Last Updated: 08 Jul 2024 13:18 by Zhivko
Created by: ThemeBuilder
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request

Currently, the Export > Raw Files option does not work when the session is "Partial Content" (status 206).

Consider providing support for exporting sessions with status 206

Requested through t.1657416

Last Updated: 14 May 2024 12:11 by ADMIN

Consider providing automated support for network-isolated applications like metro-style applications. The feature is available in Fiddler Classic through the WinConfig option

Details on how an application can be exempted from the Windows settings are posted here:




Last Updated: 14 May 2024 11:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Jared
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request
It would be great to have the same Host Remapping support that Fiddler2 has.
Last Updated: 08 May 2024 05:47 by ADMIN
Created by: walker
Comments: 4
Type: Feature Request
I am a follower of fiddler classic.  I want to know if Extend Fiddler everywhere  with .NET Code. Because the http response in my web project is encrypted, I need to decrypt it before I can see the plain text. This has been implemented in fiddler classic and it works fine. But I wonder if it can be done in fiddler everywhere as well?
Last Updated: 09 Feb 2024 12:33 by ADMIN

Consider the support of variables and variable environments in Fiddler Everywhere. The base functionality should have:

- Option to create a static variable

- Option to create a dynamic variable (e.g., one populated dynamically from response).

- Options to use variables in Composer, Rules, and Inspectors (e.g. for dynamic population)

- Option to easily access and modify stored variables.

- Option to store variables in different environments (e.g. stage, production, etc.)

- Option to share variables/environments.

+2 Requested from 1640564 and 1640556

Last Updated: 29 Jan 2024 06:48 by ADMIN
Created by: jonas
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request
Is it possible to add a rule or configure exporting or saving the data as raw files to my computer automatically and periodically? I read a few questions on here but it seems to be a different version of Fiddler.
Last Updated: 11 Dec 2023 13:36 by René

Fiddler Classic implements and documents this feature. Is this true for Fiddler Everywhere? Can you provide instructions?

I can tell you what does not work on Windows 11:

  • Copying my client certificate to $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\FiddlerCore\ClientCertificate.cer
  • Copying my client certificate to $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\Fiddler2\ClientCertificate.cer
  • Copying my client certificate to $env:USERPROFILE\.fiddler\ClientCertificate.cer
  • Copying my client certificate to $env:USERPROFILE\.fiddler\Certificates\ClientCertificate.cer

Please provide detailed instructions for setting this up. Thank you.

Last Updated: 11 Dec 2023 12:17 by ADMIN
Created by: René
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request

Is there any way how to store rules, filters. settings etc. online in Fiddler account (like in Postman etc.) and share between different machines?

If not, is this feature planned?

Last Updated: 02 Aug 2023 06:54 by ADMIN


I would like to make a rule that changes the Comments column to display a value from the Response body. Specifically, I would like the value of "pk" (if available) to show up in the Comments field.

My overall question: Is there a way to reference Response body data in the Rules Builder?

I looked through all the documentation I could find and I didn't see any examples of Actions using dynamic data. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Matt Donner
Dave & Adam's Card World

Last Updated: 20 Jul 2023 06:05 by ADMIN
Created by: I3eyonder
Comments: 0
Type: Feature Request

I have an idea of workspaces concept (just like Postman's workspaces feature).

Include a workspace concept to enable us to:

1. Create multiple workspaces that have individual filters, rules, sessions, requests...

2. Synchronize all of that configuration (filters, rules, sessions, requests...) to continue working on another PC

Last Updated: 25 May 2023 12:48 by ADMIN

It appears that I need to add new columns for "VIA" and "SERVER" with each new recorded HAR session that I open. 

Is there a way to set these extra two columns to always appear in my defaults?

Last Updated: 18 Apr 2023 06:02 by ADMIN
Created by: I3eyonder
Comments: 0
Type: Feature Request


I have an idea for the rule's action.
It would be great if we could define an action template so we can re-use it for difference rules.

For example: We might create a template with a set of non-final actions like:
1. Mark session

2. Update request header: [My-Custom-Key:My-Custom-Value]
3. Comment: This session is modified by Rules

Then when create a new rule, we can add an action to execute from actions template list like an illustration image.

Last Updated: 11 Apr 2023 06:36 by ADMIN
Created by: I3eyonder
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request

Within Rules, we can choose between these below options:

  • all these conditions (AND)
    E.g. "c1" AND "c2" AND "c3"
  • any of these conditions (OR)
    E.g. "c1" OR "c2" OR "c3"
  • none of these conditions (NOT)
    E.g. NOT ("c1" OR "co2" OR "c3")
    NOT "c1") AND (NOT "c2") AND (NOT "c3")
    In some case, we may faced more complex condition like:     

  • "c1" AND ("c2" OR "c3")
  • "c1" OR ("c2" AND "c3")
    I know we can achieve this behavior by define multiple rules but it's 
    convenient to have a way to define those conditions in the same the rule builder cause our actions for those rules will be the same (avoid duplicate). So we don't have to update multiple rules when we want to update the actions by the way.


Last Updated: 11 Apr 2023 05:37 by ADMIN
Created by: malwareinfosec
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request


Firstly, thank you so much for adding Groups into the Rules, this is a great feature!

I was trying to drag and drop more than 2 rules (New Rule 1 and New Rule 2) into a Group (Group1) and I see that only one item can be moved. Expected behavior would be that all highlighted rule items would be moved into the Group at the same time.

Last Updated: 13 Mar 2023 07:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Igor
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request

Hello, i start using Fiddler Everywhere in trial mode.

I looking for solutions to auto save http 2 responses.

Did Fiddler Everywherehas this option? I looking in rules setting but i don't see it...

Last Updated: 13 Jan 2023 13:54 by ADMIN

I've broken this out from #1593454 as separate feature request ticket.

As a side note, the preconfigured browser instance (the "Open Browser" functionality) can't be started with a specific profile. You can specify a path to a different Chromium browser, but it will always be started with a temporary profile.

The preconfigured browser instance is a great feature, but I don't use it because the launched browser instance does not use my "Default" profile (with extensions, bookmarks, etc). It is possible to launch Chrome from the command line with arguments, including specifying the profile to use.

Would it be possible to include in the Fiddler Browser settings panel a field that allows users to specify arguments to be used when launching the preconfigured browser instance? Or if not then possibly just the profile name to be used?


Last Updated: 30 Dec 2022 06:51 by ADMIN
Created by: malwareinfosec
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request


This is a feature request for a new action type to the Rules. The action is to play the system's default Alert Sound when a Rule is matched.

Last Updated: 13 Dec 2022 07:27 by ADMIN
Created by: Jonathan
Comments: 3
Type: Feature Request
It would be nice if I could right click on a header from a capture and quick add to the capture filter instead of coping and pasting.
Last Updated: 05 Dec 2022 12:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Joe
Comments: 1
Type: Feature Request

Why are there not Fiddler everywhere package here?


That might be a deal breaker for many setups that wants to automate as much as possible, I do get Fiddler classic from here and that is great!


Last Updated: 23 Nov 2022 09:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Daniel
Comments: 2
Type: Feature Request
In Fiddler on my windows machine I'm able to edit the customrules.cs file in order to tell Fiddler where to look for a cert. Having just switched to a Mac I'm eager to do the same with my install of Fiddler Everywhere but I can't find the file or any reference to it. Is this a missing feature or an error on my part?
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