Last Updated: 25 Feb 2020 10:33 by ADMIN


When i set GridCommandButton 

<GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Save</GridCommandButton>

in a Grid component, I always get a Button with a label "Update". How can I change this? 



Thank you!



Last Updated: 23 Feb 2020 09:50 by ADMIN

I discovered "incell" editing mode on the grid, I love it!  It makes the UI very intuitive and quick to update individual fields. It also works great with a PATCH API endpoint.

One minor glitch with "incell editing".  If I click on a cell in a different row, it immediately takes the previous cell out of edit and puts the new cell in edit with a single click -- VERY cool.  But, if you click on a cell in the same row it takes the previous cell out of edit, but doesn't put the new cell in edit mode.  It would be cool if it worked the same as the "clicking in separate rows" functionality. 




Last Updated: 19 Feb 2020 14:48 by ADMIN
Release 2.8.0
When using IQueryable as data source in the blazor grid with paging in version 2.7.1 the resulting EF query does not contain a top x. So all records are retrieved. In version 2.7.0 it seems to work correctly.
Last Updated: 19 Feb 2020 11:12 by ADMIN
Release 2.8.0
Created by: Robert
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

I have a simple Grid with custom detail template

    <Telerik.Blazor.Components.TelerikGrid Data="@GridData" FilterMode="Telerik.Blazor.GridFilterMode.FilterRow" >

            <Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridCheckboxColumn Title="Selected"></Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridCheckboxColumn>
            <Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn Title="Name" Filterable="true" Field="@nameof(GridItem.Text)"></Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn>
            <Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn Field="@nameof(GridItem.Date)" Filterable="true" Title="Date"></Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn>
            <Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn Field="@nameof(GridItem.Id)" Filterable="true" Title="Id"></Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn>
            <Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn Field="@nameof(GridItem.ParentIdValue)" Filterable="true" Title="Parent Id"></Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn>
            <Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn Field="@nameof(GridItem.HasChildren)" Filterable="true" Title="Has Children"></Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn>

            <div>Custom Template</div>



And here is what it looks like. Filters are moved one column to the left. When I remove DetailTemplate everything is ok.


Last Updated: 18 Feb 2020 13:08 by ADMIN
Release 2.8.0
Created by: Nick
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


This relates to my forum post here: https://www.telerik.com/forums/grid-selection-performance

I've noticed that the grid becomes very slow to select a row and to page when there is more than a little data being displayed. In the test project attached it can take 9 seconds to just select a row on the grid which is unworkable. Although we can reduce the amount of data and use paging in the real application we are developing it is still far too slow for Production use.

The test application has 2 pages, one using the Telerik grid and one using a simple component that draws an HTML table and handles selection. My aim was to prove that the problem is not down to Blazor re-rendering when a row is selected. The simple component it is around 0.3 seconds to select a row vs 9 seconds for the Telerik grid.

Obviously I appreciate that the Telerik grid is doing a lot more than the component, but it is not just Blazor that is causing this issue, it must be related to the work the grid has to do when a row is selected.

The attached project has 2 pages, one using the Telerik Grid one using my simple component. Click the load button to generate 300 rows of test data and then try clicking on a row. You can see the problem by running a performance trace in either Firefox or Chrome. The browser can even become unresponsive just clicking on a row, which you will appreciate is impossible to live with. If that doesn't happen you can try increasing the amount of data generated.

Thanks for your time!
Kind Regards,






Last Updated: 18 Feb 2020 12:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Rajesh
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
At the moment, the Title of the GridCheckboxColumn renders only when `SelectAll="false"`. I would like to always be able to have a title for this column. Perhaps if a title is set, it could even be a <label> for the checkbox.
Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 09:49 by ADMIN
Release 2.7.1

There is an issue with setting the Grid's Page property to values other than 1.

This is visible on the Blazor Demo for Grid Paging (https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/grid/paging).

