The documentation for the Kendo UI MultiSelect widget states that the user can highlight the next/previous item using RIGHT/LEFT when the selection popup is closed. This works as expected. However, if the user then presses TAB and moves the focus somewhere else, the item remains highlighted.
Since the highlight only indicates that certain actions can be executed on the item, it should be removed in such a case as the actions are no longer executable. This can easily be reproduced with the keyboard navigation sample:
When the value of the widget is set in the dataBound event handler the filtering events is fired and e.filter is undefined
The filtering event is fired a second time and the second time the e.filter is undefined.
Double-checlk if the filtering event should be fired a second time.
The e.filter and e.sender.dataSource.filter().filters[0] should return the same value.
since the update to R3 2019 we have a issue with the multiselect component.
Whenever I set it to readonly:
It is not possible to make it writable again with
It stays readonly. What can I do?
BR Thomas
If the MultiSelect open event is prevented, the animation container has display:block style, blocking inputs beneath the MultiSelect
Regression introduced with 2022.2.621
Workaround: manually hide the animation container -
The k-animation-container has display:block style, preventing the input beneath it from being focused
The k-animation-container should have display:none style.
The "aria-setsize" attribute is missing when initializing a MultiSelect with default selected values in AngularJS
When initializing a MultiSelect with default values, the aria-setsize attribute is missing for these values.
The default MultiSelect values should have an aria-setsize attribute added to their selected values
In MultiSelect when the value is set initially and the mapValueTo option is set to 'dataItem', if the user first open and close the popup, the last item can not be removed and an error ' is not a function' is thrown.
As the Dojo above does not use a remote valueMapper below is a sample project where a remote valueMapper method is implemented
The last item can not be removed and an error ' is not a function' is thrown in the browser`s console.
The other items except the last one can be removed as expected. Also, all items can be removed initially in case the popup has not been opened and scrolled to the last item from the value.
It should be possible to remove all items displayed in the MultiSelect input, even in a scenario where the popup has been opened and closed.
When the MultiSelect is created from a predefined HTML, the dataTextField and dataValueField options default to "text" and "value" instead of empty string.
The dataTextField and dataValueField options default to text and value
The dataTextField and dataValueField's default values should be empty strings
Setting the delay option of the MultiSelect doesn't have an effect.
Regression introduced with 2024.1.130
The 1 second delay is not respected and the data is filtered instantly
There should be 1 second delay before the data is filtered
An error occurs when filtering the MultiSelect with grouping enabled.
An error occurs on the browser console.
No errors should occur when filtering the component.
The bug I was talking was when setting tagMode of kendoMultiSelect to single, clicking the clear button (x at right of textbox) doesn’t trigger “deselect” event. Not sure if it’s by design. They fixed a similar bug regarding “change” event -
Repro snippet could be found at
Result: The items that were selected, then un-selected still show as selected in the list
This can be reproduced on the latest demo page.