The kendo.drawing.TooltipOptions do not provide a show { duration: [time]} option that will allow showing the tooltip for a certain duration of time, after which the tooltip will disappear automatically. Can this be added?
Work like à tree view, but display as an organisation chart to see a company hierachy
Since aggregation causes data to change when using a date axis (new minimums and maximums), provide a way to retrieve the new minimums and maximums for each series plotted on a graph.
Data aggregation is not always desired with date data. Scatter plots do not work well with dates. I want to map every point of data I have without having them aggregated in different BaseUnitSteps. I'd like an option to turn off data aggregation for date series.
Spreadsheet does not have a configuration option for maintaining the scroll position per sheet when scrolling horizontally. Currently spreadsheet maintains the common scrolling position whenever we move different sheets.
It would be nice if you could add a Legend to gauge control with multiple pointers, so it can be easier for users to determine which pointer stands for what. Something like the Legend control on RadHtlmChart, that allows for series to be toggled, except in this case it's the pointers that will need to be toggled.
Add a new control to edit filters/queries like in Visual Studio online (see "How to: Design a Query by Using the Query Designer",
The idea is that we have dispatchers (classes that fire events) and listeners (classes that listen for events).
It would be great if I could resize a widget to span multiple columns in the kendo sortable panel demo.
I tried to answer a forum question having worked on the issue several hours, wanted to help others with the kendo ui invocation. Realized that to post I have to buy a product. Why ...
Currently there does not seem to be a way to get a reference to all kendo controls within a specified element or otherwise and perform generic operations on them. I would propose you be able to call a JQuery method and do such things as the following: $(.kendoControlClass').each(function () { $(this).getKendoControl.enable(); }); or call methods on specific type of controls $(.kendoControlClass-selectable').each(function () { $(this).getKendoControl.clearSelection(); });
All controls which work with Models (validation/grid etc) should recognize displayName instead of field name to allow localization. Model.define({ fields: { Description: { type: "string", displayName: "Beschreibung", validation: { required: true, maxlength: 200 } }, Number: { type: "number", validation: { min: 0, max: 300 } } } });
The fixed group header in the Multiselect Box is an awesome feature. But in some cases it is more confusing than helpfull. In those cases it should be possible the use grouping without the Fixed Group Header. At the time of writing (2017 Q1) this is only possible with a workaround. It would be awesome if this behaviour could be possible without the databound function. Example of the 'problem' and the workaround:
Is Multiple File upload possible in imagebrowser ? I would like to integrate upload (progressbar) with imagebrowser ?
I would like to see a startup seed that would work for the following requirements: visual studio 2015 Microsoft.NETCore Angular 2 Webpack Kendo
Kendo map wraparound feature for geojson type The wraparound feature in Kendo map doesnt work for GeoJso type, can we have this feature added.
adding / inserting form elements such as input, select (dropdown) through Kendo UI editor widgets
Dropdown with Multiselect ability and no linebreaks when too many Items are selected just a simple ellipsis at the end. like this:!AmJX2ntYnv7IjbB0bGq-wscoFknbRA
how can we add minor grid lines between majorgridlines ??
Using kendo UI file upload feature, currently we can upload or remove the files. I wanted to view the uploaded file (and download the uploaded file)