There are 27 types of border styles in the Open XML specification and they are implemented in RadFlowDocument. Only borders None and Single are supported when exporting to PDF, all others are treated as None and stripped.
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All character formatting (font size, font family, etc.) applied to empty cell is lost when: - document with such formatting applied is exported to RTF - document with such formatting is imported from RTF.
TC field has special tag - \tc, which is currently not supported and is skipped during import. Because of this, the argument of the field, which is hidden in MS Word, becomes part of the document content.
In MS Word, decimal tab stops affect paragraph layout in table cells even if tab character is not present. The reasoning is that it's hard to insert tab symbol in table cell, as pressing Tab navigates to the next cell (Ctrl+Tab should be used). When decimal tab stop is present for a Paragraph, and the paragraph is in a TableCell, the content of the paragraph should be aligned to the decimal tab stop (analogically to the case when the Paragraph is not in a table cell and it contains tab character.
Introduce Run.IsHidden property or similar, which hides the text in the document. In MS Word, text is hidden using the Home -> Font -> Font -> Effects -> Hidden. In the Rtf format, such text is preceded (marked) with a '\v' tag. In OOXML, the tag is <vanish/>. The display: none; style from HTML is mapped to hidden text when document is converted to DOCX. Hidden text is visualized with dotted underline when formatting symbols are shown. Hidden text is not exported to PDF.
The paragraphs in RadFlowDocument can have paragraph borders. These borders are not exported when exporting the document to PDF.
When list level items are empty - <li></li> - they are not imported as empty paragraphs in list. The expected is that a Paragraph, associated to a list to be imported.
The Indent property of Table is not respected by PdfFormatProvider.
The item is duplicated. Please, follow the item at
If Paragraph has applied style, and this style has associated list, and the paragraph is removed from the list locally, then on import the paragraph is added to the list. The additional numbering could be removed from the paragraph by changing its style: foreach (var p in this.document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Paragraph>()) { if (p.ListLevel == 0) { var style = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.Model.Styles.Style("NoListStyle", StyleType.Paragraph); style.ParagraphProperties.CopyPropertiesFrom(this.document.StyleRepository.GetStyle(p.StyleId).ParagraphProperties); style.ParagraphProperties.ListId.LocalValue = null; style.ParagraphProperties.ListLevel.LocalValue = null; p.StyleId = "NoListStyle"; } }
An empty paragraph is exported with different font size than the one coming from its style. The character properties should come from the style system. Workaround: Add at least one space in each empty paragraph.
Add Borders property for a Run element and in CharacterProperties. The same is implemented for Paragraph, but in OOXML it could be applied over a Run element as well.
Table's layout type is imported as FixedWidth when it should be imported as AutoFit. The following RTF tags are not respected: trftsWidthN trwWidthBN trftsWidthBN trwWidthAN trftsWidthAN trwWidthtrftsWidthN
Field code fragment is added to the result fragment and exported to PDF/HTML format. The problem is observed when the code fragment is divided into multiple inlines. For example we have PAGE field. If 'A' is bold we would have 3 inlines (runs) in the instruction text and the issue would be observed.
Both properties table cell padding and table cell spacing are not exported to PDF format.
When some character is not supported by the font, the fallback mechanism should try finding some other font that is capable of rendering the unsupported character. However, RadPdfProcessing fallback mechanism does not always find the correct font which sometimes result in wrong glyph visualization or in missing glyph. Workaround: Font that supports these special characters may be used. This way the fallback mechanism will not be needed to export the PDF text.
The text of the watermark is exported with the default font family due to incorrect escaping while writing the OpenXML.
Implement API allowing to add watermarks without specifying its width and the height. The size could be automatically calculated using the text, its font size and font family.
Import styling properties from HTML for elements without DocumentElementProperties. For example, for ImageInline: the image has width and height and currently they could not be applied through CSS styling as the styling mechanism works only for document elements with DocumentElementPropertiesBase (RadFlowDocument, Section, Table, Paragraph, etc.)