Hey Kendo Team,
you already have a solution in jQuery for my problem (https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/knowledge-base/grid-group-remove-footer-header-one-record).
Unfortunately this solution did not work in Angular.
Desirable solution would be a flag in GroupHeaderTemplate which removes header if group size is one.
Another solution could be; allow a class field in GroupHeaderTemplate, so that we can set display to none if group size is one.
Best regards,
Basically whats described in this issue right here: https://github.com/telerik/kendo-angular/issues/2093
It would be nice if column group visibility could be toggleable via the column chooser.
If not, a more elegant workaround would be to indicate in the column chooser that certain columns are part of column groups. The way it is now is too clunky and unclear.
For example, I have the following column groups:
But the above columns show up in the column chooser like so:
It would be nice if the column group name was at least prepended to child columns in the column chooser to at least indicate that it's part of a group. For example, it would show as follows instead:
[x] Latest read - Time
[x] Latest read - Value
[x] Latest write - Time
[x] Latest write - Value
Thanks so much.
Please add a template about custom hierarchy cell template.
We have to add few icons in it and also before it and we would like to use angular native way.
As I explained in this post, I would like to set max-width on certain columns of a grid to force them to not becoming bigger than a certain size if there is a remaining width in the parent container. However, I do need to distribute the remaining width across other columns if they don't have max-width.
For example in this project https://stackblitz.com/edit/max-width-request?embed=1&file=app/app.component.ts, I want the first column which shows the ID of products would never be bigger than 15. I'm advised to leave one of the columns without setting width, so that column will occupy the remaining width and as a result the width of columns with width will be respected as max-width. However, that is not good because in big screens you will end up with a very big column while other columns are still suffering from lack of space.
As discussed with Martin in support ticket 1429284, some of the column values in my grid might be the same, but with different letter cases. For example, column "First Name" could have the values "Elias", "elias", and "ELIAS".
When grouping, Kendo grid grouping treats those values as 3 separate groups because its case sensitive. Our users expect those values to be grouped as 1 to avoid confusion.
The workaround provided might affect other dependent features and make the code a bit messy.
I would appreciate it if you could add in a future version, a built in option to ignore case when grouping without changing the original displayed values.
There is no event to cater mouse-over events for rows in k-grid. This is important if we need to perform something row specific.
Also, this is not achievable through javascript events. So it should be a feature in Kendo.
Please, please, please! We have scrollBottom event. It works like a charm. Add the same event for loading prev page on scroll top in [Kendo UI for Angular Grid], plese.
Hi There,
We started using Kendo Grid extensively. We came across below requirement and confirmed with your support team that the feature is currently not available. We think this would really allow users customise their display.
Requirement analysis:
We would be using a common wrapper class across the org.
We will be displaying list of records from the DB, at times, there are columns which contains a JSON, we need to use a custom template to display the JSON. I understand I can go with an if condition in the template html of grid, but, that would lead me to end up having N number of conditions since we do not have a limited such use cases, each such instance would need to be rendered with different template.
The same is the case with row editing as well, for instance, for columns which accepts a description, we want to show a custom popover which would allow the user to specify the data in the way the customer wants (rich text with lot of customisation)
At a high level if we nail down into steps of the behaviour
1) Columns definition will come as a JSON which would also contain a template reference for any of the columns.
To elaborate more, If firstName and lastName are the columns at the DB level but for grid view I want to show them as a single column.
2) The JSON we are constructing will have a type attribute which would indicate me on whether to use a user defined template or regular one.
3) Corresponding data will be a JSON with possible keys required for the template.
When using KendoUI for Angular 2+, the filter value is still enabled and accepts input when "Is null" or "Is empty" is selected.
Since those selections do not require a parameter, I'd prefer the filter value to be default disabled.
I would like to request a way to have the selected/unselected column menu sorted separately from the table's columns.
Here is our table which demonstrates the current behavior.
When first rendered on the page:
After re-arranging the columns:
However, it'd be nice to have the column menu sorted separately from the table's columns. Thank you.
In Version 74.0.3729.108 (official Build) (64-Bit) of chrome, a defined grid with no predefined style property does not scroll properly.
There is a live-demo on Stackblitz at https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-b38r7s-jzsgty
This is a fork of the demo example from the kendo-angular-ui documentation available at
In the example, the scrollable grid was defined with a height property. This does not feet to our requirements, as we need a grid component that should flex according to the outside or parent container.
This problem occured after the update of chrome browser from 73.0.XXX to the version 74.0.3729.108
The problem is fixed when we defined a grid with a height property like [style.height.%] = “100” but according to the documentation the grid should flex automatically without this property.
Use IE11:
1. Try to use the grids column menu for filtering
2. Click the column icon => popdown menu opens
3. Click the filter oder column icon inside the menu => nothing happens
I can't even open up your docs using IE11, it just loads forever:
Hi Dimiter,
I have experience creating column groups at the top of a kendo grid, but I would now like to do something similar with row groups. I have attached a screenshot of an example of what I would like to accomplish. Is this possible with Kendo Grid?
We recently had an ask to limit the number of columns that could be selected, and were not able to find an out of the box solution (nor was support).
Something like this would be great, which is the same implementation as the kendoGridFilterMenuTemplate which allows you to override just the content of the column chooser, and not have to manually create your own menu entry by overriding the whole kendoGridColumnMenuTemplate
<ng-template kendoGridColumnChooserMenuTemplate let-service="service">
or, alternatively, if we were able to specify a grid parameter for a max number of columns as a grid level [maxColumns], that would work as well.