Show/Hide Column & Row Header
Currently only the global culture is used to parse dates. This behavior differs from Excel as I can enter 1/1/19 to parse to 1/1/2019. I would like the widget to format using the chosen date culture (mm/dd/yyyy), but parse in an optional way, such as mm/dd/yy.
In percent-formatted cells, Excel will place a '%' as the user types. This allows 50% to be entered as '50'. Steps (excel and kendo): 1. Format a cell as percent 2. Enter 50 Excel shows "50.00%". The actual value is .5 Kendo widget shows "5000.00%". The actual value is 50
add a double line border single or multiple cell.
Allow additional control over what a user can undo/redo, or a clearer way to control the undo/redo stack. Right now, users cannot undo more complex custom logic - i.e. a user deletes the content of a single cell which triggers code for us to clear the content of every cell in that row. When a user then attempts a single undo via keyboard shortcut, it cannot undo this more complex chain of events.
Need a default cell format, in addition to rowHeight and columnWidth including: - font size, - font-family, - font weight - (see other toolbar options) Default cell format would set the default values for all cells and toolbar options.
In Kendo UI spreadsheet when wrap cell text it currently split text in middle of word. Change so that splits on white space
Ability to dynamically bound the DropDown editor to an array of objects
like this:
Can we have a facility to copy a cell and paste it to a selection. (i.e paste to multiple cells)
On excel, you can filter merged rows. On the kendo spreadsheet widget, filtering on merged rows is not possible. It would be a very useful feature for us. Also worth noting is that if you convert an excel file to JSON using Telerik RadSpreadProcessing, and load the kendo widget with the JSON, the widget displays a filter icon but clicking it loads a non-functioning filter. Wouldn't it make more sense to load with a message along the lines of 'You loaded a spreadsheet with filters applied to merged rows, which is not supported in this widget'. Otherwise it's quite confusing to our users.
Be able to edit an spreadsheet by several users at the same time, reflecting the changes from one user to the others and viceversa.
I would like to be able to do conditional formatting against other columns and not just the existing conditional formatting. For example: Column 1 = 1.2 Column 2 = 1.5 If the value of Column 2 is greater than the value of Column 1, I want the color to be green. If the value of Column 2 is less than the value of Column 1, I want the color to be red. If the value of Column 2 is equal to the value of Column 1, I want the color to be black.
We'd need support for checkboxes columns in the new Spreadsheet control.
Define by Settings or via API Calls custom context Menu for any Cell, like change current by Event BeforeContextMenu(ref ContextMenuElement)
Dear Kendo,
I made research about Kendo Spreadsheet control and I found some of unlogical things in example:
1. When I made changes (kendoSpreadsheetCancelChanges.png) in spreadsheet and click on CANCEL CHANGES button, all of these changes aren't removed.
2. Manually reading spreadsheet datasource, all of these changes aren't removed. For example, when I type in console
$("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet").options.sheets[0];, datasource is reading, but almost all changes are shown. Why?
Kind Regards,
The spreadsheet widget has no Polish localization.
Feel free to use those:
Ability to set a cell with font Strikethrough
For the time being the Spreadsheet parser is unable to read files which tags are not in the default namespace. Try to open the attached file in this demo project:
You won't be able to load the file. If you open the file in Excel, save the file ("Ctrl+S") and try to load it in the Spreadsheet again, there will be no issues with it. The difference in file's structure before and after being saved in Excel could be seen in the attached screenshot.
The code in red is the structure of the file before saving it and the one in green is after the "save" operation. The difference between the files is that the structure of the one saved in Excel inserts the tags in the default namespace while the original document uses the "x:" namespace.
It will be very useful if we can load files with defined namespaces in their structure.
Currently the spreadsheet dynamically creates the FilterMenu for a range, that is, it's not created until someone clicks the filter dropdown, and it's destroyed if they switched tabs. There is no event that is fired when these things happen, which makes it hard to attach to, and customize, the FilterMenu without setting up some crazy listening code (setTimeout, etc.). It would be great if either (or both: - You could specify a template for the filter menu. - You could listen for a "FilterMenu Initialized" event and capture the menu there and customize it.