Last Updated: 17 Apr 2020 11:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Erik
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
The pager navigation buttons shift position when going from page 10 to page 11 (see paging actual image), because the pager now has to accommodate for the dots at the left side. This is annoying when going through the pages. If the pager would already leave some space for the dots when on page 1 to 10 (see paging desired image), the buttons would be fixed, making the navigation better to use.
Last Updated: 15 Jul 2021 07:17 by ADMIN

Since the 2019 R1 release k-pager-sm (k-pager-lg, k-pager-md) classes are assigned dynamically based on the width of the page to make the component responsive (as I understood from

When grids are used on bootstrap tabs (both boostrap 3 and 4) the k-pager-sm class is added incorrectly, causing the pagers on tabs other than the first to be displayed only partially.

A JSFiddle to demonstrate this:

The pager on the 1st tab:

And on the 2nd and 3rd tab:


(we've solved it with a workaround by dynamically removing the k-pager-sm class again on dataBound, but this shouldn't be necessary)

Last Updated: 17 Mar 2020 10:07 by ADMIN

Starting from a Grid's "endless scrolling demo" on:

Edit grid configuration to set smaller page size. All items of the first page need to be visible on the screen plus some free space. A grid height needs to be set. See this DOJO:

The vertical scroll bar is disabled and there is no way to get/see next pages of data.

Interesting is that use of the horizontal scrollbar (if one is available) starts some background operation (looks as data page load) and then the vertical scrollbar is OK.

Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019 15:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
  • Create e.g. local data grid (id, name)
  • add 2 records => { id: 1, name: "null", id: 2, name: "Jack" }
  • Name column for id = 1 is empty

I have tested this on your example for local data grid. It can be applicable also for remote grid, treelist, etc.


Last Updated: 16 Nov 2021 15:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Pier-Luc
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Add support for flexible width to columns on a "weight" basis (like XAML grid).

Ps. I'm writting the example in MVC wrappers because I'm not familiar with the javascript initialization but I am posting this in Kendo UI Web category because it's a core feature and assume it would be implemented accordingly in every wrappers without having to specify them.

  .Columns(cols =>
    cols.Bound(o => o.FirstName).Width("*");
    cols.Bound(o => o.LastName).Width("2*");
    cols.Bound(o => o.Initials).Width("Auto");
    cols.Bound(o => o.JobTitle).Width("200"); // Or 200px

-Assuming the grid is 900 pixel wide and the longest Initials (including header?) is 100 pixel
-Ignoring the lost horizontal space in padding, margin, borders, scrollbars and anything else

This example would give the following result:
FirstName column: 200px
LastName column: 400px
Initials column: 100px
JobTitle column: 200px
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2019 13:31 by ADMIN
  1. Create a grid with two editable columns.
  2. Define validation rules for both columns. Keep one column as required.
  3. Edit the row. Set the required column value using model.set method.'

It fails because before setting the value it performs validation. If validation was successful then it will set the value on model.

Since the desired field has no value and validation rule will fail on that.


It should accept the value and then perform validation. If validation fails with new value then it might discard the changes.


$("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { batch: true, transport: { read: function(e){ e.success([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].map(function(i){return {id: i, title: "test" + i}})); } }, schema: { model: { id: "id", fields: { id: {defaultValue: "-1"}, title: { validation: { required: true } } } } } }, columns: [ {field: "title", title: "Title", filterable: {field: "title.a"}}, {command: ["edit", {name: "destroy"}]} ], editable: {mode: "inline"}, filterable: true, toolbar: [{name: "create"}] });


var grid = $("#grid").getKendoGrid();
var model = grid.dataItems()[0];
model.set('title', '');
model.set('title', 'test 1111'); // it will fail


Last Updated: 02 Aug 2019 09:53 by ADMIN


I am binding columns dynamcially in jquery without template column header spacing working file becuase i have added "[ ]" this symbol.

but when try to add anchor tag link with onclick method then i am getting issue.

i have attached file java script error please provide some solutions.


Last Updated: 27 Dec 2019 13:58 by ADMIN
Created by: Karl Mikesell
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

It would be nice if additional template variables where available, the only two: pageNum & totalPages are not enough.

Consider Time of Day & Filename at a minimum.


Last Updated: 07 Jan 2020 12:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Andreas
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


i have a grid with a lot of data for a better representation i show some related values with a template in the cell below each other. 
This solution is not optimal because I don't have the filter and sort function in the column header for every single field. 
Enclosed an example which illustrates my wish.
I would be happy if you implement this feature in a future release.

Last Updated: 04 Mar 2021 12:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Sushant
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


In my kendo grid , when i apply a filter to 2 columns, first i apply filter to numeric column which results in no value and then after that i applies the filter to a string column combined with numeric column which also results to no value, Nothing is displayed. But when i remove the value from textbox of numeric column and enter filter, no data being displayed as string column filter is there but in case i remove the value from textbox of string column and enter filter , numeric column filter also got removed.

I also checked the kendo functionality , but not getting any solution for this problem.

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