Last Updated: 22 Mar 2021 15:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter
Comments: 1
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
It would be nice if the diagram control could support undobale properties load back from saved data. And also if shapes, connections could acquire this property (not only through diagram.addShape and diagram.addConnection).
Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 11:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
I save the diagram json to everlive by using the save method and load it into the widget with the load method.  My problem is that connection blocks cannot be edited now.  I don't think CRUD should be required for this ability.  
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 11:22 by ADMIN
SVG Example:

                    <pattern id="Occupied"
                            width="4" height="10"
                            patternTransform="rotate(45 50 50)">
                        <line stroke="#ffb29d" stroke-width="2" y2="10"/>
                <rect x="5" y="5"
                      width="40" height="100"
                      stroke-width="1" />

Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 11:34 by ADMIN
Created by: MichaƂ
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
It should be allowed to extend the Diagram plot area to more than 20000px and/or to calculate the max scroll width based on the Diagram content.
Last Updated: 13 Jan 2020 09:16 by ADMIN
Release R1 2020
Created by: Christian
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

When exporting a diagram as a PDF, hidden shapes still visible. 

Reproduction of the problem

1. Run this dojo -
2. Click on "Mask" button
3. Click on "Save as PDF"
4. Open the exported PDF file

Expected/desired behavior

The shape State 1 must not be present on the exported PDF

Last Updated: 22 Nov 2019 10:45 by ADMIN

The data item is available to the event arguments of the function handler for shapeDefaults.content.visual function but it is not available to connectionDefaults.content.visual Function. Here is an example illustrating the issue:

Can it be added?


Last Updated: 02 May 2022 17:46 by Divyesh
Created by: Divyesh
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the functionality to inject HTML code using the Kendo UI Drawing API.  Specifically, being able to utilize a Node Container with the Drawing API would be great.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 23 Feb 2024 22:02 by Roy
Created by: Roy
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request adding Swimlane Orientation for the Kendo UI Diagram. 

Thank you!

Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 11:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Gord
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
The diagram has its own built in flow layouts (left, down, &c.).  I would like to see an interface provided to allow a custom callback to allow a programmer to create their own layout flow designs.  All positioning calculations would be up to the user implementation, but objects that provide information about the current layout while rendering could be provided as parameters to the callback.
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 15:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Bhanu
Comments: 1
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request


I have to design the flow chart as below using the kendo diagram.  


After dragging the connection from bottom shape  (Add task) to  top shape (Default) as per the requirement it is showing like below. Actually both are same but the design look & feel is completely changed. i want to see the flowchart as like above one. Kindly provide solution for this.



Bhanu N

Last Updated: 18 Nov 2020 12:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Bogdan
Comments: 1
Category: Diagram
Type: Bug Report

I disable the zoom on a diagram by setting the zoom property to 0 and it works.

Unfortunately it crashes the pdf export with the following error:

This is a dojo where the issue reproduces:

I did a quick investigation in the library and the culprit seems to be the first line of the below function. _zoom is either zero or undefined resulting in NAN. 

Last Updated: 10 Jan 2022 16:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Michael D
Comments: 1
Category: Diagram
Type: Bug Report

The Typescript definitions for Kendo UI define the connections() method which is part of the kendo.dataviz.diagram.Shape interface as follows:

connections(type: string): void;

The documentation ( however, specifies:

Returns the connections attached to the shape. You can optionally specify to return only the incoming or outgoing connections.


Therefore, connections() should not be of type void and the type parameter should be optional.


To solve this issue, we currently cast both the parameter and the result.

Last Updated: 19 Mar 2024 16:31 by Indika Samarasekara (Manager - IT Infrastructure)
Created by: Indika Samarasekara (Manager - IT Infrastructure)
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

On Zoom Some Connection lines become bolded

Reproduction of the problem

Zoom the chart randomly

Current behavior

Some Connection lines become bolded

Expected/desired behavior
Connection lines coordination shall be rounded so they render equally

Kendo UI version: [all]
Browser: [all]

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