tabstrip in mobile device easy to use for client if tab is scroll on touch instead of arrow button of left and right
It'll be good to have such event for adding custom behavior to some of the child components.
It would help the user experience of entering times if the time picker had a styling option that would display a clock style interface where users can select the hour and then minutes. This is similar to how time pickers work on mobile apps.
I'd like to have the ability for icons to be displayed in Internet Explorer even when web font downloads are disabled. It seems the best way to support this scenario is to use inline SVG in order to support changing the icon colors. See Thank you.
It seems wrong title 'Filter Grid as You Type' in the help document : I thank it should be 'Filter Grid as Your Type'.
I've found it frustrating to have to search for the definitions of types to find out if they should be instantiated as classes or interfaces. Coming from C#, the convention there is that interfaces are named with and "I" as the first character. So, IThing is immediately identifiable as an interface whereas Thing is obviously a class. I do understand that this would break a lot of current code.
Currently the Kendo AutoComplete only gives you the selected value, even though it received from the server a more detailed dataset. The autocomplete really should be expanded to exposing the selected text and value, as well as expose the original data item that was selected; that way, the developer can access a lot more data from the control within the context of the change event.
Currently PivotGrid does not support RTL, please add this feature .
I keep paying for the kendo subscription and I keep seeing more platform support. That’s good for you to gain market share, but I’m not seeing anything substantially new. ASP.NET has way more features, how about migrating some of those items to Kendo UI?
The TreeMap widget does not correctly handle items with null values. See this sample code: It's possible to filter the DataSource to not have items with null values, but it would be much better if the TreeMap widget would simply ignore items with null or undefined values.
Please support partial formatting of the output Excel cells
In Desktop and Mobile version, Kendo Scheduler is displaying Date and Time based on TimeZone of Client's Browser. We are binding the Data in Kendo Scheduler and the UI will be rendered based on the TimeZone of client's Browser. Upon further investigation I found out the property 'timezone' which needs to set to neglect client's Browser Timezone. The 'timezone' property is taking values of IANA Timezone and which is referred internally to kendo.timezones.min.js. We need to implement the Timezone as Windows TimeZone.
i tried your demo example :"" its works as well on Firefox 56.0 but does not work on IE11 nor on EDGE as planified. the videos are concatened in the same web page instead to appear in the specidied frame. please correct and tell me the solution on my mail below.
Kendo not support in Chrome latest version. it get flickering Google Chrome is up to date Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I really want Kendo UI to be able to support inserting image header to the exported Excel @ "I am sorry; we can not be the go low. My best offer is the £ xx" In the face of is. It is please do not be surprised if are in the middle of your offer - so, he will give you £ 1200, you will challenge it at £ 900; he refuted this in a £ 1050. It is a 50/50 - it is still expensive in your eyes (he get cash from you), you get a discount (£ 150!).
Currently Kendo only supports TrueType fonts for embedding in PDF files. OpenType support would be great since it's a more modern format overall, and there are many fonts that are only available as OpenType (for example Google's Noto fonts).