Last Updated: 06 Oct 2023 09:49 by balu
Created by: balu
Comments: 0
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request
I would like to be able to input leap years in the date input components and still using the AutoCorrectParts paramter. 
Last Updated: 09 Aug 2023 07:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Svetoslav
Comments: 4
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the Date input components apply a mask to the input which restricts the user to type dates. By modifying the mask, or remove it altogether, the users will be able to freely type dates.
Last Updated: 14 Mar 2023 13:08 by ADMIN
Release 4.1.0 (15/03/2023)
Created by: Minto
Comments: 6
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request
Pressing 0 in the date input deletes the date and shows the format 
Last Updated: 25 Jan 2023 13:41 by ADMIN
Release 4.0.0 (18 Jan 2023) (R1 2023)
Created by: Philip
Comments: 13
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request

My users want to paste dates in the date inputs (date pickers in our case). This seems to work in Kendo, but does not work in Blazor, even when the format of the copied data matches the Format of the component.


    Try copying this date which is valid in the current format: 23/03/1998
    <br />
    then paste it in the date picker and see what happens to the <code>TheDate</code> field

<br />

<TelerikDateInput @bind-Value="TheDate" Format="dd/MM/yyyy" /> @TheDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")

@code {
    DateTime TheDate { get; set; } = new DateTime(2019, 11, 27, 02, 03, 44);



Allowing the paste into the DateInput (and by extension date picker,...)  would have a lot of cases to control and that is why we have not yet enabled it. If the format is M/d/yyyy, for example, validation for numbers lower or equal to 12 would not be possible when the month is regarded. If the user pastes 8/2/2020 could mean two things - 8th of February 2020 or 2nd of August 2020. This might cause issues as the data that goes to the database might be incorrect and causing the application to misbehave.

That being said, how would you suggest handling the pasting of dates in the component. How would you like from us to handle the format difference of the dates? Please comment below.


Last Updated: 17 Jan 2023 21:41 by ADMIN
Release 4.0.0 (18 Jan 2023) (R1 2023)
Created by: Mike
Comments: 3
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request
I would like to be able to configure the auto-tab behavior so that the DateInput only tabs when user type '/' (i.e. disable smart auto-tabbing).


Expected UX:  3/3/2022
Example: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/dateinput/index 

Current UX: 332022
Example: https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/dateinput/overview 

Last Updated: 16 Jan 2023 13:37 by ADMIN
Release 4.0.0 (18 Jan 2023) (R1 2023)
Created by: Roland
Comments: 0
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request

See https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/dateinput/supported-formats#two-digit-year-formats

I am using a 4-digit format as workaround, but 2-digit formats are quite normal over here. That is why most tools and OS-es have cutoff years. Often a floating cutoff year that is 50 years before the current date. So anything below 70 would be 20xx. Or you can have a cutoff year close to a century ago, because you consider dates past more relevant than future dates. 

.NET has System.Globalization.TwoDigitYearMax.
Last Updated: 26 Oct 2022 14:02 by ADMIN
Release 3.7.0 (09 Nov 2022)
Created by: David Rhodes
Comments: 2
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request


Please add an AutoComplete parameter for the DateInput and the date/time pickers, so that browser auto-fill behavior can be controlled or even disabled, if it works incorrectly.

Last Updated: 25 May 2022 13:13 by ADMIN
I would like to be able to select which event will trigger the validation - OnInput (ValueChanged) or OnChange - when the component loses focus of the user presses enter. 
Last Updated: 19 Jun 2019 10:54 by ADMIN
Release 1.2.0
Created by: Darren
Comments: 0
Category: DateInput
Type: Feature Request

Binding a date input or a date picker to a nullable value causes a build-time error

error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.DateTime?' to 'System.DateTime'


@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Button
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.DateInput

<TelerikDateInput bind-Value="@StartDate" Format="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"></TelerikDateInput>

@functions {
    private DateTime? StartDate { get; set; } = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);