There are no ReturnsAsync methods for mocking container async methods.
There should be a set of methods to mock async methods of a container similar to regular object mocking.
As a user I should be able to write code like:
container.Arrange<IContainer>(r => r.SomeAsyncMethod("data")).ReturnsAsync("returnValue");
Collection mock (result from ReturnCollection clause) does not support async queries due to the unimplemented IAsyncQueryProvider interface. The issue could be easily reproduced with the following simple test:
public void ShouldReturnEntity()
var db = Mock.Create<MyModel.MyModel>();
Mock.Arrange(() => db.SomeEntities).ReturnsCollection(someEntities);
var entity = db.SomeEntities.SingleAsync(x => x.Id == 1);
The outcome is the the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException The provider for the source 'IQueryable' doesn't implement 'IAsyncQueryProvider'. Only providers that implement 'IAsyncQueryProvider' can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations.
This article mentions a package that can be used to very easily mock Entity Framework types (mainly DbContext). However, this package only works for Entity Framework 6, and not Entity Framework Core, which my project uses. I would love to see this package updated to greatly simplify unit testing for my project.
I'm specifically looking to mock the following types: IDbContextFactory, my subclass of DbContext, and DbSet. All of this is currently possible of course with the standard JustMock interface but it's a hassle.
i saw this:
but still dont understand why JustMock works that way in the first place. why does it union struct mocks by value?
the above solution is only possible when i mock a struct i can change (and then add the id to it) but what about struct's from the framework that i cannot control? Is there a way to tell JustMock not to union mock structs?
Provide support for .NET MAUI projects.
Let me explain in details the current situation:
I have Unit Test project using JustMock and running into a problem. It seems like JustMock is using the wrong version number to locate the SDK. let me explain:
The project is set to: <TargetFramework>net7.0</TargetFramework>
But it also has <UseMaui>true</UseMaui> enabled
I am getting the following error:
"Framework: 'Microsoft.Maui.Core', version '7.0.92' (x64) .NET location: C:\Program Files\dotnet No frameworks were found.
That 7.0.92 version is only for the MAUI workload version, not the SDK versions. It seems JustMock uses a workload version as a SDK version.
Allow the developer to create custom behaviors and use them in an arrangement. Something like the following:
Mock.Arrange(() => foo.CalcData(Arg.AnyInt, Arg.AnyInt), new IBehavior[]
new LogInvocation(),
new ReturnBaseOrDefaultValue(),
We're developing .net 5/core services, using Rider IDE and MacOS.
1. Add support to run JustMock under MacOS (profiler need to be supported, enabled issue, etc.), or if already supported, please provide instructions of how to activate it per test, for example using NUnit.
2. Add integration with Rider so all the process will be much easier.
JustMock interprets anonymous types as tuples. The sample below demonstrates the issue:
public interface IAnsweringService
(int code, string desc) GetAnswer(string question);
public void AnswerToTheUniverseQuestionTest()
var apiMock = Mock.Create<IAnsweringService>();
var expectedAnswer = new { code = 42, desc = "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life" };
Mock.Arrange(() => apiMock.GetAnswer(Arg.AnyString)).Returns(expectedAnswer);
var actualAnswer = apiMock.GetAnswer("What is a universe question answer?");
Assert.AreEqual(expectedAnswer.code, actualAnswer.code);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedAnswer.desc, actualAnswer.desc);
Telerik.JustMock.Core.MockException: The chained return value type '<>f__AnonymousType1`2[System.Int32,System.String]' is not compatible with the arranged method's return type 'System.ValueTuple`2[System.Int32,System.String]'