Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 15:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Danilene
Comments: 0
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
Create another series based on of 2 series in kendo chart.

when you have series A and B and want the series C would be series A / series B 
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 11:47 by ADMIN
For the following  use cases:

1.	Drag points on a line
a)	Line chart with three or more colored lines with points on them.  User can mouse over and see the value at that point.
b)	User clicks and drags a point on any of the colored lines
c)	The graph interactively shows the point moving and the line updating
d)	User releases the mouse button
e)	That line is now updated.  Mousing over the point will display the new value at that point on the line.

2.	Click and edit a point’s value
a)	Line chart with three or more colored lines with points on them.  User can mouse over and see the value at that point.
b)	User clicks on that point
c)	At the mouse point (or any other place we determine is best to put the widget), an input area appears
d)	User inputs a new value
e)	The line and point update with the new value.   Mousing over the point displays the new value

As per sales:

“These requirements are unfortunately not built in features of the Kendo Chart.
We don't offer any way for a user to "click and drags a point on any of the colored lines" nor a built-in approach to click and edit items on the chart.
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 09:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Hichem
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
Possibility to have half top, half bottom, half left, half right, quarter top left, quarter top right, quarter bottom left, quarter bottom right in additiont to circle and donut chart. Please add an option to be able to shape the Pie or Donut accordingly
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 11:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
This is different than multi-line labels which I know are supported.  Staggered labels would put the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc. label on a line below.  


         LABEL     LABEL     LABEL     LABEL  
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 16:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Daniel Eliades
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
We would like the ability to have the values of the data points on box plots to be displayed next to each plot.  For example it would be useful to know what the high, low, median values were by having the actual numerical values displayed next to the plots on the chart.  
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2020 08:11 by ADMIN
the dashed line in the chart is showing correctly in IE 10, but when exporting to a png image with the function exportImage, the dashed line becomes a solid line. I've been told that this can be solved with kind of polyfilling, you guys should really make this work, the reason is that this works in Chrome, for the sake of your product consistency, this feature should also work in IE.

if there is a possibility to fix an issue, I think we'd better make it.


Z. Wang
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 16:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Rob
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
One of the basic stock chart features for amcharts\yahoo\google charts is to recalculate a percent axis during comparisons.

The stockchart should be more of a widget that allows comparisons that automatically converts to percents during comparisons.

For example, in the amcharts you can add\remove stocks easily, and when there are two stocks to compare it automatically shifts to a percent axis. The chart itself does the calculations as they are very standard.

For us, this would also need to work in a virtual MVC scenario.

Currently, we have to do the calculations either on the client\server, insert\remove\hide\show price\percent axis and legend info etc....just to duplicate other charts that are built in with these features.
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2020 16:42 by ADMIN
Kendo Chart has setting min/max for the axis. However, when zooming and/or dragging/panning the chart, the min/max values are no longer in effect, therefore the chart ends up displaying values outside of this range. If min/max is used to specify the current axis values, then there should be another to specify the general boundaries/range of the axis.
Example: if you have a plot with XAxis min=1950 and max=2050, when zooming the XAxis and depending on the data it will eventually display 1948 and 2060; or, it will stop at 2030 even though I requested XAxis to go up to 2050.
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2022 07:27 by ADMIN

Bug report
ValueAxis.labels.template function invokes twice when Chart is bound to data source

Reproduction of the problem

Check the following Dojo:

Inspect the console

Expected/desired behavior
ValueAxis labels template function shall invoke just one time.

Corner case:

If ValueAxis.labels.font is specified template function is invoked correctly only once.

valueAxis: {
                labels: {
                  // With the font commented out, chart labels get resolved twice
                  font: '11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
                  template: shortLabels

**Kendo UI version: [all]
**jQuery version: [all]
**Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 01 Mar 2022 15:25 by ADMIN

We are using asp mvc, but the but it is completely reproduceable with only jquery as shown in the file attached.

When using a scatter chart with a date axis any zooming with the mouse wheel will crash most if not all browsers.

At the very least current versions of chrome (97.0.4692.99), firefox (96.0.1) and edge (97.0.1072.62).

Last Updated: 13 Jun 2022 11:49 by Sanjoy

The problem can be seen in the following Dojo: 

When the Donut Chart has a section with value = 0, the color of that point is displayed inside the donut.

Last Updated: 19 Jan 2023 12:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Andreas
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request the Bar/Column charts to be able to be configured with a Target Line similar to the bullet charts

Thank you!

Last Updated: 17 Jan 2023 14:27 by Kamil

The Kendo Chart supports the baseUnit: "fit" property that displays as many categories as possible. This is useful when there are thousands of data points across many years.

When the data is "fit", the last date may not be displayed(because of the aggregation). I want to have the ability to display the last data point and date(category) as standalone and not a part of the aggregate.

Last Updated: 19 Jun 2020 08:36 by ADMIN
Created by: MBEN
Comments: 0
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
I would like to add a request to set a background image on a chart series. I have a stacked bar chart and in one of the series I want to show stripes. I want to be able to set a background image or set a background using css as in the given example.
Last Updated: 04 Jun 2021 13:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Doug
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Feature Request
Hi, the attached screen shot was one from which I am migrating from that has mock data in it. Like many people we are trying to migrate from the cost and rigidity of into a custom solution, so there is a desire to do all that but in Telerik.
There are a few bits that Telerik cant do at the moment, such as colour above the target line.

It would be nice to have a how-to section on migration and development.



Last Updated: 28 Jun 2021 10:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Beto
Comments: 1
Category: Chart
Type: Bug Report


When creating a stacked bar chart in KendoUI 2020.3.915 I noticed the following rendering error:

In case one of the categories is much higher than the other, the x-axis will start at a value other than zero.
This behavior might be desired to zoom in on the exact values.

The issue here is that the steps on the x-axis might repeat multiple times for the same x-value.
(96%, 96%, 97%, 97%, 98%, 98%...)
This increases with a bigger difference between the chart values.

I created a example and it happens even in the latest version:





Last Updated: 09 Mar 2021 14:04 by Bridget
outliers: [0,0,0.5,6,7,11]

I.e. For the list of outliers above, I'd like to have all even outliers green and odd outliers red.

Green: 0, 0, 6

Red: 0.5, 7, 11

Last Updated: 26 May 2021 10:38 by ADMIN
Created by: yun
Comments: 3
Category: Chart
Type: Bug Report

When the data values ​​are all negative, if you create a line graph using kendo chart function, Autoscale on the Y axis is not applied properly. Please check if there is any possible solution.

The two attached figures are normally auto scaled, but the charts that combine the two graphs are not auotoscale normal.






issue chart

Last Updated: 16 Apr 2020 11:08 by ADMIN

Pie chart labels are not properly rendered when exported to image.

The issue can be reproduced here:

Last Updated: 09 Oct 2019 10:52 by ADMIN

Per version "@types/kendo-ui": "2019.3.0" , typings chart label margins and padding (ChartLegendMargin, ChartLegendPadding, ChartLegendLabelsMargin, ChartCategoryAxisItemTitleMargin,... ) don't accept number values, only a dictionary with top, bottom, left and right.

Numbers are correct values for these properties, as shown on