The issue is demonstrated with the following sample:
public void ValidParameters_Success(int param1, int param2)
// Arrange
Mock.SetupStatic(typeof(MyClass), Behavior.Strict, StaticConstructor.Mocked);
Mock.Arrange(() => MyClass.method1()).Returns(true);
// Act
IService service = new Service();
bool result = service.method2();
// Assert
Mock.Assert(() => MyClass.method1(), Occurs.Once()); // <-- the test fails here because it reports that method invocation occurs twice
The issue in not observed if the code is modified in the following way, which indicates behavioral incinsistency:
public void ValidParameters_Success(int param1, int param2)
// Arrange
Mock.SetupStatic(typeof(MyClass), Behavior.Strict, StaticConstructor.Mocked);
Mock.Arrange(() => MyClass.method1()).Returns(true).OccursOnce();
// Act
IService service = new Service();
bool result = service.method2();
// Assert