1. Go to https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/gantt/templates
2. Scroll to the end of the timeline horizontally
3. Move the mouse pointer to timelineTooltip appears in the wrong place
How to get only the year and date in the Gantt Chart Tooltip template? The DataAttribute is not a valid date string.
<h5>Start: @(((TooltipTemplateContext)context).DataAttributes["start"])</h5>
<h5>End: @(((TooltipTemplateContext)context).DataAttributes["end"])</h5>
Hello, It should be possible to rearrange the order of the Gantt elements using drag and drop. This function already exists in the TreeList component and is also necessary for us in gantt.
Zooming levels would be great
GanttCommandButton Command="ZoomIn|ZoomOut|ZoomToFit"...>
The current Views (Day/Week/Month/Year) are nice, but custom zooming is needed sometimes.
There should be a way to programatically scroll to a specific day in the timeline.
UseCase 1: Goto Today Button
UseCase 2: Upon clicking on a line in tree list the timeline should display this task in the timeline.
Since there is no "goto today" functionality (which I requested in a separate ticket). It is a pain to find the current timeslot in the timeline by scrolling.
The current timeslot should be highlighted by a specific background color or by a vertical line through the timeline.
Hey Telerik Team,
we'd like to have a configurable line width and also color for the dependencies for the Gantt Diagram, configurable e.g.:
We're using the Gantt quite heavily and sometimes it's hard to mouse-point the exact pixel with that dependency line ;)
Hi Telerik Team,
it would be awesome to have a setting for adding a corner radius the dependency line, so the Gantt gets an additional visual improvement.
Could be added to the <GanttDependencies> Child-Element of <GanttDependenciesSettings>.
By default, all nested tasks are displayed expanded.
The state of the root task is always the most important, so it makes more sense to display tasks minimized by default.
The user can always expand the required task for details.
The solution is to support the "IsExpanded" property for the task model.
When a property changes, the task changes its state.
For the component, also add the "ExpandAll" and "CollapseAll" methods that affect all tasks in the list.
Please add Parameters "TreeListSelectionMode" and "TreeListSelectedItems".
UseCase1: Group Selected Items (create new Element as Parent of all selected Elements)
UseCase2: Postpone Selected Items by x days