We have some mission critical code that catches all exceptions and recovers from them in various ways. I would like to be able to use Mock.Create<MyClass>(Behavior.Strict) so that I can know that none of the methods on MyClass are being called besides the ones I explicitly Mock.Arrange. However, this results in the methods throwing exceptions which are then caught by my application and recovered from so I never see them. I would like something like this, but where I didn't have to manually arrange every method on the class and instead have some Behavior that I could give to Mock.Create that would result in all of the arranges being auto-generated. I could then manually arrange anything I didn't want to have OccursNever on, just like you can override the exceptions thrown by Behavior.Strict. class MyClass { public void Method1() { } public void Method2() { } public void Method3() { } } class ClassUnderTest { public void DoSomething(MyClass myClass) { myClass.Method3(); } } [Test] void MyClass_methods_are_never_called() { // ARRANGE var myClass = Mock.Create<MyClass>(); Mock.Arrange(() => myClass.Method1()).OccursNever(); Mock.Arrange(() => myClass.Method2()).OccursNever(); Mock.Arrange(() => myClass.Method3()).OccursNever(); // ACT var classUnderTest = new ClassUnderTest(); classUnderTest.DoSomething(myClass); // ASSERT Mock.Assert(myClass); // this will fail }