Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 16:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Sherrie
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
I'd like to be able to filter the Scheduler appointments. For example, in a Scheduler that uses regular or grouped resources I want to filter the appointments by the resources they are associated to.
Last Updated: 11 Sep 2021 17:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Paul
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

Request either demo or functionality to either allow for "paging" of large scheduler data or functionality to utilize odata format for performance of scheduler data presentation.


My query even with just a year of data takes a few seconds to fetch from the database as well as several more seconds for the scheduler to process the data.  Having functionality for changing views or switching days/weeks/months to allow for quick data updates from the back end would greatly improve overall performance.

Last Updated: 10 Sep 2021 12:58 by ADMIN
Release 2.27.0
Created by: Rob
Comments: 3
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

A context menu event similar to the grid context menu would be useful for editing functions like cut/copy and paste.



You can use the item template to integrate context menus in the scheduler: This also allows you a lot of other customization options like adding tooltips and changing the appearance/information users see at first glance.

For a context menu on the slots - probably this item will expose a template for them so the same approach would apply.


Last Updated: 09 Sep 2021 13:21 by ADMIN
Release 2.27.0
Created by: Pascal
Comments: 3
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

Hi fellows,


I just wanted to know, if it's possible to use the timeline view in blazor as well (compared to core?).

And if so, how can  I do it?

If not: are there any plans in the pipe for activating this feature?


Best regards



Last Updated: 09 Sep 2021 08:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Al
Comments: 2
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request
I would like to click on a schedule item and be able to open a linked page or item. For instance if the schedule item Title is a File # I would like to be able to click on that item and go to a file # details page. Is that possible? 
Last Updated: 02 Aug 2021 11:39 by ADMIN
Release 2.26.0
Created by: Avrohom Yisroel
Comments: 7
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

I want to change what is shown in the scheduler headers, depending on my current culture, and on the view (different things for a week view and for a day view, for example).


Last Updated: 26 Jul 2021 14:10 by ADMIN
Release 2.26.0
I want to make sure my users don't delete appointments by accident
Last Updated: 17 Jun 2021 13:27 by ADMIN
Release 2.25.0
Created by: Dan
Comments: 4
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

Is it possible to do group scheduling similar to what is done


If not how do i include kendo in a serverside blazor application?





Last Updated: 13 Jan 2021 21:12 by Mallika
Release 2.17.0
Created by: Vic
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report
When the view modes options (Month, day, week, etc...) is collapsed and the arrow is clicked, the drop menu shows behind the main scheduler window.
Last Updated: 07 Oct 2020 08:49 by ADMIN
Release 2.18.0
Created by: Kelly
Comments: 0
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

I would like to be able to customize the way appointments appear in the calendar. For instance, to have aircraft identifier, arrival and departure airport codes and depart times. 

As an example they could work like:

Last Updated: 10 Apr 2020 06:49 by ADMIN
Release 2.11.0
Created by: Sylvain
Comments: 5
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request



is there a way to use the scheduler to display a month ?

Something similar to this



Last Updated: 18 Mar 2020 10:02 by ADMIN
Release 2.9.0
Created by: Gerard
Comments: 1
Category: Scheduler
Type: Feature Request

 There doesn't appear to be any examples of this. Is the feature not implemented and if not when is it going to be 



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