Last Updated: 30 Jun 2023 11:34 by ADMIN
Release R3.2023-Increment.1(19.July.2023)
Created by: Larry
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Error when trying to run npm run dev
X [ERROR] Unterminated string literal


Reproduction of the problem

download project from ticket : 1597960 01 Mar 2023
npm ci
npm run dev

Current behavior

an error is observer

Expected/desired behavior

the site runs without errors


use the following import
import '@progress/kendo-ui/esm/kendo.all.js'


  • Kendo UI version: 202x.r.ddd
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X.X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ]
Last Updated: 01 Mar 2023 15:36 by Lorenz
Created by: Lorenz
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Exporting to excel cells with empty values and zeros is not correct

Reproduction of the problem

A Problem is that if there is an item with the real value "0" in the data source, the item would also be exported with an empty string.

We have use cases where the value "0" has a different meaning than an empty value.

Current behavior

no difference between the empty value and the 0

Expected/desired behavior

there should be a difference between the empty value and the 0

ticket: 1598649

Need More Info
Last Updated: 08 Mar 2023 11:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Sudip
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request

Diagram shapes get converted into SVG elements such as Path, Text, Image, or group (g) tags. These tags support the primary HTML event handlers (such as on click) and other attributes. It becomes essential to add a hiddle sibling with identification to work around this limitation.

var fooText = new KD.TextBlock({ x: fooX, y: fooY, text: textFromDb, id: uniqueIdBasedOnDataFromDb, // This ID (or another property "domId") should become the Id in the HTML onclick: someMethod,
customAttributeA: valueAFromDb,
customAttributeB: valueBFromDb}); barGroup.append(fooText);

Last Updated: 07 Mar 2023 11:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Steven
Comments: 0
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request

We have clients who use locked cells in excel sheets they import/open with the spreadsheet widget. They use these in evaluations of their staff and have staff input values and run calculations in locked cells that they do not want their staff modifying. It would be super helpful if this feature was able to be supported in the spreadsheet widget.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 26 Feb 2023 05:23 by Dion
Created by: Dion
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Feature Request
Implement logic that handles Anti-CRSF tokens in kendo.all.min.js, in order to avoid triggering security alerts when testing for security compliance (e.g., with OWASP ZAP).
Last Updated: 17 Mar 2023 14:15 by ADMIN

Hi Support,
I have some issues with the copySelectionToClipboard Method for the Grid widget

In the first one, the copy function of the table seems to have a problem with locked columns. In the dojo of the first problem the table headers are displayed shifted.

Secondly, grouped table headers are not copied. To see in the second dojo.

Lastly, it should be mentioned that the definition for the copy method is not included in the kendo-ui npm packet

Problem 1:

Copy result in Excel:

Problem 2:

Copy result in Excel:


Best regards,


Last Updated: 28 Feb 2023 09:43 by ADMIN
Created by: eDAD
Comments: 1
Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
Type: Bug Report
Screen reader not announcing the placeholder text info when focus lands on "within days" split button.

     Test Environment:
     Browser: Edge Anaheim 107.0.1387.2 (Official build) dev (64-bit

     OS: OS version (OS Build 25203.1000)

     Screen reader: Narrator

     URL: WPG - Home

     Credentials: V- ID

     Screen Reader: Narrator


1. Open given URL - WPG - Results ( in Edge and turn on Narrator.

2. WPG Home page will open.

3. Navigate on “Dates" dropdown and activate it.

4. Now navigate to "within dates" split button and observe the issue.

Actual Result:
Screen reader does not announce the placeholder text info when focus lands on "within days" split button, Screen reader announce like "Within Days split button, minimum value 0, maximum value 0".

Expected Result:
Screen reader should announce the placeholder text info when focus lands on "within days" split button. Screen reader should announce like "Within Days split button Enter number of days ...".

User Impact:
Users who rely on screen readers will be impacted to identify the input and labels help assistive technology users determine what content should be placed in various input fields. Without this information, people will incorrectly enter data and have more difficulty completing the form and recovering from a mistake.  
    Last Updated: 22 Feb 2023 08:25 by ADMIN
    Created by: JORGE
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
    Type: Feature Request

    Is important to send email enable the user to insert hyperlinks to different parts of the same image, without cut the image and assign links to individual's parts, because this affect visualization.

    This example show example but is require that end user can do it in the user interface. 

    <img src="some-image.jpg" usemap="#image_map">
    <map name="image_map">
      <area alt="Google" title="Google" href="" coords="142,1131,493,1239" shape="rect">
      <area alt="Microsoft" title="Microsoft" href="" coords="608,1133,957,1239" shape="rect">

    Pending Review
    Last Updated: 15 Feb 2023 07:52 by Michael D
    Created by: Michael D
    Comments: 1
    Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
    Type: Bug Report

    The Kendo UI ListView widget supports setting the selected items via the select method. Up to version 2022.2.802, calling select() triggered a change event. This is no longer the case.

