Last Updated: 19 Oct 2021 05:50 by ADMIN
Created by: cluengas
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
For setters in general this shouldn't cause any trouble to return the widget so I could perform more things with it.

For the get-set functions (like value() etc..), if I get a parameter this means I'm using it as a setter hence I might want to do something else with the widget later on... "Chainability" jQuery style.

A small code snippet to illustrate:
//the datePicker is already in place and has been initialized somewhere else
//I would like to be able to do this:
datePicker = $("#aDatePicker") //jQuery Selector
  .getKendoDatePicker() //retrieve the picker
  .setOptions(dpOptions) //set new options
  .value(aDate); //set the current date

//Instead of this:
datepicker = $("#aDatePicker").getKendoDatePicker();

Carlos A Luengas
Last Updated: 19 Oct 2021 05:39 by ADMIN
Created by: Ben
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
When using inline/batch/popup editing for grids, there is a standard way to handle server-side validation errors (from the ModelState) on the client :

When using the Upload control, the proposed solution is to use XMLHttpRequest.status and XMLHttpRequest.statusText, which is currently not very reliable, and complicated to handle. It's also a non-standard way in ASP.Net MVC, and breaks existing best-practices for error handling.

There should be a way to handle ModelState errors on upload.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2021 14:38 by ADMIN
Hi there,

I would be great if you could pass the event name into event handlers, as we can't pass any additional args in, like we can with jquery events, so we can write generic event handlers that can detect the event type and handle it.


Last Updated: 18 Oct 2021 13:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Jeff
Comments: 2
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
It would be wonderful to have code highlighting and Intellisense for script blocks using the text/x-kendo-tmpl type in Visual Studio.

Currently you can change the type to text/html to get partial html syntax highlighting, but it does not highlight Kendo specific elements inside #: #. 
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:24 by ADMIN
There are times when it is not obvious that the Listview contains more records than are displayed. It would be nice to have an optional indicator that there are more records above or below the current scrolled view. Another option is to keep the scrollbar turned on.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:22 by ADMIN
Created by: EZ
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
When the chart is rendered, it would be nice if the various chart elements (SVG groups/paths/shapes/etc) were assigned class names so that we can further tweak the chart using javascript, d3.js, drawing api, etc. 

The addition of visual styles helps, but they are not available on all elements,
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Cheryll
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
We need the ability to disable the keyboard or input read only for the combo box widget.  When we don't want a user to input their own data on the combo box currently there is no option to disable this function.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:10 by ADMIN
When setting the 'useNativeScrolling' to true in 'app.js', the rendering of a drawer is effected.  Additionally, trying to scroll on the drawer actually scrolls the view (which will be partially off the screen).

Some views will not need native scrolling so it would be beneficial to have the option to choose which views use native scrolling and which do not.

I am aware there is the data-use-native-scrolling attribute but this seems to have the same problem as 'useNavtiveScrolling' in 'app.js'.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
The mobile application exposes an 'init' event when the application has initialised. This would be useful on all UI widgets, especially in circumstances when MVVM is not being used, for example to check whether other widgets are also initialised and perform actions accordingly.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:08 by ADMIN
When you have a ListView that can show thousands of records (presumably using a remote dataSource), it would be very useful to be able to start at a given point in the list, rather than having to start at the top of the list and scroll down thousands of records to get to the point you want.

This is currently possible to do when you have a ListView with set number of records that are all displayed at once by using the view's .scrollTo() function, but not possible when endlessScroll is on on the ListView.

Here is my original support ticket and the response I received regarding this matter:

I have a ListView which has a remote dataSource.  EndlessScroll is on in the ListView.  That part works as expected.  However, at times I need to programmatically "scrollTo" a particular point in the ListView.  To do this, I call .scrollTo() on the view's scroller (e.g. $('#MyView').data('kendoMobileView').scroller.scrollTo(0, -725)).  If I .scrollTo() a point that is too far down the page, sometimes the data doesn't show or only a couple of records/rows show and the "loading" icon is beneath them.  Here is an example of what I mean.

Given that we have a ListView with endlessScrolling on to which is attached a dataSource that reads from a remote url and has a pageSize of 50.  If we .scrollTo() about 25% down the list (approximately 13 rows down), everything works fine (i.e. after the .scrollTo() completes, we are at the row we want and all the records are there).  However, if instead of 25% we .scrollTo() about 60% down (approximately row 30), none or only some of the records with a spinning "loading" icon will be visible.

