In a filter input field I had one blur event to fix a entered date string. It wasn't called if the users hit "Enter" instead of cliking the Filter button or hitting TAB which would cause a blur event. T. Tsonev asked me to post this to "UserVoice portal": Maybe an event that is triggered before attempting to read the value from the input. This will consolidate both handlers in your case. Below are the two handlers to fix an input field if a blur or Enter key is done/hit: --- If an input field is changed and the user does a blur (TAB or clicks filter button) after entering a date or hits the enter key without doing a blur. the FixDate function is called and input field is changed before the filter popup is submitted and the Filter works if a date like this is entered: 11/9/2004 0:0 FixDate canges to: 11/9/2004 12:00 AM. Below is the code I changed: See the sections with "Fix " comments. Maybe they need a on "blurOrEnter" event so you don’t need to make two tests? (((, or an event that is triggered before attempting to read the value from the input))) ... // Fix - Modified to call a FixDate function. // Test for a blur (ie: click or tab to another widget and leave the input field) // NOTE: blur doesn't happen when the enter key is hit $("[data-role=datetimepicker]").on("blur", function() { var element = $(this); FixDate(element); }); // Fix - Modified to handle the "Enter" key // and call the FixDate function // to modify the input field from "11/9/2004 0:0" to 11/9/2004 12:00 AM" // before the form is submitted. // This makes the filter work when the enter key is hit // which doesn't cause a blur to happen. $("[data-role=datetimepicker]").on("keydown", function(e) { // Test for Enter key if (e.keyCode == 13) { var element = $(this); FixDate(element); } }); } }); // Change the date in the filter input field by using // Datej Date.parse. // This will change strings like: "0:0" // To: "1/29/2015 12:00 AM" // and allow the filter to work function FixDate(element) { // Get element for datetimepicker //var element = $(this); // Get widget for datetimepicker var widget ="kendoDateTimePicker"); // See if element has changed if (element.val()) { // Set Text of widget to a Datejs string date from the elements text // IE: 11/9/2004 0.0 will be 11/9/2004 12:00 AM widget.value(Date.parse(element.val())); // Fix by T. Tsonev 01/26/2015 // make a change happend so new text is used. // ie: Use "11/9/2004 12:00 AM" instead of "11/9/2004 0:0" widget.trigger("change"); } } ... ---
It would be good if the datetimepicker would allow starting weeks from Monday. This is the standard in certain areas.
Mobi scroll already provides this kind of selection ( but mobiscroll does not offer the full support of a schedule that kendo UI does. But oh how sweet it would be if Kendo also provided support for scrolling. As far as UX/UI is concerned picking a date and time via slot machine scrolling style is much easier to do on a mobile device. Thanks!
I get people complaining at the length of lists for timepicker inputs, especially if using small minute intervals. How about an alternative input mode that allows for faster and simpler input. This method is great - visual, intuitive and quick. Few others out there all with pros and cons
Add the feature to be able to walk through date, hour, and minute selection in a stepped fashion, similar to the functionality of this DatePicker: The gist is to first allow for day selection. Then, with the popup still open, give the user the ability to select the hour of the day, and finally the particular minute of that hour.
It would be great to allow custom configuration of Time drop down in DateTimePicker control. Since most occurrences in normal system will take place between normal business hours (7am - 6pm), it would make sense to have the time dropdown start at 7am and then go on from there so it would be: 7am 8am 9am .... 4pm 5pm 6pm ...... 12am 1am etc. This would improve user experience by putting the most commonly selected times first in the dropdown list and reduce the scrolling the user has to perform.
I'd like to be able to specify a custom date in the datepicker footer rather than "today". In financial end of day applications you often want to select the previous business day e.g. the "close date".
date picker should allow read only of text box
The datepicker does not validate the year when selecting a date and prepending the year with a number. However if you put any character after the year it is stripped off. It would be understandable to allow dates that are longer than 4 digits but the picker only goes to 2099. This causes the date to be returned as null.
Please take a look at It would be nice to have similar option in DatePicker - to choose range of days.
Globalized applications use the DateTimeOffset type instead of DateTime since it includes the offset from UTC for different time zones. If DateTimePicker could bind to this type it would simplify UI development. It would have to have the offset or timezone value provided as either a property or as a second binding.
Need a feature to restrict the days to be displayed in the Kendo UI datetime pickers control. For example . I want to only display say dates than falls only on Thursday and Sunday where users can select on that dates and the other dates to be disabled or invincible. I want to have a flexibility to change it to other days as well.
DatePicker should let developer decide if the chosen day of the month should be persisted from month-to-month. By default the DatePicker remembers the day of the month the user has selected, and that day gets styled differently even when the user navigates away to a different month: the user selects January 12th and then navigates to August, and the 12th day of August is styled differently too. But there are many use cases for a DatePicker where it is not appropriate behavior to remember the previously selected day of the month when the user navigates to a different month. Remembering the day can actually make things confusing for the user in applications where this behavior is not the right behavior.
Add the option to be able to highlight today's date in calendar and date pickers.
Sometimes it's useful to limit users to only selecting a certain day of the week. This is possible with jQuery UI but not, AFAIK with Kendo.
Many calendars have the ability to show a column of ISO week numbers alongside the dates (either to the right or the left). Although it's not a show stopper I have such a requirement in my current project. While other controls offer this there are none I know of which permit custom calculation of the week number - another requirement for this project.
It would be great if we can have the option to have a multi-month view calendar. Like the one in the ajax suite.
Would like Timepicker that works the same as your Windows Forms Timepicker, with a SpinEditor.
Add a multiple date selection to the Calendar. A multiple date selection calendar is very important for professional web applications in many situations. Also, there is a lack of events in the API. It is always important to provide more events then less. Here a few suggestions: Property year; /// Year displayed by control. Property month; /// Month (1 to 12) displayed by control. A method in the API to easily get the selected date(s). A method in the API to easily set the selected date(s). An option to indicate if we allow/disallow multi-selection. A callback event (and passing the data as an argument) when a date is selected/unselected to allow/disallow the selection/deselection (by returning a true/false). This would allow to easy show a warning message when some dates are selected/unselected. We may currently do part of it in the change event but adding events onbefore/onafter selection would be nice. Add the option to hide/show days from previous/next month. Add the option to enabled/disable click from previous/next month. The Year selection on the top should be a combo that allow keyboard input. You may check the Yahoo Calendar event & properties. It will provide a good examples (