Initially the CurrentPage variable is set to 3, and thus the Page property on the Grid is set to 3. The Pager in the grid correctly shows Page 3 and the Pager Info is also correct, however, the data in the Grid is not filtered to the correct page. This can be seen by clicking Page 1 in the Pager (the data remains the same), and then clicking Page 3 in the Pager (the data changes, and is different than the initial data).


Last Updated: 10 Feb 2020 15:40 by ADMIN
Release 2.7.0
Created by: Manu
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Please allow to set Group By fields at Design time, currently only user has control to Drag and drop to group.

we need feature to group by fixed set of columns and don't allow user to change the grouping, also need option to hide group collapse icons.



Last Updated: 10 Feb 2020 15:39 by ADMIN
Release 2.7.0
Created by: Marcel
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

So far in the TelerikGrid component it is only possible to set the title of a column to a string. It would be useful to give the title/header a template instead of a simple string. In this way one could for example place a button, image, (...) inside the columnheader.

This kind of template-ability could be very handy in various other cases elsewhere, so please bring this flexibility into ui for blazor.

Last Updated: 30 Jan 2020 14:48 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.1
Created by: Richard
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

If the grid has Filterable=true, at the moment, all columns must have a Field defined. If a column does not have a Field, an exception similar to this one will be thrown:

Error: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: name
   at System.Type.GetProperty(String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr)
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.get_PropInfo()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.get_PropType()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.get_PropTypeName()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.ResetFilterText()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid.TelerikGridFilterHeaderBase`1.OnInit()
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.RunInitAndSetParametersAsync()

Instead, when no Field is provided, filtering, sorting and other operations that require a model field must be disabled internally without an exception.

For the time being, a workaround is to set Filterable=false to the desired column.

Here is an example where the workaround is highlighted

@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Button
<TelerikGrid data="@Histories" height="600px" Pageable="true" PageSize="20" Sortable="true" Filterable="true">
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="Casecode" />
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="Historytext" />
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="Createdate" Title="Create Date" />
        <TelerikGridColumn Filterable="false">
                    var CurrentRecord = context as CaseHistory;
                    if (CurrentRecord.Blobid > 0)
                        <TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => MyCustomCommand(CurrentRecord))">Open</TelerikButton>
@functions {
    public class CaseHistory
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int Casecode { get; set; }
        public string Historytext { get; set; }
        public DateTime Createdate { get; set; }
        public int Blobid { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<CaseHistory> Histories = Enumerable.Range(1, 50).Select(x => new CaseHistory
        Id = x,
        Casecode = x,
        Historytext = "text " + x,
        Createdate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x),
        Blobid = (x % 3 == 0) ? x : -x
    string result { get; set; }
    void MyCustomCommand(CaseHistory itm)
        result = $"custom command fired for {itm.Id} on {DateTime.Now}";


Last Updated: 30 Jan 2020 11:50 by ADMIN
Release 2.7.0
Created by: Mark
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Grid needs the ability to show totals or other aggregates for selected columns
Last Updated: 16 Jan 2020 09:32 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.1
Created by: Nick
Comments: 8
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


I've noticed some odd behaviour where the OnRead event is being called twice. Initially I thought it was my code, but I've got to a bizarre example where having two Console.WriteLine statements causes the repeated call, but having one doesn't!

In my testing with more code in the method it hasn't been consistent, so I'm not sure if it's a timing/threading issue. I have tested with the following:

  • Browser: Firefox and Chrome
  • VS: 16.4 Preview 5.
  • .Net Core: 3.1 Preview 2
  • Telerik: 2.3

My test code looks like this:


@layout EmptyLayout
@page "/testgrid"
<TelerikGrid Data=@GridData TotalCount=@Total
             Pageable=true PageSize=15
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Id) Title="ID" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Name) Title="Name" />
@code {
    public List<Employee> GridData { get; set; }
    public int Total { get; set; } = 0;
    protected async Task ReadItems(GridReadEventArgs args)
        Console.WriteLine("ReadItems 1");
        // Remove this line and ReadItems is only called once!!!
        Console.WriteLine("ReadItems 2");
        // Adding this makes no difference
        //await Task.Delay(1);
    public class DataEnvelope
        public List<Employee> CurrentPageData { get; set; }
        public int TotalItemCount { get; set; }
    public class Employee
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }


Any help appreciated!