    You can see the different behaviors in these two DOJOS: 2022.2.802 vs 2023.1.117 (the item gets selected after a second to make sure the dataSource has finished loading).

    Last Updated: 20 Feb 2023 07:01 by ADMIN
    Created by: Joe
    Comments: 1
    Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
    Type: Feature Request

    The ability to have finer control over the zoom level would be useful, i.e. with each click of the zoom in / out button the ability to zoom slightly less. The levels currently available zoom too far with each step, so when plotting many points on the map I'm unable to auto zoom in as far as I'd like (while keeping all markers in the visible area), because the next zoom level in cannot fit all of the markers into the viewable map area.

    Last Updated: 13 Feb 2023 12:15 by Paweł Korczak

    Currently, the element from which a widget is initialized is wrapped in an additional parent element in some cases ("Editors" widgets for example). I would like to have the possibility to add an id to the parent as this way styling the widget will be much easier. 

    For example, with the current implementation of the TextArea I need to use specific CSS selectors to style the component (Dojo). It will be much easier if there is an option to add an id to the wrapping parent.

    Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023 09:59 by ADMIN

    Describe the bug
    Kendo ComboBox and DropDownList controls are conflicting with kendo PanelBar.
    If ComboBox or DropDownList control is included inside a kendo PanelBar, the the dropdown elements of both controls are detached from the combobox or dropdownlist inputs respectively.

    To reproduce
    In order to reproduce the behaviour:

    1. Create a kendo PanelBar with one item
    2. In the previously created panel's bar item create a list
    3. Add input value in one of the list items
    4. Add ComboBox or DropDownList kendo control to the input
    5. Both controls will have detached the dropdown elements
    6. You can run the piece of code in dojo to reproduce the issue (

    Expected behavior
    ComboBox or DropDownList controls should work correctly and the dropdown elements of controls should not be detached.

    Last Updated: 30 Jan 2023 12:53 by ADMIN

    Require an Editor method to provide the cursor position as an integer representing the offset of the current cursor position from the start of the document with respect to the text displayed in the editor.

    For example consider an editor displaying 'This is text content'. The underlying html will be <p><span>This is text content</span></p>. When cursor is placed after 'text', I would like to obtain the cursor position as 12 i.e. the offset based on the text displayed irrespective of the underlying html.

    Last Updated: 17 Jan 2023 07:01 by ADMIN

    Currently it is not possible to provide a selected date format template when the scheduler is shown in mobile "phone" mode.

    It would be nice if this is configurable in the view:
       views: [
                        type: "day", minorTickCount: MinorTickCount,
                        selectedDateFormat: "{0:D}",
                        selectedDateFormatMobile: "{0:D}", 
                        dateHeaderTemplate: kendo.template("<strong>#=kendo.toString(date, 'ddd d-M')#</strong>")


    Last Updated: 13 Feb 2023 08:25 by ADMIN
    Release R1.2023-Increment.3(18.Jan.2023)

    Bug report

    When a Kendo widget is initialized in a navigatable Drawer and the user clicks in the intiialized component an error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'attr') is thrown

    Reproduction of the problem

    1. Open the Dojo example -
    2. Click in the MultiSelect and observe the console

    Current behavior

    An error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'attr') is thrown

    Expected/desired behavior

    No error should be trhown even if the 'drawer-item' attribute is missing

    The issue is a regression introduced with 2021 R1 - 2021.1.119 version


    • Kendo UI version: 2022.3.1109
    • Browser: [all]
    Last Updated: 03 Jan 2023 16:48 by AP
    Created by: AP
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
    Type: Feature Request

    Hi Team,

    The pre-2022 versions allowed sizing via parent divs, which was a very flexible solution. The newer versions seem much worse in this regard. Also, if it's going to require altering the internal styles, these need to be fully documented, which I don't believe they are.

    Also, updated components only have three available sizes, which don't go small enough.  It would be nice to either have more sizes or documentation to customize my own style.

    Will future updates be addressing these shortcomings?

    This is very much critical to our continued use of the framework, as I create a lot of data-heavy pages which need to be fitted onto the screen.

    Thank you!

    Won't Fix
    Last Updated: 16 Dec 2022 12:55 by ADMIN
    Created by: John
    Comments: 1
    Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
    Type: Bug Report

    Apparently the dark theme we are using adds the glass.png to tabs.  Great.  Looks good.  However it also seems to be applying to the area inside the tab as well.
    It's a little hard to see on most of our popups with tabs but it's visible through gaps in the controls.  I have removed the top layer in this image so you can see it.  Underneath is the html for one of the pages affected so you can see we aren't setting them up incorrectly.  This is the kendo black theme.

