Please add a feature to export the grid to a PDF file.
We have made two examples you can use for the time being to get a PDF document from the grid:
The feature request is to be able to customize the GridCsvExportOptions and GridExcelExportOptions from the API methods -
It will be useful to be able to customize the columns and data to be exported.
Telerik edit:
A possible workaround is to click the built-in Grid export buttons with JavaScript. With this approach, you will be able to use the built-in export options and events. Here is a REPL example.
The need is to update, add or delete a lot of items at once (for example, the selected items). Sample of batch editing:
Perhaps this may become possible through methods on the grid that invoke the CUD operations.
There is a sample project that accomplishes most of these goals:
The grid state offers a great deal of flexibility in terms of controlling the grid, up to putting it in edit/insert mode.
Hi - this one is a feature request, not a bug. :)
For the filter menu, when you enter a filter value, it would be nice if you could press enter to execute the filter instead of having to click "Filter."
In a grouped Grid with editing if I collapse all groups and then expand one to edit an item in it, once I press Enter to complete the editing all groups expand.
Please add option for persisting the Collapsed State of the groups.
The feature applies to the other data operations as well (for example, paging, sorting).
Here is how to maintain the collapsed groups after editing by using the Grid OnStateChanged event and the Grid state as a whole:
@using Telerik.DataSource
<TelerikGrid @ref="@GridRef"
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Name)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Team)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Salary)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.OnVacation)" />
<GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="@SvgIcon.Save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</GridCommandButton>
<GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="@SvgIcon.Pencil">Edit</GridCommandButton>
<GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="@SvgIcon.Cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>
@code {
private TelerikGrid<Employee>? GridRef { get; set; }
private List<Employee> GridData { get; set; } = new();
private ICollection<int>? GridCollapsedGroups { get; set; }
private void OnGridUpdate(GridCommandEventArgs args)
var updatedItem = (Employee)args.Item;
var originalItemIndex = GridData.FindIndex(x => x.Id == updatedItem.Id);
if (originalItemIndex >= 0)
GridData[originalItemIndex] = updatedItem;
GridCollapsedGroups = GridRef!.GetState().CollapsedGroups;
private async Task OnGridStateChanged(GridStateEventArgs<Employee> args)
if (args.PropertyName == "EditItem" && GridCollapsedGroups != null)
args.GridState.CollapsedGroups = GridCollapsedGroups;
await GridRef!.SetStateAsync(args.GridState);
GridCollapsedGroups = default;
private void OnGridStateInit(GridStateEventArgs<Employee> args)
args.GridState.GroupDescriptors = new List<GroupDescriptor>();
args.GridState.GroupDescriptors.Add(new GroupDescriptor()
Member = nameof(Employee.Team),
MemberType = typeof(string)
protected override void OnInitialized()
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
GridData.Add(new Employee()
Id = i,
Name = $"Name {i}",
Team = $"Team {i % 4 + 1}",
Salary = (decimal)Random.Shared.Next(1000, 3000),
OnVacation = i % 3 == 0
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Team { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public bool OnVacation { get; set; }
Please consider a Grid feature that changes the component layout on mobile devices or narrow screens. The idea is to switch the column layout to a card layout or anything similar to this example:
It is possible to implement a similar behavior with the Telerik Blazor Grid and MediaQuery components, but it requires reusing the column titles in the CSS code:
Telerik Blazor team: Everyone who is interested in this feature, please vote for it to help us prioritize. Also, share your opinion about which Grid features you strictly need in the "mobile" layout and which ones you are ready to sacrifice. Some features don't make sense in a card / listview layout anyway, but still, the mobile-friendly Grid may require completely different HTML markup and UX, so some features may need to be completely revamped.
It would be nice if I could specify an item in the inline editor (or any other for that matter) to get focus when the editor is activated.
Telerik edit:
A possible workaround is:
The example below also shows how to enter Grid edit mode programmatically and how to focus a specific field when editing with OnRowClick.
