Last Updated: 25 Feb 2020 15:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Doug
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
Custom editors are great!  But often when you have a custom editor, you want to restrict data entry to only use that editor, and not free-form typing in the cell.  You can prevent free-form typing in the cell by disabling the cell, but then the custom editor button is no longer available.

Suggestion is to still show custom editor button even if cell is disabled, perhaps with an additional setting; so that you could optionally not show the custom editor if the cell is disabled, since often a disabled cell should prevent any kind of modification.
Last Updated: 06 Feb 2020 08:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Christopher
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
Currently the spreadsheet dynamically creates the FilterMenu for a range, that is, it's not created until someone clicks the filter dropdown, and it's destroyed if they switched tabs.

There is no event that is fired when these things happen, which makes it hard to attach to, and customize, the FilterMenu without setting up some crazy listening code (setTimeout, etc.). 

It would be great if either (or both:
- You could specify a template for the filter menu.
- You could listen for a "FilterMenu Initialized" event and capture the menu there and customize it.
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2019 13:48 by ADMIN
In MS Excel when you type a number you can easily go to other cells by using the arrow keys and type in another number, thus allowing for fast editing of the spreadsheet. This does not work in the spreadsheet component.
this functionality only needs to work when not creating a formula.
Last Updated: 27 May 2021 09:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Richard
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
The Excel file downloaded from Spreadsheet does not maintain leading spaces.  In other words, the internal sharedString.xml should use <t xml:space="preserve"> when necessary.
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2020 15:49 by ADMIN
Created by: auto
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
I use data binding data source for spreadsheet
But when I use it, data auto input begins at row 0
I want to insert 2 row (To Write title)
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2020 15:44 by ADMIN
DefaultCellStyle property in spreadsheet has a field “Wrap”, but doesn’t have a field “Format”. For example, if I need to process all cells as text, I must set the field “Format” on a client side:
It works.
But the initialization of the range ("A1:AX200") takes time… It is not very fast…
It would be better to have the field “Format” in the DefaultCellStyle property in spreadsheet…
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2020 14:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Nikos
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
Last Updated: 11 May 2021 11:40 by ADMIN
Presently in Spreadsheet tooltip is not working for filter applied range 
so tooltip should display for each cell in which the range of filter is applied
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2020 15:56 by ADMIN
Currently if you access cells range programmatically, you can set background color, text color etc.
It would be good to have the way to set classes or to get the DOM of the range.
Another option would be to get DOM or set a class to individual cells (e.g. via range.forEachCell).
Last Updated: 22 May 2019 14:20 by ADMIN

Wanting to format a subset of a single cell with text styling different from the rest of the cell contents.  Something like the following:



Last Updated: 13 Jan 2020 09:20 by ADMIN
Release R1 2020

Bug report

The current client-side export functionality does not preserve the number of columns.

Reproduction of the problem

  • Load the following file in the Spreadsheet which contains columns up to "BA".

  • Export the file

  • Load the file again in the Spreadsheet and notice that the columns are displayed up to "AX" instead of "BA".

Current behavior

Client-side export does not preserve the number of columns greater than "AX".

Expected/desired behavior

Client-side export does not preserve the exact number of columns.


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.2.619
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 02 Sep 2019 09:38 by ADMIN
Release 2019.R3

Bug report

When a cell/row is selected, its first cell is focused and the sheet is scrolled to show it. If a long sheet is scrolled down/right to edit cells, this scroll top/left is very annoying and user unfriendly.
In these scenarios Excel focuses the topmost/leftmost currently visible cell, avoiding sheet scrolling.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll to the bottom row of Spreadsheet's sheet.
  3. Click in cell B200 to select it.
  4. Click on the header of column C to select the whole column.

NOTE: for rows reproduction select cell AX2, then click on the header of row 2 - sheet is scrolled to the left and cell A2 is focused.

Current behavior

Column C is selected, cell C1 is focused and the sheet is scrolled to top.
The used has to scroll down to the bottom row again to edit data at the bottom of the sheet.

Expected/desired behavior

Column C is selected. The currently visible topmost cell of column C is focused, without scrolling the sheet. Excel works that way


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.2.619
  • Browser: all
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2019 10:47 by ADMIN

Bug report

Client-side exported Excel workbooks are exported "uncompressed" (as readable text) and their size is much greater than the original document.

Regression since R2 2019 - 2019.2.514

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Go to
  2. Open the following file in Spreadsheet -
    Workbook Original.xlsx - 26 KB
  3. Export the file to Excel

Current behavior

The exported file is 1015 KB in size. The content of the file may be read as plain text

Expected/desired behavior

The exported file is 26 KB or similar size. The content of the file is unreadable binary data


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.2.619
  • Browser: all
Last Updated: 28 Nov 2019 14:23 by ADMIN

Dear Concerned,

1. Open

2. Copy from F3:F15

3. Paste as value (ctrl+shift+v) in H3

4. See it pasted only non-empty cells

Empty cells values should be pasted as well as Excel does.


Last Updated: 10 Oct 2019 07:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Naveen
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Dear Concerned,

1. Launch

2. Click Background or Text Color icon , select custom color

3. See the popup UI , there is boarder and margin issues, boarder is visible on top,left & bottom side but not on right side

Last Updated: 15 Dec 2023 09:34 by ADMIN

There is an issue with the Date type fields validation in the Spreadsheet. 

Here are the reproduction steps:

1. Open

2. Import attached xlsx file.

3. There are two date cells (B1 & B2), B2 has a data validation (Date between B1 to ToDay)

4. Try to edit the date using the calendar icon from B2. An empty calendar appears

Note: If I change data validation (remove reference of B1 and put hardcoded date) as below then it works.

Last Updated: 17 Jan 2020 13:39 by ADMIN

Bug report

Reproduction of the problem

Dojo example.

Current behavior

The first row is duplicated.

Expected/desired behavior

The first row is not duplicated


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.3.1023
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2022 07:01 by ADMIN
Release R1.2023-Increment.1(09.Nov.2022)

Bug report

If an Excel file that contains Shapes is imported in the Spreadsheet, the imported content cannot be exported back to '.xlsx' file. Saving the imported content to Excel throws an error in the console.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this demo
  2. Import the attached "Download Issue.xlsx" file that has one shape and one Image in the Sheet1.
  3. The file import will be successfully executed. The shape from the file is not visible in the Spreadsheet(this is expected behavior as the Spreadsheet component does not support Shapes, so they are ignored during the import process)
  4. Export(save) the Spreadsheet content as Excel file

Current behavior

Exporting the Spreadsheet content throws an error in the console:

Expected/desired behavior

The Spreadsheet content should be exported to Excel file that doesn't contain the shapes from the imported file


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.3.1023
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 28 Jan 2020 12:14 by ADMIN
Expose API that would allow a check of whether filtering has been applied to a given range/sheet. Especially identify the case when filtering is applied but no items were filtered out.
Last Updated: 06 Feb 2020 09:17 by ADMIN

For the time being the Spreadsheet parser is unable to read files which tags are not in the default namespace. Try to open the attached file in this demo project:

You won't be able to load the file. If you open the file in Excel, save the file ("Ctrl+S") and try to load it in the Spreadsheet again, there will be no issues with it. The difference in file's structure before and after being saved in Excel could be seen in the attached screenshot.

The code in red is the structure of the file before saving it and the one in green is after the "save" operation. The difference between the files is that the structure of the one saved in Excel inserts the tags in the default namespace while the original document uses the "x:" namespace. 

It will be very useful if we can load files with defined namespaces in their structure.