The "Edit Recurring Appointment" modal is only partially visible on mobile which prevents the user from proper editing.
When I change the date while I'm in the month view, the slot doesn't change to the newly calculated ItemsPerSlot value.
To reproduce, open the calendar and set the date to the 3rd of December: REPL link.
I am using a Scheduler with vertical grouping by multiple resources. In Timeline view, some of the appointments appear with an offset and are not correctly aligned in the cell. In some cases, the appointment is even rendered outside the slot it is associated with.
The issue seems to occur as of UI for Blazor 4.2.0. The same configuration worked fine in 4.1.0.
I am using the Scheduler component in Telerik for Blazor and am getting an intermittent exception being thrown, usually when navigating quickly through the application (ie. navigating to another page before the initial page containing the Scheduler has finished rendering).
This is the exception received:
The Scheduler must render in the browser and then it measures and adjusts its layout with JavaScript. You may hit this error if the component is disposed before or during this JavaScript call.
Example use cases:
Check the following configuration: ( SlotDuration="720" SlotDivisions="1").
The start time of the appointment is 12:00 PM today. The Scheduler, however, displays the start at 12:00 AM on the next day even though the arrow indicates the event continues from the previous day.
For reference, if I set SlotDivisions="2", I get the expected result:
Event Popup Edit: Object of type 'Telerik.Blazor.Components.Scheduler.Models.Resource' cannot be converted to type 'System.String'.
When try to click on the Save button in an Event Scheduler Popup window, an error appears.I have a problem with Scheduler TimelineView. When there are a bit more appointments in the first resource group, the last appointment from the last group is positioned incorrectly/outside of the Scheduler component.
I think the CSS parameter "top" is calculated in the wrong mode. See the attached recording.
If the Start and/or End fields are DateTime? double-clicking on an empty slot does not open the form. This makes it impossible to create new events.
The issue occurs as of UI for Blazor 3.7.0.
When you have an event that starts between 11:30pm and 12:00am - the default last slot of the Timeline view, the Scheduler throws the following error:
Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection
When the Week view of the Scheduler is selected the label of the DatePicker is incorrect. The displayed range in the label covers an extra day. e.g. in the Week view the range spans 7 days (the label show range of 8 days)
The problem can also be observed when the MultiDay view is selected - the displayed range includes one additional day.
When using Vertical Grouping by multiple resources and Timeline View, the group rows without appointments do not have min-height as the rest of the group rows. Thus, they appear shorter which causes an offset of the events on the next rows.
Steps to reproduce:
A possible workaround for the time being is to set min-height to all rows. Apply this style only when Timeline view is selected, so this does not break the rendering of the other views.
Scheduler cells are not aligned correctly in the Timeline View when Bootstrap Theme is used.
To reproduce the problem:
1. Open the following Scheduler Demo:
2. Select the Bootstrap Theme
3. Open the Timeline View
The Scheduler seems to be showing the previous month in the header.
In a Scheduler with vertical grouping, I am dynamically changing the displayed resources during runtime. It looks like displaying a longer resource name breaks the rendering.
The Scheduler does not recalculate the cell width when changing the resource list.
Possible workarounds:
If you drag an occurrence to a different time slot, a new appointment is created and the series is accordingly updated. However, if you are editing an occurrence via the edit form to change its start and end, a new appointment is correctly created but the initial occurrence remains not updated in the series.
Can be reproduced in the Appointment Editing demo.
After update to 2.27 there is a bug to scheduler with number of days and refresh.
You can check your live demo also: