Non-date values don't trigger change I can't remove\fix non-date values If you're gonna do that, then please at least make it so it ONLY accepts dates, like wipe the text if some non-date value is in there. What you're doing to me is making me need to write my own blur\change for every date picker I anything REF:
It would be really nice to have slide out panels or drawers (not the same as the existing mobile drawer, but similar). The demo below shows a good example (left, right and top).
Presently, widget zoom events are only triggered from the mouse scroll wheel. Please support zoom via touch input.
Sometimes there is a delay between when a user interacts with a widget and when something actually "happens". This is especially evident on mobile apps (e.g. AppBuilder) when there are complex bound value changes/dom changes. An example would be clicking a button in a ButtonGroup to display a ListView that uses a remote bound DataSource which displays images and text in the list. Sometimes, in scenarios such as this, you'll click on the button of the ButtonGroup and nothing will happen for a few seconds. This makes for a poor user experience. Since we can't make the app react instantaneously we really need to at least make it appear that it is or else the app feels "slow". Though some Kendo Mobile widgets attempt to aid with this by using the application.showLoading() when engaging in a "long" process, even that will ofen have a delay before showing. I'm not sure why that is, maybe it's due to the order in which it is processed. In any case, the first thing that every widget should do before anything else is indicate to the user that "yes, I acknowledge that you just clicked/tapped me and I am working". An example of this is in iOS native apps when you are trying to delete an application. As soon as you click the "x" to uninstall the app, it turns gray, even though it may take a few seconds before the app actually uninstalls. If all Kendo Mobile UI Widgets gave feedback instantaneously, that would go a long way to covering up some performance issues that might exist with the framework.
Base units for chart include Months, Day, Year etc but there is no support for Quarter. This causes gaps on the chart when displaying quarterly data.
In the current implementation of the widget, when user tries panning or zooming, there are not map tiles transitions. You just see some white squares until the new tiles are rendered. It would provide a better user experience to have some sort of transition in those interactions.
First, it would be helpful if there was a way to apply a format for an entire column (except for, obviously, header and footer rows). This would prevent us from having to write a script that loops over every row to format every 3rd column (for example) to a specific format. In addition, it would be nice to be able to use Kendo formats for columns and have that automatically translated into Excel formats. In my case, I have to write a translation layer that, in my opinion, would be much simpler if it was incorporated into the back end. If this could even auto-format to match the format used in the grid display on the page, it would be even better.
Add the RadRadialMenu from the Win8 controls to Kendo UI
consider Golang wrappers for KendoUI
Now that Kendo UI 2016.1.* includes jQuery via the UMD wrapper, it would be great if that were the version of jQuery that was used. I admit that I find the many IIFEs difficult to read, but it appears that you've only included jQuery in the wrapper to ensure that it is loaded, and you don't assign it to anything. We'd like to be able to use jQuery.noConflict with all of our dependencies, and Kendo is the last one preventing that.
The only way to detect when a control has completed binding to a datasource is via it's dataBound event. When you need to know if multiple controls have been dataBound it creates a less than ideal situation. A common scenario I encounter is when I have a search view with multiple dropdownlists and I need to set default values in those dropdownlists prior to loading a Kendo grid with search results based on the selections in the dropdownlists. Note: these are not cascading dropdowns - each dropdownlist is independent of the others. In order to set the selected values in each dropdownlist I have to know when each one is databound and only then can I set the selected value. Once all dropdownlists are databound then I can refresh the grid based on those selections. In order to make this work I have to "chain" the dropdownlists together. To do this I set the first dropdownlist AutoBind = true and the rest false. When the first dropdownlist dataBound event fires my JavaScript selects the correct value in that dropdownlist and refreshes the datasource on the next dropdownlist in the chain. When its dataBound event fires I select its value and refresh the next dropdownlist's datasource in the chain and so forth. This pattern continues until all dropdownlists are databound. In the last dropdownlist dataBound event handler I refresh the grid's datasource now that all the default selections have been made. This implementation is messy and cumbersome. It would be nice to have a parent Kendo ajax manager that all databound controls in the view could register with when the view loads. Then each databound control would notify the ajax manager when it is databound. The ajax manager would then fire an event to indicate that all controls have been databound. Then my code could handle setting the default dropdownlist values and refreshing the grid in one event handler which would be much cleaner than the current approach.
Having this ability would be very useful, as the current solution from an angular standpoint is targeting the listviews before state using CSS: [kendo-list-view]:empty:before { content: '{{$ctrl.noResultsCaption}}'; display: block; text-align: center; padding-top: 5px; }
Is Multiple File upload possible in imagebrowser ? I would like to integrate upload (progressbar) with imagebrowser ?
It would be great if I could resize a widget to span multiple columns in the kendo sortable panel demo.
Spreadsheet does not have a configuration option for maintaining the scroll position per sheet when scrolling horizontally. Currently spreadsheet maintains the common scrolling position whenever we move different sheets.
I think it could be useful to have a configuration option that enables/disables the TreeView's connection lines
@Html.DevExpress().ComboBox( settings => { settings.Name = "comboBox4"; settings.Width = 180; settings.SelectedIndex = 0; settings.Properties.DropDownWidth = 550; settings.Properties.DropDownStyle = DropDownStyle.DropDownList; settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Editors", Action = "MultiColumnComboBoxPartial" }; settings.Properties.CallbackPageSize = 30; settings.Properties.IncrementalFilteringMode = IncrementalFilteringMode.StartsWith; settings.Properties.TextFormatString = "{0}"; settings.Properties.ValueField = "CustomerID"; settings.Properties.ValueType = typeof(string); settings.Properties.Columns.Add("ContactName", "ContactName", 130); settings.Properties.Columns.Add("CompanyName", "CompanyName", Unit.Percentage(100)); settings.Properties.Columns.Add("Country", "Country", 60); settings.Properties.Columns.Add("Phone", "Phone", 100); } ).BindList(ViewData["Customers"]).GetHtml()
Kendo not support in Chrome latest version. it get flickering Google Chrome is up to date Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
It would be nice to add the telerik controls for flutter.