Based off of what I read here, I believe what is happening is that since the ListView "adds" more of the records from the page that was retrieved from the dataSource as you scroll down the list when in virtual mode, if we .scrollTo() too far down the page, the ListView isn't smart enough to know to "add more" rows to the DOM and also make a call to the next page of the dataSource if it is necessary.  Basically, I believe ".scrollTo()" needs to trigger the ListView to add to the DOM and make a call to the next page of the dataSource the same way that scrolling with your finger would do.

I hope there is a solution/fix/hack to this because I have spent many hours on this.

Thank you very much for the detailed information.

I am afraid that when the ListView is used in "endless scrolling" mode the scrollTo() method will not work as expected. The main idea behind the endless scrolling functionality is to load records on demand and load only the elements that the user wants to see, this is why the elements displayed are constantly changed as new items are loaded.

Currently there is not a workaround that I can offer. If you really want to see this functionality added in the future I would suggest you to check our uservoice section, where you can post this as a feature request, so it will be considered for a future implementation.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Stacey
Comments: 6
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
In followup to my last statement about adding data to the validation events, Kendo UI's validator would be greatly, greatly, GREATLY augmented with an extremely simple function...

onErrorDisplay(target, message, invalid) {


The sole purpose of this function is to allow users to hook into it, and custom handle error display more finely. It is fairly simple to add, look at line 11924 of the kendo source file; At Line 11948, there is the code to show the error message. The onErrorDisplay function would allow for catching that and interpreting it differently if requested.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Paul Reynolds
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
At the moment, Kendo mobile is pretty 'static': you need to define labels, etc. for switches at the point of construction.

This makes internationalisation a little tedious, as to change the label for a different user selected language, we have to 'manually' use jquery to dig out the span, etc.

It also means that whilst we can get it working as mentioned above, any update to the toolkit could break our code as we are building in expectations on html structure.

Further, aside from label setting, 'containers' need to adjust their sizing to accommodate the dynamic content, e.g. switch is a good example of static!
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:04 by ADMIN
the *.map files in the js directory are excluded by Eclipse.  I have yet to figure out why this is.  At any rate - they are not yet being returned to the browser
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 11:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Jason Feng
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I use ios theme for Android to keep user interface consistent with ios and Android. However, there is a problem with form input. Please refer details in support Id: 796192. This is probably an easy fix from your guys. Thanks.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 10:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
I would like to see the ability to hide an entire series from appearing in the legend of a multi series donut chart without having to add a VisibleInLegend property to my data model and set the value for every item.  Doing this not only increases the amount of data being sent between client and server but it also adds information to the data model that ties it to particular chart types.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 10:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Adrian
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Currently drawer's automatically add a scroller wrapper. Sometimes you want the content in the drawer to automatically stretch to fit the drawer.

Last Updated: 14 Oct 2021 10:55 by ADMIN
Created by: Tiberiu
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
1 describes all sorts of format strings which can be used in formatting templates. For example, if one wants a conditional on positive, negative, and zero values, one can use such format "{0:N2};neg{0:N2};no value". Search in the link for Section Separator
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 12:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
We use KendoUI more and more in our Dynamics CRM development.  Having the KendoUI support script# would make our choice to utilize Kendo even easier.  Today if we want to use Kendo then a separate TypeScript project is used.
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 12:55 by ADMIN
Provide a product migration guide from your sister products (e.g., silverlight controls, radcontrols) which presents use cases such as: "If you have a radgrid such as...  you could do the same task similarly with KendoUI by..."   

Having complementary examples implemented using your various product types instills a bit of confidence that interfaces created in one environment could potentially be emulated or duplicated in another.  With maybe some best practices or "known gotchas".
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 12:49 by ADMIN
Created by: voripteth
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
My application need the ability to display data using a logarithmic X axis.  Kendo doesn't seem to do this but it is available with Flot using a transform option.
              xaxis: {
                    transform: function (v) { return Math.log(v); },
                    inverseTransform: function (v) { return Math.exp(v); }

The transform function supports many other was of reinterpreting the axis so it does much more than just Logarithmic displays.

I love the look of Kendo.  Please consider adding this to your visualization package!