As per your suggestion we have writing the below code for focusing the cursor position, it is working fine but after putting table on the editor and set the background of the any text is not working . If the table is not placed on the editor and select the background color to the any text working fine.
I think , this would happen because of the below code. Please fix this issue.
Note : Foreground color is working fine in all cases.
Hi team,
Please provide a built-in Find and Replace/Replace all feature to the Editor
Hi ,
Could you please let us know whether track changes is available on Kendo UI Editor similar to RadEditor(Telerik Web UI Editor Track Changes Demo | Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX. )
if not , could you please let us know when can be implemented?
Currently, when the user hits enter, the editor adds a p tag (<p></p>). To add a <br> tag in the editor, the user has to press Shift+Enter.
Can we have a property that lets the developer decide what tag to add when the user hits enter?
I'm having trouble with having sub-list items. I thought I'd be able to just use the indent increase toolbar button or the Tab key to create a sub-list item but it doesn't seem to work as expected. I'm not able to do this in the demo of the editor features here even: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/editor/
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 2
- Level 3 etc
It will be nice to have a feature if stripTags property supports an `all` feature that strips all available HTML tags. Similar to the removeAttributes attribute that provides an `all` option.
Thank you for your consideration.
after entering an URL and pressing ENTER, the URL is not converted into a link
(In the Editor Kendo UI jQuery this works)
It would be very nice to have dedicated PDF Export functionality for the Editor. Some of the features that would be included with this would be:
These features are crucial to our project and would be very much appreciated.
Steps to reproduce:
Actual result: current value doesn't have selected styles in the dropdown
Expected result: current value in the dropdown is highlighted. Please see an example below:
I see that in Kendo UI for JQuery it is present, but for Angular 2+ there is no such functionality in the example.
There is no way to change size for columns,rows and table for table.
1) Go to https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/editor/tools/
2) Add table to editor
3) Click on table
4) No way to change size
The use case that we would like to cover is as follows.
1. Open an image in Paint.
2. Select a region and copy it.
3. Paste into the editor.
4. The image should be displayed in the editor.
It should, however, be encoded similar to the way that Kendo Grid for jQuery does to produce something like this.
<img src="...vwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" />
Note that the image is not hosted remotely at some URL, but rather is included inline within the body.
I would like to have the possibility to modify the pasted content before it is inserted by providing a callback function. This function would be called with the content after Kendo's internal cleanup and the cleanup I specified through the other options has run.
It would look like this:
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<kendo-editor [pasteCleanupSettings]="pasteCleanupSettings"></kendo-editor>
export class AppComponent {
public pasteCleanupSettings = {
// other options...
custom: (input: string) => {
return '<h1>I can do anything I want in here</h1>' + input;
Basically I want the same behavior as the jQuery editor provides through pasteCleanup.custom: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/editor/configuration/pastecleanup#pastecleanupcustom
When a list item is aligned to the center or the right, the list item marker remains aligned to the left instead of following the text. (A similar issue occurs when the document direction is RTL.)
Please introduce a feature that ensures the marker follows the item in accordance with its alignment similar to MS Word or Google Docs behavior.
Provide an option to drag the bottom right corner of the Editor in order to change the height of the Editor manually as the Kendo jQuery Editor.
I want to get selected text from the Kendo Angular editor and I see no function similar to what we have in Kendo AngularJs Editor like GetRange, GetSelection