I am trying to look at the times 7pm - midnight. But if I set the end time to midnight, I get an error that the end time has to be greater than the start time. How do I set the timeline to show 7pm - midnight or 8pm - 2am?
I tried including the next date in the EndTime but the Scheduler does not take the date into consideration, it checks only the time portion.
Now that the DropDownList has an adaptive dropdown rendering, please use that instead of a plain HTML select in the Scheduler toolbar on small screens. It will be very beneficial when using dark themes.
When the Week view of the Scheduler is selected the label of the DatePicker is incorrect. The displayed range in the label covers an extra day. e.g. in the Week view the range spans 7 days (the label show range of 8 days)
The problem can also be observed when the MultiDay view is selected - the displayed range includes one additional day.
Sadly it appears there is no current time marker feature available for the scheduler.
Any chance that this could be implemented in the future?
Kind greetings
I am trying to create a timeline component that is just using week numbers for the current year.
I am trying to create event series with the following RecurrenceRule:
RecurrenceRule = "FREQ=HOURLY; BYHOUR=8,9,10"
Based on the RFC5545 specification, this rule should create three events occurring every hour - at 8, 9 and 10 o'clock.
However, only one event is created for the day.
I'm building a Grid which contains a nested Grid in it's `<DetailTemplate/>`.
When I'm opening the details, the grid events fire, the data gets loaded correctly but the data doesn't show up in the UI. Using .NET 8 Blazor with Telerik UI for Blazor Version 6.0.2.
This is the grid containing the Grid (data here gets loaded correctly):
<TelerikGrid @ref="@_grid" TItem="ChecklistDetailModel" Pageable Page="@_settings.CurrentPageNumber" PageSize="@_settings.Limit" OnRead="@OnPageReadAsync" Width="100%" Height="100%">
<LawAreaSelect SelectedLawAreaId="_settings.SelectedLawAreaId" SelectedCountryId="_settings.SelectedCountryId" OnLawAreaSelected="OnLawAreaSelected" Width="250px" />
<CountriesSelect Value="_settings.SelectedCountryId" OnChangeCallback="OnCountrySelected" Width="250px" />
<TelerikButton Icon="FontIcon.FileAdd" OnClick="OnCreateChecklistButtonClick" Title="@Localizer["ChecklistOverview.Create"]" />
<GridColumn Title="ID" Width="50px">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.LawArea"]">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Country"]">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Checklist.Revision"]">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
@if (model.RevisionName != null)
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.ChecklistRevisionDate"]">
<Template Context="checklist">
var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
@if (model.LastUpdated.HasValue)
<GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.EditTools" OnClick="OnEditChecklistButtonClick" />
<GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.PaperPlane" OnClick="OnAssignChecklistButtonClick" />
<DetailTemplate Context="checklist">
<CustomerChecklistGrid ChecklistId="checklist.Id" OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick="OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick" OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick="OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick" />
This is the `CustomerChecklistGrid` code inserted into the DetailTemplate of the Grid above:
<TelerikGrid @ref="_grid" TItem="CustomerChecklistModel" Pageable Page="_settings.CurrentPageNumber" PageSize="_settings.Limit" OnRead="OnPageReadAsync">
<CustomerSelect OnCustomerSelected="OnCustomerSelected" SelectedCustomerId="_settings.SelectedCustomerId" Width="250px" />
<GridColumn Title="ID" Width="50px">
<Template Context="customerChecklist">
var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Customer"]">
<Template Context="customerChecklist">
var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
<GridColumn Title="@Localizer["ChecklistsOverview.CompletedOn"]">
<Template Context="customerChecklist">
var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
@if (model.CompletedOn.HasValue)
<GridCommandColumn Context="customerChecklist">
<GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.EditTools" OnClick="OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync" />
var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
if (!model.CompletedOn.HasValue)
<GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.PaperPlane" OnClick="OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync" />
This is the backing C# code for the grid:
public partial class CustomerChecklistGrid
[Parameter] public int ChecklistId { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback<CustomerChecklistModel> OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback<CustomerChecklistModel> OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick { get; set; }
[Inject] public ICustomerChecklistService CustomerChecklistService { get; set; }
[Inject] public IStringLocalizer<SharedResources> Localizer { get; set; }
[CascadingParameter] public Routes App { get; set; }
private CustomerChecklistSettings _settings = new();
private PageResult<CustomerChecklistModel> _data = new();
private TelerikGrid<CustomerChecklistModel> _grid;
private async void OnPageReadAsync(GridReadEventArgs args)
var newOffset = args.Request.PageSize * (args.Request.Page - 1);
_settings.Offset = newOffset;
_settings.CurrentPageNumber = args.Request.Page;
var request = new CustomerChecklistRequestModel
Offset = _settings.Offset,
Limit = _settings.Limit,
ChecklistId = ChecklistId,
OrderBy = _settings.OrderBy,
IsCompleted = _settings.IsCompleted,
CustomerId = _settings.SelectedCustomerId
_data = await CustomerChecklistService.GetPageAsync(request);
args.Data = _data.Items;
args.Total = _data.Total;
private void OnCustomerSelected(int customerId)
_settings.SelectedCustomerId = customerId;
_settings.CurrentPageNumber = 1;
private async Task OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync(GridCommandEventArgs args)
var customerChecklist = args.Item as CustomerChecklistModel;
if (OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick.HasDelegate)
await OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick.InvokeAsync(customerChecklist);
private async Task OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync(GridCommandEventArgs args)
var customerChecklist = args.Item as CustomerChecklistModel;
if (OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick.HasDelegate)
await OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick.InvokeAsync(customerChecklist);
private sealed class CustomerChecklistSettings
public int Offset { get; set; }
public int Limit { get; set; } = 25;
public int CurrentPageNumber { get; set; } = 1;
public int? SelectedCustomerId { get; set; }
public bool? IsCompleted { get; set; }
public string OrderBy { get; set; } = "customer";
This is a screenshot of the UI I'm seeing. I'm expecting data to show up in the inner grid, data gets loaded correctly (when debugging I see data is available), however no records are shown.
If I change the width of the scheduler component it doesn't move the events to the correct place
I am currentl looking at printing the Scheduler but I ran into this issue when trying to adjust the scheduler to fit on a page
When adding / editing the last time slot for the day, SchedulerEditEventArgs has wrong End value.
For example Start value is 28.12.2023. 23:30:00 and end value is 28.12.2023. 00:00:00. Should instead be 28.12.2023. 23:59:59 or 29.12.2023. 00:00:00.
There doesn't appear to be any examples of this. Is the feature not implemented and if not when is it going to be
The application users would like the scheduler to default to the work day view instead of the full day view.
Currently the only way to do this is to create a @ref to a property on my page and then override OnAfterRender to set the ShowWorkHours property to true. When examining the property I see that it is decorated with a HideFromApiRef attribute. Would it not be possible to change that to a Parameter so that the property could be set in the definition, or even bound to a variable?
Hi there.
So I've been struggling for the last 2 days with the scheduler having this weird issue where setting it to Today's date set's the Scheduler's date correctly, but the incorrect date is shown in the date picker, with the correct date in the picker's popup.
I then went to the Scheduler overview screen and noticed the exact same bug there, so I'll be linking that page to show the issue along with an attached screenshot of the issue.
Request either demo or functionality to either allow for "paging" of large scheduler data or functionality to utilize odata format for performance of scheduler data presentation.
My query even with just a year of data takes a few seconds to fetch from the database as well as several more seconds for the scheduler to process the data. Having functionality for changing views or switching days/weeks/months to allow for quick data updates from the back end would greatly improve overall performance.