Last Updated: 17 Apr 2020 07:40 by ADMIN
Created by: ColinBlakey
Comments: 0
Category: FileManager
Type: Feature Request
When you are looking at a folder structure in file manager. Typing a Filename and only searching at the current folder seems contradictory to normal search behavior which traverses both the current folder and sub folders to find that name. Can we add a search methods that calls the API to search.
Last Updated: 02 Feb 2021 06:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Stéphane
Comments: 0
Category: FileManager
Type: Feature Request
Please expose an autoBind configuration option for the Filemanager, similar to the other dataSource bound components, so it is possible to control whether to bind the widget to the data source on initialization or not.
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2023 12:44 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP1
Created by: Stig
Comments: 1
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report

I'm trying to use the delete context method, but when selecting multiple folders and deleting them it sends the same delete request multiple times. The more folders (no subfolders) I try to delete the more requests it sends.


My theory is that the datasource somehow doesn't register it has been deleted, so it tries to automatically sync the datasource by sending it again. Note that I'm using a virutal filesystem, but I'm returning the same object as in this sample


Also note that I'm using a mix of MVC and Jquery so I have a custom scheme as recommended in some of my previous tickets.


This is scheme:

$.extend(true, kendo.data, { schemas: { "filemanager": { data: function (data) { return data.Items || data || []; }, model: { id: "path", hasChildren: "hasDirectories", fields: { entryId: { field: "EntryId", editable: false, type: "Number" }, folderId: { field: "FolderId", editable: false, type: "Number" }, name: { field: "Name", editable: true, type: "String", defaultValue: "New Folder" }, size: { field: "Size", editable: false, type: "Number" }, path: { field: "Path", editable: false, type: "String" }, extension: { field: "Extension", editable: false, type: "String" }, isDirectory: { field: "IsDirectory", editable: false, defaultValue: true, type: "Boolean" }, hasDirectories: { field: "HasDirectories", editable: false, defaultValue: false, type: "Boolean" }, created: { field: "Created", type: "Date", editable: false }, createdUtc: { field: "CreatedUtc", type: "Date", editable: false }, modified: { field: "Modified", type: "Date", editable: false }, modifiedUtc: { field: "ModifiedUtc", type: "Date", editable: false } } } } } });

            dataSource: {
                transport: {
                    read: {
                        type: "post",
                        url: "/FileManager/Read",
                        data: function() {
                            return getFileMetaData()
                    update: {
                        type: "post",
                        url: "/FileManager/Rename",
                    create: {
                        type: "post",
                        url: "/FileManager/Create",
                        data: function () {
                            return getFileMetaData()
                    destroy: {
                        type: "post",
                        url: "/FileManager/DeleteEntry"
            contextMenu: {
                items: [
                    { name: "rename" },
                    { name: "delete" }


And lastly my C# controller method which deletes the folder and returns the same object as in the above mentioned sample:

        public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteEntry(FileManagerEntry deleteDto)
            await _fileManagerService.DeleteEntry(deleteDto);

            return Json(new object[0], JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


You can also see in this screencast that it sends the delete request multiple times for the same entry:



Last Updated: 28 Feb 2020 08:42 by ADMIN

According to https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/data-management/filemanager/context-menu:

You can define your custom items which can execute custom commands

However, no option allows me to configure my own commands.

I managed to hack this: https://dojo.telerik.com/@GaloisGirl/iLoHIhoh , but it's an ugly solution.

Last Updated: 12 Mar 2020 06:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Extreg
Comments: 3
Category: FileManager
Type: Feature Request


We are trying to make the FileManager compatible with mobile.
Could there be extra configuration so it hides certain properties of widgets?

An example if mobile:

- Hide the text in the Toolbar
- Hide the TreeView
- Optional hide the search bar and details options

Or are there other possibilities on the roadmap?

Kind regards,


Last Updated: 08 May 2020 15:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Dorothy
Comments: 0
Category: FileManager
Type: Feature Request

I'd like to request the ability to hide and display certain files.  For example, hide all pdfs, but show docx files.


Last Updated: 11 Aug 2020 07:26 by Fabrizio
Created by: Fabrizio
Comments: 0
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Reproducible in the demos: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/filemanager/index
  2. Type in "Doc" in the FileManager's search input
  3. Double-click the Documents folder
  4. Clear the search input
  5. Click the Home icon in breadcrumb

Current behavior

The FileManager shows only the Documents folder

Expected/desired behavior

The FileManager shows all folders on root level (Documents and Images)


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.2.617
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 30 Oct 2020 10:49 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP.next

Bug report

With LESS bootstrap theme, the scrollbar does not appear in the ListView if there are too many files.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo - https://dojo.telerik.com/@martin.tabakov@progress.com/eyuYetOh/6
  2. Upload some files to fill the ListView.

Current behavior

The scrollbar does not appear when there are too many items in the ListView.

Expected/desired behavior

A scrollbar should appear


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.3.1021
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 16 May 2024 15:10 by Peter
Created by: Peter
Comments: 0
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

When using the trackpad for a laptop, the tap event does not fire when selecting files in the Kendo UI FileManager.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Go to our Events Live demo
  2. Using a laptop's trackpad, try to select a file.

Current behavior

The tap event will not fire the Select event.

Expected/desired behavior

The tap event should fire the Select event.


This event does fire for a physical mouse click, and with the touch event on a mobile device.