Last Updated: 16 Jan 2020 08:42 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.1

This worked in 2.5.1.

Sample repro (focus the textbox and try moving the cursor with the left and right arrows)

    <TabStripTab Title="first tab">

        <TelerikTextBox Value="@TbValue"></TelerikTextBox>

        <input type="text" value="@TbValue" />

    <TabStripTab Title="second tab">another tab</TabStripTab>

    string TbValue { get; set; } = "lorem ipsum";

Last Updated: 15 Jan 2020 16:20 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.1
Created by: Robert
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report


I'm trying to set an empty column title

 <Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn Field="@item.FieldName"


I would expect it to show an empty header title but instead fieldName is displayed.

Last Updated: 14 Jan 2020 14:00 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.0

There's a bug when using the popup mode and adding a record



  1. Click 'Add Employee'
  2. Click the X at the top right of the modal popup
  3. You are left with a row in the grid

Last Updated: 14 Jan 2020 07:41 by Christian

We have a Telerik grid which is customized by some CSS rules. The problem is that the header width does not fill the width of the table if no scrollbar is shown.

My question is: Why did you create the table like it is right now in HTML (See screenshot as well)? In my opinion, it would be easier to use something more simple like described here: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp

<table style="width:100%">


This would make it easier to customize the table / grid as well as having no issues with the widths at all. This rectangle on the right top edge doesn't look good...


I'm not sure if this is a feature request or just a discussion / idea for the developers :) I just wanted to bring this in and get an explanation why you chose to do it that way (And maybe get a fix for this as well).


Best regards,


Last Updated: 02 Jan 2020 11:10 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.0

When you have page numbers that go to 4 digits (>1000), the numbers get cramped up together and it is hard to tell which page you really are on.

Workaround - the CSS at the beginning of the snippet below. 

Reproducible - go to the last page on this sample and you will see the results attached below, if you have removed the workaround.

    /* The workaround */
    .k-pager-wrap.k-grid-pager .k-link, .k-pager-wrap.k-grid-pager .k-state-selected
        min-width: calc(10px + 1.4285714286em);
        width: auto;
@*The MCVE*@
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid
<TelerikGrid Data="@MyData" Height="300px" Pageable="true" PageSize="2" Sortable="true">
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Id))" />
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Name))" Title="Employee Name" />
        <TelerikGridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.HireDate))" Title="Hire Date" />
@functions {
    public IEnumerable<SampleData> MyData = Enumerable.Range(1, 5000).Select(x => new SampleData
        Id = x,
        Name = "name " + x,
        HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x)
    public class SampleData
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
    //in a real case, consider fetching the data in an appropriate event like OnInitAsync
    //also, consider keeping the models in dedicated locations like a shared library
    //this is just an example that is easy to copy and run
Last Updated: 10 Dec 2019 17:45 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.0
Created by: Eric
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
At the moment, the editors in the grid have a fixed width. This makes them too narrow when the column is wide, or too wide when a column is narrow.
Last Updated: 09 Dec 2019 15:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Andriy
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Hi, Marin
I want to localize caption in right-bottom corner where pager wrote record number and total values.
How I can do this?
Thank you.
Last Updated: 09 Dec 2019 15:10 by ADMIN
Release 2.5.1

I had a working server-side Blazor project that was working, but a problem appears to have begun without me changing any code. I upgraded to the latest version (2.4.0) and am having the same problem.

The SelectedItemsChanged event is not working when a checkbox is checked. If I click outside the checkbox in the same column, the event fires however.

I see similar behavior on your own demo page, so this seems like a bug: https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/grid/selection Check some products on that grid and the selected items do not change below. I've tested this in Vivaldi and Edge.
