I need to lock the "expand" column in the Grid(Locked=true).
When I scroll horizontally, the first column with the expand/collapse icon scrolls out of view. I would like a way to lock it.
new version has broken "dynamic" changing column properties/visiblity runtime, especially- selection mode and causing lot of "rerendering".
Video attachment:
1 - first part is OLD version(prior 4.1.0) 4.0.1
2 - seccond part(after changing next browser tab) is new version 4.1.0
SAME setup
Iam already using hint for blazor with IDs of columns, found in Your documentation...etc. @key="@("sIDX")"
-->>Clicking on Button for changing grid mode and visibility of columns**
<TelerikToggleButton Title="Oznaceni vice radku" Icon="@FontIcon.ListUnordered" OnClick="@( _ =>{ CurrentStackItem.gSelectionMode=(CurrentStackItem.gSelectionMode==GridSelectionMode.Multiple)?GridSelectionMode.Single:GridSelectionMode.Multiple;CurrentStackItem.gSelectedItems = Enumerable.Empty<ExpandoObject>();})"
-->>First "static" 2 columns**
<GridCheckboxColumn Visible=@(CurrentStackItem.gSelectionMode==GridSelectionMode.Multiple) @key="@("sIDX")" Width="70px" Locked="true" SelectAll="true" SelectAllMode="GridSelectAllMode.Current"></GridCheckboxColumn><GridColumn FieldType=@typeof(bool) Visible=@(IsPicker==true || (XSmall==false && CurrentStackItem.gSelectionMode==GridSelectionMode.Single )) @key="@("sCMD")" Filterable="false" Sortable="false" Locked="true" Width="@((IsPicker==true && XSmall==true)?"45px":"120px")">
<HeaderTemplate> </HeaderTemplate><Template Context="ctx"><div @onclick:preventDefault="true" @onclick:stopPropagation="true">
-->> THIS part is hitting LOT OF TIME in debug (expected is at best only once)
@{if (XSmall==false)
-->> here is LOT OF dynamic buttons.
-->> rest of the dynamic columns. In video, starting with "ciiislo org" in header
@if (GridDef.ColStore != null && GridDef.ColStore.Any())
foreach (var it in GridDef.ColStore.Where(x => x.Verejny == true))
<GridColumn @key=@it.FldName Field=@it.FldName FieldType=@it.FldType Title=@it.VerejnyNazev ShowFilterCellButtons="false" Width=@it.cSirkaSestava
@if (it.Sumovat == true)
Feel free to change the Subject.
Thanks, have a nice day
Currently, the empty cells in the exported Excel file contain zero-length strings. As a result, the ISBLANK() function returns false for them while the cells essentially do not have content.
Please allow the empty Grid cells to be treated as blank in the exported Excel file.
For the time being, you may extend the formula to also check whether the length of the cell content is 0. For that purpose, you may use the LEN() function as suggested here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/excel/isblank-function-return-false#workaround.
Here is a runnable REPL test page. A possible workaround is to render the Grid only if it has columns:
if (GridColumns.Count() > 0)
<TelerikGrid Data="@Data">
@foreach (var column in GridColumns)
<GridColumn Field="@column.DataField"
ShowColumnMenu="false" Title="@column.DisplayName" Resizable="true" Width="500px">
Scenario #1
I want my users to confirm the update of a cell value with the built-in Confirmation Dialog for Blazor. If I use the keyboard (Enter, Tab) to close the edit the Confirmation dialog will popup, but after closing it the Grid hangs.
Scenario #2
If I edit a cell and press enter very quickly, the grid is not able to get the new value inserted after confirming it through the dialog.
Scenario #3
If you press Enter very quickly to confirm the value for deletion, the value is not always removed.
Are there any plans to have the datagrid be both groupable and draggable?
What is the purpose of this (https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/grid/selection/overview#row-drag-and-drop);
If the user drags selected rows, the current row selection will be cleared on row drop.
Is this a bug? As when you select multiple rows, then drag and drop the rows, it clears the bound selectedItems object (but the rows still remain ticked in the UI). Just confirming this is something that will be fixed?
I am binding a Grid to a collection of ExpandoObjects. In the collection, there are decimal values. When I try to add Aggregates for the decimal values the Grid throws an exception.
As a workaround, you can cast the decimal values to double instead.
I'm having issues trying to figure out how to change values (from the model) when I'm Incell Mode without triggers the OnRead events after. The actual code is working great since I was able to remove the Incell mode on the OnChangeModel event below, but OnRead is keeps call after (which I didn't need and slow user experience)
Is there a way to cancel the OnRead ?
<TelerikGrid OnRead="ReadItems" EditMode="GridEditMode.Incell"
<GridEditDropDownColumn Field="Test1" Data="@Eval?.ListEvaluationTypes" Title="Title" Width="130px" OnChange="OnChangeModel" />
private TelerikGrid<EvaluationListDTO> GridRef { get; set; }
protected async Task OnChangeModel(object model)
var item = (EvaluationListDTO)model;
var state = GridRef?.GetState();
//Save in the Database
// use the state to remove the edited item (close the editor)
state.EditItem = null;
state.OriginalEditItem = null;
await GridRef.SetStateAsync(state);
Currently, we use groups for calculating all aggregates in Grid. We can optimize the process so that when there are no groups, specific aggregates are still calculated.