Currently the dialog cannot be opened without placing the dialog in the component template. For some scenarios like confirm dialogs, providing a service that creates the dialog is more convenient.
Add configuration inputs for control animation of Dialog component.
It would be nice if it was possible to open kendo dialogs with separate component and template like you do in angular material, see below. let dialogRef =, { height: '400px', width: '600px', }); dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { console.log(`Dialog result: ${result}`); // Pizza! });
The api should allow for the close of dialog on escape or backdrop click.
As already present on popupService ->
is it possible to have also dialogClass when dialogService is used?
Currently there is no easy way to programmatically close a dialog from within the dialog component. Also it should be possible to a return a reason why the dialog was closed which may be different to the action buttons and the reason should be available when subscribing to the result stream Perhaps have a look at the ng-bootstrap dialog and implement something similar. See: If the content of the modal is a component, then nb-bootstrap can inject the dialog instance into the dialog component (using the NgbActiveModal class). The NgbActiveModal class can then be used to programmatically close / dismiss the modal from "inside" the component.
Provide the "buttonLayout" ( setting for Dialog and DialogService. Useful values for layout would we "Stretched", "Start", "Center" and "End".
The main.js file for all modules seem to be kept in the following file structure: dist/npm/js/main.js however in the dialog module the main,js file is dist/npm/main.js. This inconsistency causes issues when using systemjs and loading the packages this way.
Currently, the DialogAction only supports setting primary as a configuration.
Could it be extended to also allow other button variants - like look=flat or a cssClass config option?
Passing a template beats the entire purpose of using a service - you need to now add additional local HTML, manually handle button clicks etc.
When opening a dialog with DialogService from an Observable (e.g. in order to initialize dialog with data from a http request) and ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, the dialog is messed up. With ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default everything works fine.
For reproduction have a look to this StackBlitz:
Starting with version "4.2.3" the LanguageService fails to be injected into the DialogTitleBarComponent.
This can be easily reproduced in the Single Component Rendering demo.
Link to StackBlitz:
Kindest regards,