I want simply a way to check that the cell value is valid when the user presses submit button on the page.
Currently, validation works when a value is entered in a cell by the user. I want validation to work when the value is changed through a formula. or i need a function that i can run manually that tells which cell validation has failed.
Reference ticket id:https://www.telerik.com/account/support-tickets/view-ticket/1512901
It would be good to have the export hierarchy grid to CSV format as build-on support.
I have referred couple of articles and dojo, but didn't find any straight forward solutions.
It would be very nice if we could export a chart (and its data) to Excel.
On one hand, kidoju.mobile has not progressed in several years.
On the other hand, some "mobile" controls like Bottom Navigation and Floating Action have entered the realm of kendo.ui, and an Action Sheet is in the roadmap.
Some of us still develop/maintain hybrid apps. It has become necessary to (i) clarify the roadmap and (ii) get some new best practices (doc and samples) for developing hybrid apps with Kendo UI (kinetic scrolling via mobile scroller, ...).
On one hand, kendo.mobile widgets have not progressed in several years.
On the other hand, some "mobile" controls like Bottom Navigation and Floating Action have entered the realm of kendo.ui, and an Action Sheet is in the roadmap.
Some of us still develop/maintain hybrid apps. It has become necessary to (i) clarify the roadmap and (ii) get some new best practices (doc and samples) for developing hybrid apps with Kendo UI:
Currently, when you open an existing Excel file in the Kendo UI spreadsheet, make some changes, then post the changes back to the web server, the print and scaling settings of the original Excel file would be lost.
The Kendo.ooxml.Workbook should preserve those settings.
From Ticket ID 1513253
Message from Aleksandar
Calling the saveAsExcel() method triggers the excelExport event. The Kendo UI Spreadsheet utilizes the Excel export module framework to produce Excel files directly in the browser. The output files are in the OOXML Spreadsheet format with an .xlsx extension as explained here. Setting the forceProxy configuration to true will send the ooxml generated export file to the remote endpoint. However, the kendo.ooxml.Workbook API does not expose a configuration option that would preserve the option for setting the page scaling when printing, thus the configuration is lost. If you would like to see such an option available I can suggest logging a Feature Request in our Feedback Portal.
Hello ,
I've been struggling to fix a problem , but it seems it's a bug from Kendo
the scenario is , when I had two events for same resources (I made a vertical grouping for ressources) then I moved on of the events to another slot it moved but the slots misaligned and the same thing when I remove an event
I will include a screenShot to see that
You can currently set series labels to position "center" on the pie chart to get them to render on the slices, but sometimes slices are too small to contain these labels. It would be great if there were an option for the chart to detect when a slice is too small and render the label outside the chart, while still rendering labels on pie slices that are big enough to contain them.
Support for injecting some custom header information in the export PDF and Excel? e.g. You are exporting some grid to excel or pdf and you want do display the search parameters in the header of the document.
For a column chart, both the column and its (optional) label can be clicked and wired up with seriesClick. However, the cursor only turns into a pointer (hand) when hovering over the column; it does not do this for the label above, even though it's active. I'd like this to be consistent, and thus have hovering over the label turn the cursor into a pointer as well.
I would like to be able to configure a tooltip to be shown if the user hovers over an x-axis category. I would also like it to be dynamic based on the category. My use case is each x axis category represents a flight, to keep the label succinct I use the flight number, however it would be good if the user could find out more information about the flight such as the date, departure, destination etc. Currently I put this information in the tooltip for the data series, but when I show multiple data series this text looks out of place and also makes it harder to see the data relating to the data series point.
I would love to see this happen in the next release! The hacks out there work, but we're still forced to use the Select2 library to do this well. We want to use Kendo for the whole project.
The new funnel in the Q3 release is great, but it looks very flat. It would be great to have a more 3D look.
Once created, many Kendo components root DOM element are wrapped under new HTML elements. Any class of the original input will also be copied to some parent elements. As each widget (DateTimePicker, DropDownList, ComboBox...) are wrapped differently, it might be a good idea to add a class to the root input (k-root) that would allow us to search for that specific input. See this post for more details: http://www.kendoui.com/forums/ui/general-discussions/best-way-to-find-the-root-element-by-class.aspx
Hi Kendo Team ,
I noticed something illogical in MajorTimeHeaderTemplate , I did console.log on date that used in template and it prints => Fri Feb 01 1980 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
it doesnt't give the current dateTime in the MajorTimeHeader
I will include images for that
Dojo exemple => https://dojo.telerik.com/iqakAKog
You can currently set series labels to position "center" on the pie chart to get them to render on the slices, but sometimes slices are too small to contain these labels. It would be great if there were an option for the chart to detect when a slice is too small and render the label outside the chart, while still rendering labels on pie slices that are big enough to contain them
Please think the Kendo UI validation farmework not only in terms of client-side validation but also in terms of reporting server-side errors. A framework that would only provide a way to display a validation error message based on a client-side rule after each related input field would not be very helpful in my opinion. All errors need to be reported in a consistent way. My preferred option is: - a message box at the top of a form to display all messages including OK messages and error messages (client-side and server-side). - higlighted fields with tooltips (not to clutter the form layout) to repeat error messages in context when applicable. Although the framework built into Kendo UI might only provide client-side validation, please make sure to provide entry points into the UI used to report errors. Alternatively, leave the UI to the developer and provide a simple way to collect all validation error messages on a form.
kendo.UserEvents is a very import object across Kendo UI a properly using it is key to the development of custom widgets.
It need to be properly documented for the development community to use.
I would suggest to enter the function menu script that is described in the following link. This is an interesting application that really makes it easy to navigate the menus user an. http://bjk5.com/post/44698559168/breaking-down-amazons-mega-dropdown