Last Updated: 11 Feb 2020 12:41 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R1.SP.next
Created by: Anna
Comments: 1
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report
  1. Run sample at https://dojo.telerik.com/@GaloisGirl/OJUPoYOY
  2. Click "refresh"
  3. Result
    1. Actual behavior: after clicking "refresh", the new name of the folder appears only in the right pane
    2. Expected behavior: both panes should be updated
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2020 13:23 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP.next

Context: my communication with the back-end is wrapped in a library, that handles the xhr requests and if needed, throws a custom exception. My transport is therefore made of functions. The sample below simulates getting an error from that library.

Demo: https://dojo.telerik.com/@GaloisGirl/ayEpOKOQ/2

Actual result:

  1. The confirm dialog stays open.
  2. The listView is displayed as loading.


Last Updated: 29 Nov 2022 16:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Anna
Comments: 2
Category: FileManager
Type: Bug Report

This one is a bit complex:

  1. Run sample at https://dojo.telerik.com/@GaloisGirl/IPAMIHik
  2. Enter folder "Documents"
  3. Delete "ExcelDocument.xslx" - the operation should fail and the file will come back.
  4. Delete "Text.txt" - no request is sent, the file does not come back

Any "delete" operation can be replaced by a "rename" operation, and the result is the same.

The problem does not happen at root level. I don't know if it's because it's the root levels, or because the elements are directories.

Last Updated: 06 Jul 2023 15:14 by ADMIN
Release R3.2023-Increment.1(19.July.2023)

Bug report

If you try to specify an icon through the ContextMenu items in the FileManager, no icon is rendered.

Regression introduced with 2023.1.117

Workaround: https://dojo.telerik.com/oFuGacAT/14

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/oFuGacAT/12
  2. Right-click on an item in the FileManager to open the ContextMenu

Current behavior

No icons are shown in the ContextMenu

Expected/desired behavior

The specified icons should be visible


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.2.606
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2020 09:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Extreg
Comments: 1
Category: FileManager
Type: Feature Request



In the filemanager we can use the icon property in the toolbar.

toolbar.items.icon String

Sets icon for the item. The icon should be one of the existing in the Kendo UI theme sprite.


Is it possible to implement this also for the context menu now it uses next property.

contextMenu.items.spriteCssClass String

Specifies the spriteCssClass of the item.


It's easier to make use of the icon class then the spriteCssClass.
Is this a possible feature?

Kind regards,


Last Updated: 21 Apr 2023 07:55 by ADMIN

For the future it would be nice if a separate "move" endpoint was optionally available since many of us tend to use virtual filesystem layouts instead of real filsystems.

That said, I used the advice here to setup my own custom handling for file moves:

FileManager - Detect move vs copy in UI for ASP.NET MVC | Telerik Forums

If I preventDefault, I can only do 1-2 moves before I am then unable to navigate the folders anymore through either column. If I allow it to propogate and fire off the create and destroy request (my serverside functions ignore these as invalid), the navigation continues to work.

Can you suggest what events I can maybe fire manually to trigger success without making the create and destroy request, or suggest another way to fix this issue?

My move handler:

function onexecute(e) {
        if (e.command == "MoveCommand") {

            var d = {
                'items' : e.options.items,
                'targetfolder' : e.options.target

            $.post('/Data/Gallery_move?aid=@Model.Asset.ID', d)/*, function(data){

Last Updated: 18 Nov 2022 13:52 by ADMIN

Moving files MORE than one level upwards in a folder hierarchy is bugged.

If you have a nested folder hierarchy like this:




1. moving a file from folder1 to folder2 works.

2. moving a file from folder2 to folder1 works.

3. moving a file from folder1 to folder3 works.

4. moving a file from folder3 to folder1 is BUGGED.

I have the issue in my code, but I also tested it in your demo site and it has the same problem.


I have uploaded a screen dump of the error output from Chrome.

It is in or after the DataBinding event (Comming from Create action), the the error occurs, thus causing the Delete action and refresh of the UI to never occur.

The bug occurs in both Chrome and IE Edge.

Please fix the bug.

Last Updated: 06 Jan 2023 15:37 by ADMIN
Release R1.2023-Increment.3(18.Jan.2023)

There is no padding between semicolon and the data "Type:Folder" wouldn't be better "Type: folder" with a space in between?

Last Updated: 04 Nov 2020 14:51 by ADMIN
Release 2020.R3.SP.next

Bug report

When the FileManager is initialized with a local data source the Context Menu is not displayed.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo
  2. Right-click on a folder of a file

Current behavior

The context menu is not displayed. The Context menu is not expected to be displayed for the built-in rename and delete commands, but a context menu is not displayed when custom commands are implemented.

Expected/desired behavior

A context menu should be displayed when local data source is used.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.1.406
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 20 May 2020 12:28 by ADMIN
Created by: ColinBlakey
Comments: 1
Category: FileManager
Type: Feature Request
The search field is more like a real time filter in that you can start typing a filename and it limits the files to those starting with the specific characters. But it fails in search if I start with something like *.csv i.e. find all csv files or if I have files like Text.V1.csv as soon as a get to the first period it fails.  So it's not really a search. CAn this be changed to handle wildcards, periods, etc.
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2024 08:14 by ADMIN

Bug report

Paging in FileManager's List view does not work as expected. Paging in Grid View behaves as expected.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example - https://dojo.telerik.com/@martin.tabakov@progress.com/Aqoxecud/6
  2. Open the Images folder

Current behavior

Only one page is displayed in the pager

Expected/desired behavior

The pager should be updated to show the correct number of pages.


  • Kendo UI version: 2022.1.119
  • Browser: [all]
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