<TelerikGrid @ref="@GridInlineRef"
<GridCommandButton Command="Add">Add</GridCommandButton>
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Product.Name)">
@{ var editItem = (Product)context; }
<TelerikTextBox @ref="@NameTextBoxRef" @bind-Value="@editItem.Name" DebounceDelay="0" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Product.Price)">
@{ var editItem = (Product)context; }
<TelerikNumericTextBox @ref="@PriceNumericTextBoxRef" @bind-Value="@editItem.Price" DebounceDelay="0" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Product.Stock)">
@{ var editItem = (Product)context; }
<TelerikNumericTextBox @ref="@StockNumericTextBoxRef" @bind-Value="@editItem.Stock" DebounceDelay="0" />
<GridCommandButton Command="Edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
<GridCommandButton Command="Save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</GridCommandButton>
<GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>
@code {
private TelerikGrid<Product>? GridInlineRef { get; set; }
private TelerikTextBox? NameTextBoxRef { get; set; }
private TelerikNumericTextBox<decimal?>? PriceNumericTextBoxRef { get; set; }
private TelerikNumericTextBox<int>? StockNumericTextBoxRef { get; set; }
private string EditFieldToFocus { get; set; } = string.Empty;
private List<Product> GridInlineData { get; set; } = new List<Product>();
private void OnGridAddEdit(GridCommandEventArgs args)
EditFieldToFocus = nameof(Product.Stock);
private async Task OnGridRowClick(GridRowClickEventArgs args)
EditFieldToFocus = args.Field;
var itemToEdit = (Product)args.Item;
args.ShouldRender = true;
if (GridInlineRef != null)
var gridState = GridInlineRef.GetState();
gridState.InsertedItem = null!;
gridState.OriginalEditItem = itemToEdit;
gridState.EditItem = itemToEdit.Clone();
await GridInlineRef.SetStateAsync(gridState);
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditFieldToFocus))
await Task.Delay(200);
switch (EditFieldToFocus)
case nameof(Product.Name):
if (NameTextBoxRef != null)
await NameTextBoxRef.FocusAsync();
case nameof(Product.Price):
if (PriceNumericTextBoxRef != null)
await PriceNumericTextBoxRef.FocusAsync();
case nameof(Product.Stock):
if (StockNumericTextBoxRef != null)
await StockNumericTextBoxRef.FocusAsync();
EditFieldToFocus = string.Empty;
#region Programmatic Inline Editing
private async Task InlineAdd()
var gridState = GridInlineRef!.GetState();
gridState.InsertedItem = new Product();
gridState.InsertedItem.Name = "New value";
gridState.OriginalEditItem = null!;
gridState.EditItem = null!;
await GridInlineRef.SetStateAsync(gridState);
private async Task InlineEdit()
if (GridInlineData.Any())
var gridState = GridInlineRef!.GetState();
gridState.InsertedItem = null!;
gridState.OriginalEditItem = GridInlineData.First();
gridState.EditItem = GridInlineData.First().Clone();
gridState.EditItem.Name = "Updated inline value";
EditFieldToFocus = nameof(Product.Price);
await GridInlineRef.SetStateAsync(gridState);
private async Task InlineCancel()
var gridState = GridInlineRef!.GetState();
gridState.InsertedItem = null!;
gridState.OriginalEditItem = null!;
gridState.EditItem = null!;
await GridInlineRef.SetStateAsync(gridState);
private async Task InlineUpdate()
var gridState = GridInlineRef!.GetState();
if (gridState.EditItem != null)
OnGridInlineUpdate(new GridCommandEventArgs()
Item = gridState.EditItem
else if (gridState.InsertedItem != null)
OnGridInlineCreate(new GridCommandEventArgs()
Item = gridState.InsertedItem
gridState.InsertedItem = null!;
gridState.OriginalEditItem = null!;
gridState.EditItem = null!;
await GridInlineRef.SetStateAsync(gridState);
#endregion Programmatic Inline Editing
#region Grid Inline Editing Handlers
private void OnGridInlineUpdate(GridCommandEventArgs args)
var updatedItem = (Product)args.Item;
var index = GridInlineData.FindIndex(i => i.Id == updatedItem.Id);
if (index != -1)
GridInlineData[index] = updatedItem;
private void OnGridInlineCreate(GridCommandEventArgs args)
var createdItem = (Product)args.Item;
createdItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
GridInlineData.Insert(0, createdItem);
#endregion Grid Inline Editing Handlers
#region Data Generation and Model
protected override void OnInitialized()
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
GridInlineData.Add(new Product()
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = $"Product {i}",
Price = Random.Shared.Next(1, 100) * 1.23m,
Stock = (short)Random.Shared.Next(0, 1000)
public class Product
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public decimal? Price { get; set; }
public int Stock { get; set; }
public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }
public bool InProduction { get; set; }
public Product Clone()
return new Product()
Id = Id,
Name = Name,
Price = Price,
Stock = Stock,
ReleaseDate = ReleaseDate,
InProduction = InProduction
#endregion Data Generation and Model
ADMIN EDIT: Please review this thread and add your comments so we can get the community feedback on this. We have attached to this opener post a small sample that shows how to achieve this with a few lines of code, and a short video of that behavior.
Hello Team;
The Grid Popup is a great feature, but my understanding is that the Popup form ONLY shows properties that are assigned as columns to the Grid.
If true, this poses some restrictions for us. Many times we might show ONLY small # of columns in Grid, however the form requires MORE properties during ADD or UPDATE.
Is it possible that we can use two ViewModels, one for the Grid columns with less properties and one with more properties for ADD & UPDATE?
Note: If this FR is considered, perhaps we can have separate ViewModel for Update and ADD, as sometimes, ADD might require more properties to be added than later be updated.
This feature will save a lot of time to build apps that have many tables and we have to create CRUD operations
I want to know when the user moves focus to a new row - I intend to use that to select this row and to perform some operations on an adjacent grid.
The majority of things are possible through templates right now. You can put in the desired template (editor, row, cell, header, whatever you need to capture events from) and add the desired handler to your own DOM element. Then, you can alter the grid, if needed, through its state. If you need the row data item - it is available in the templates related to the data rows. If you need adjacent rows models - you can get them from the sorted list of grid data when you use its OnRead event - you have the current row and you can get a previous/next one as needed from that list.
That said, I am keeping this item open (status "Unplanned") so we can still gather any feedback and its popularity and what the community thinks, and whether it will be a meaningful addition to the component.