The user should be able to select multiple events at the same time by pressing the control key. At the moment this can not be done. The following example shows the issue: -> It is not possible to select events from Meeting Room 101 and Meeting Room 201 at the same time. This feature would make it possible to swap events from different groups. For example, swap the meeting rooms of two events.
Please add the feature to open an event from the weekview.
I'm looking to be able to modify agenda view, so that it is like the group headers in grid - having the date as the group header and then the events that occur on that date shown underneath (also collapsible). Is this possible?
I also tried to do this in the grid but it doesn't seem to work due to the fact that it using a start and an end, not a single date column.
Dear Telerik team.
Currently you use hard coded formats to display dates and times.
majorTimeHeaderTemplate: '<span class=\'k-time-text\'>#=kendo.toString(date, \'h:mm\')#</span> ' + '<span class=\'k-time-period\'>#=kendo.toString(date, \'tt\')#</span>'
It would be nice if you would respect the culture settings and at least I would not have to change the templates every time I use a scheduler.
I didn't check all your widgets, but I guess the scheduler is not the only one ignoring the culture settings.
Please make use of the current culture settings/patterns
Thanks in advance
The create button should be available only when editable is enabled.
Hi there,
I would like to know if there is a way to add aggregates to a kendo scheduler?
There is a particular value that I'd like to apply an aggregate.sum to, then have that sum appear in a header. Is this possible with the scheduler? or is there some work around?
Thank you,
Dear Support Team,
Please try the following scenario. Create a weekly recurring event for the 4rth of April that has no end.
Go at the next week (9/4 - 13/4) and move the event (11/4) 1 hour forward. At the confirmation popup please select 'Edit the series'.
Go back to the previous week (2/4 - 6/4). The event of 4/4 has disappeared!!
The specific dates are used as an example. Feel free to use any date your want.
Thank you in advance,
The multi drag and drop feature that existed in the Silverlight ScheduleView has disappeared in Kendo UI. Is it possible to add support of dragging and dropping multiple events at the same time, allowing to edit the time and date of multiple events with the same time difference (e.g. +2 hours and - 1 day)?
Scheduler: Group appointments by date. Now only by resource. DayView: select the visible date interval: continous or discontinous. ( Other company mvc scheduler do it and it's functional ) Thanks
Autoscroll when dragging an object from outside the scheduler (e.a. from a grid) is already available and works fine. It would be really nice to have this vert same functionality also available while dragging an event that's already in the scheduler...