Currently the API is very much limited to what is possible in the frontend in my opinion. It would be great if you could add events like: - A cell/range was selected - A cell was cut/pasted/copied - The context menu was initialized - A row/column was added - A row was added/deleted/hidden - A cell's content was modified ... ...
Set default Cell Types like Date(Time)Picker, Checkbox, SimpleCombo, Autocomplete or own Custom Editor (see other Feedback suggestion)
I know that Kendo Spreadsheet works like most popular Spreadsheets (Excel and Google Spreadsheet) where, if you copy or drag and paste values from cells, you will copy also the styles, validations, etc from that cell to the new one (unless you select "paste values only" in a context menu or ctrl + shift + v). It would be awesome if we can set how this works by configuring a property in the Spreadsheet configuration, something like pasteValuesOnly: false/true or even more complex with an object where you can choose if paste values, validations, formulas, styles or whatever. Also you could attach this functionalities to a context menu (as Google Spreadsheet does) and be able to paste everything, values only, format only, formulas or data validation.
It would be great if you could put images to cells using html. E.g.: <img src="..."> would result in an image in the cell.
For KendoUI Spreadsheet, it should have the ability to add images or logo into the spreadsheet. This feature is already available in Handsontable component.
Use case: My app doesn't know how many rows of data the excel spreadsheet will be prior to upload. I've defaulted to my maximum amount of 10,000 which will be normal for some, but overkill for others. The ability to change the number of rows/columns to accommodate the size of the sheet after loading, would be a nice addition. As a workaround, I'm destroying and reloading the widget instance after the initial load.
Define by Settings or via API Calls custom context Menu for any Cell, like change current by Event BeforeContextMenu(ref ContextMenuElement)
Hide or disable Icons, Panes / Functions in the Toolbar
On excel, you can filter merged rows. On the kendo spreadsheet widget, filtering on merged rows is not possible. It would be a very useful feature for us. Also worth noting is that if you convert an excel file to JSON using Telerik RadSpreadProcessing, and load the kendo widget with the JSON, the widget displays a filter icon but clicking it loads a non-functioning filter. Wouldn't it make more sense to load with a message along the lines of 'You loaded a spreadsheet with filters applied to merged rows, which is not supported in this widget'. Otherwise it's quite confusing to our users.
Enable Cut/Copy cell values and can Paste it in mutiple selected values
Dear Concerned,
1. Launch
2. Select Column B11, click wrap text from Home toolbar.
3. Start typing in B11 & see cell editor keeps growing and goes beyond screen.
4. This is not user friendly, it should be same as Excel
5. Any alternative or quick fix would be appreciable
Dear Concerned,
1. Launch
2. Try to select columns B to D using mouse
3. Click on column B, keeping mouse clicked, move your mouse towards C then D
4. It does not allow to select B,C,D where as it is possible in Excel.
It is serious issue for me as I could not proceed with Hide/Unhide columns and some other features depend on multiple columns selection
Note: if we add a blank row at first position then it works well, seems like first with merged columns is creating problem.
Dear Concerned,
1. Launch
2. Open Workbook(1).xlsx (attached)
3. Edit B2, D2, F2 with some new values
4. See the results in B4, D4, F4
Calculations are different in Excel.
When the INDEX formula is used in combination with LINEST the Spreadsheet displays an empty cell. In case such formula is imported from Excel file '#VALUE' is displayed.
behavior when importing:
The content of the formula cell that includes LINEST and INDEX is empty. When clicking on the cell the formula is displayed in the formula bar. When importing the content in some cases the content is '#VALUE'.
The LINEST should work as expected in combination with the INDEX formula.
In Kendo UI spreadsheet when wrap cell text it currently split text in middle of word. Change so that splits on white space
E.g. italian culture uses ";" as parameter separator in formulae. Our client will adopt spreadsheet component on a global basis and users need to be able to e.g. copy/paste from excel to spreadsheet component using their culture