Add the JustMock profiler to the commercial NuGet package
The JustMock profiler should be added to the commercial NuGet package distributed from the Telerik private NuGet server.
Posted on:03 Nov 2020 13:28
Hello Lars,
One of the possible command-line solutions is to use EnvironmentVariables section in runsettings, you can find more details in this document on microsoft/vstest-dods GitHub repo. I am sending also a sample batch script that illustrates the approach.
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Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at
Posted on:08 Oct 2020 10:09
Hi Phil,
We will do our best to publish the blog next week. Please excuse us for the delay.
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Posted on:07 Oct 2020 13:36
Has there been any progress on an example of how to proceed with the new NuGet package for 2020.3.916.1 with the profiler included? After installing the package I am now having issues with the Azure DevOps pipeline.
Posted on:17 Sep 2020 09:39
Great thanks.
Posted on:17 Sep 2020 09:21
Hi Yosi,
We will prepare a blog post with a step by step example. I will post the link here once it is published.
Progress Telerik
Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at
Posted on:17 Sep 2020 09:19
That's great, Thank You!
how do we use it? currently we are adding the env variables pointing to the dlls before running the tests. what dlls should we point now?
Posted on:17 Sep 2020 09:08
The JustMock profiler was added to the JustMock.Commercial NuGet package. It is available with version 2020.3.916.1 and later.
In some of the following days, we will publish a blog post on how to use the profiler from the NuGet package in your CI/CD build.
Mihail Progress Telerik
Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at
Posted on:09 Jul 2019 11:14
Hi Linus,
The current version of the commercial JustMock NuGet includes only the dlls for the JustMock API and does not include the JustMock profiler. The reason for this is that there could be multiple JustMock NuGet package versions installed on different projects but the CLR can work only with one JustMock profiler. And the question is which profiler should be chosen? This becomes a problem when the tests from multiple test projects are executed at once. We have some ideas on how to overcome this issue and once we start working on this problem we will update this item.
Regarding your specific question on how to enable the profiler, if we are talking about a development machine, than the preferred approach is to install JustMock with the corresponding version on that machine.
If the question is about CI/CD scenario then there are two possible approaches. The first one is again to install JustMock where the build agent is and to use the JustMockConsole to execute the tests. The second approach is when an installation of JustMock is not possible. Then the JustMock profiler should be copied to the machine where the build agent is and by using the JustMockConsole installation free option to execute the tests.
If the CI/CD scenario includes Azure Pipelines then you could use the JustMock extension to execute the tests. The extension contains both the installation approach and the installation free approach.
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Posted on:08 Jul 2019 14:10
Is there a way to enable the profiler if using JustMock.Commercial.2019.2.620.1.nupkg?