and on click of the button, context menu opens but the focus doesn't shift to it and remains still with the button.
Drag and Drom not Work on EI. Please Fix it For Example this component work http://html5demos.com/dnd-upload
While re-sizing the column of the Grid Chart, the columns of the grids looks a bit distorted, a bit of merged to each other partially. When we scroll the page a bit, the issue get resolved. So, for me, it looks like the state of the Grid was frozen for some time and scrolling the page reset the same. Note: This issue is seen in Chrome (Web Version) Only. I have tested the same in Firefox and IE and it works absolutely fine. Any help?
The slider control should support adding multiple handles. This could enable the use case of the user defining a range with a single slider control (define the minimum and maximum value for example). Here's an example: http://refreshless.com/nouislider/
The grid has support the auto column width, in case using the frozen column the grid doesn't display any column, so i think it really need to support auto column width with frozen columns.
please make kendoui more simple and more open.
1) Reset the scroll position of kendo ui mobile dropdownlist to top ,instead of displaying the list starting from the last selected item. 2) Put an indicator within a kendo ui mobile dropdownlist ,allowing the user to know that he/she has to scroll down to view the items below
It'd be nice if we could do this through the options and not via a css hack. In the meantime, here is a way to get around it, provided by Georgi Krustev http://jsfiddle.net/krustev/uZUjK/
Today you can scroll through the months but what if I want to scroll through years? I have to go and type instead of using the cool drop down functionallity.
Combob support for paging would show use the datasource paging settings similar to the grid control and show a label at the bottom as you scroll (Ex. "Displaying 10 of 100 items) and as you scroll increment the items in the list by the configured page size from the datasource.
When reordering the columns, it would be great if the COLUMNREORDER event would fire AFTER the columns are reordered. This would be good in situations where a column reorder triggers a request to persist the new state of the options somewhere.
Hello is it possible to Display down to hours:min:seconds in you Gannt chart product ?
Since ListView control is very often used for database oriented apps on mobile phones, it would be a great feature where a user could edit data in an offline mode, and then whenever Wifi connected is made by the mobile phone, an automatic sync takes place. This would be a top-of-the-line feature in my opinion that is not found in any other controls I have seen, and since you guys have already implemented offline mode for Kendo UI Grid, this might be quick and easy to implement.
Export the entire Kendo Window or Modal WIndow contents to PDF/PNG
Grids correctly display aggregate information in a groupFooterTemplate, but it only shows this information when the section of the group-by is visible (not collapsed). Is there a way to display the aggregate information in a template that shows when that section is collapsed?
Currently when using the Column Menu, there is no visual queue to indicate that the column has a filter applied to it.
Need "Diamond" marker type in kendo chart