    @using DispatchCrude.Models;
    @model OriginEditModel
    @* NOTE: This script section must be at the top of the page for the pop-up to function properly. It cannot be moved to the bottom of the page. *@
        @Html.HiddenFor(x => x.ID)
        <ul class="gridErrors NullValidator"></ul>
            .Items(tabstrip =>
                    <div class="popup-editor-container">
                        <div class="popup-editor-column-sm">
                            <div class="popup-editor-label">
                                @Html.LabelFor(model => model.TimeZoneID).IsRequired()
                            <div class="popup-editor-field">
                                @Html.EditorFor(model => model.TimeZoneID, new { htmlAttributes = new { style = "width:120px; height:30px;" } })
                        <div class="popup-editor-column-sm">
                            <div class="popup-editor-label">
                                @Html.LabelFor(model => model.RegionID).IsRequired()
                            <div class="popup-editor-field">
                                @Html.EditorFor(model => model.RegionID)
                                function filterDestination() {
                                    var dataItem = getGridEditRowModel();
                                    let shipperIds = (dataItem.Products != null) ? => x.ID).join(',') : -1;
                                    let productIds = (dataItem.Shippers != null) ? => x.ID).join(',') : -1;
                                    return {
                                        "regionid": dataItem.RegionID || -1,
                                        "terminalid": dataItem.TerminalID || -1,
                                        "productids": (shipperIds != '') ? shipperIds : '-1',
                                        "shipperids": (productIds != '') ? productIds : '-1'
                            <div class="popup-editor-field">
                                @Html.EditorFor(model => model.PreferredDestinationID, new { table = "GetPreferredDestinations", controller = "origins", filter = "filterDestination()" })
                tabstrip.Add().Text("Oil Field").Content(@<text>
                    <div class="popup-editor-container">
                        <div class="popup-editor-column-sm">
                            <div class="popup-editor-label">
                                @Html.LabelFor(model => model.LeaseName).IsRequired()
                            <div class="popup-editor-field">
                                @Html.EditorFor(model => model.LeaseName)
                            <div class="popup-editor-label">
                                @Html.LabelFor(model => model.LegalDescription)
                            <div class="popup-editor-field">
                                @Html.EditorFor(model => model.LegalDescription)
                        <div class="popup-editor-column-lg">
                            <div class="popup-editor-label">
                                @Html.LabelFor(model => model.GeoFenceRadiusMeters)
                            <div class="popup-editor-field">
                                @Html.EditorFor(model => model.GeoFenceRadiusMeters, new { htmlAttributes = new { style = "" } })
        $("#RegionID,#TerminalID").on("change", function () { refreshDestinations(); });

    Last Updated: 06 Dec 2022 08:38 by Igor Mendizabal
    Created by: Igor Mendizabal
    Comments: 0
    Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
    Type: Bug Report

    Bug report

    When a decimal number has 8 digits after the decimal separator and '#' is used for formatting the precision is lost and the number is rounded.

    Reproduction of the problem

    1. Open the Dojo example and check the result in the console

    Current behavior

    kendo.toString(0.00000015,"###.########" returns 0.0000002

    Expected/desired behavior

    The number should not be rounded and the precision should not be lost. The results should be the same with kendo.toString(0.00000015,"n8") and kendo.toString(0.00000015,"0.00000000")


    • Kendo UI version: 2022.3.1109
    • Browser: [all ]
    Last Updated: 01 Dec 2022 11:09 by ADMIN

    Bug report

    Reproduction of the problem

    • Navigate to the Get the Licensing File section.
    • Login with an existing account.
    • Click on the kendo-ui-license.js button.

    Current behavior

    Clicking on the kendo-ui-license.js button attempts to download multiple files of the same type:


    Expected/desired behavior

    Clicking on the kendo-ui-license.js button should not attempt to download multiple files of the same type at once


    • Kendo UI version: 2022.3.1109
    • Browser: [all]
    Last Updated: 07 Dec 2022 06:31 by ADMIN
    Created by: Paul
    Comments: 1
    Category: Kendo UI for jQuery
    Type: Feature Request

    The scheduler is either editable or not. And deletion events are either allowed or not. This isn't a black and white thing. Consider employees at a store. They can see each other's events for scheduling but they are only allowed to modify their own events. So I want editing and deleting enabled but conditionally.

    In my case I hook into the databound event and I add a class "nodelete" on events that cannot be deleted. Then I have CSS that hides the "X" button on hover and I block the edit window from appearing.

    However, the keyboard still prompts for a deletion. I think there should be some function for whether an event is editable. That, or an event should fire before the deletion prompt so I can stop it from occurring.

    Here's a hacky work around. I don't like accessing properties starting with underbar as they are considered private and subject to change but I don't see a better way.