Last Updated: 01 Jul 2021 11:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Andy
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
When converting a WebForms app with KendoUI controls in it to MVC, I used the MVC wrappers.  One thing that became very apparent is the lack of support for client templates.  For example, a bound column has a ClientTemplate, but no ClientEditorTemplate or ClientHeaderTemplate. Because of this, extra JS code has to be written to manually manipulate different parts of the grid.  Considering the MVC Wrappers render out the same HTML/JavaScript as the pure JavaScript counterpart, it would be EXTREMELY helpful if client templates were made available anywhere a server-side template exists.
Last Updated: 23 May 2023 17:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Scott
Comments: 6
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

This is the same as an existing feature request, which was marked as completed but it doesn't achieve what was originally requested.

Orgchart like the one in Telerik ASP.NET Ajax

The UI for ASP.NET MVC OrgChart component is missing functionality found in the UI for ASP.NET AJAX product.

The demos only show a small organisation dataset. With a large dataset (including up to 5 levels), I found the current MVC solution becomes unusable. For example, the vertical/horizontal scroll bar becomes tiny and navigation becomes difficult.

The extra functionality available in the AJAX works around issues, such as, zooming in/out and solves other basic requirements, such as Export to PDF.

Please make the AJAX Functionality and Application Scenarios available in the MVC product.

Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 13:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Paul
Comments: 3
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

I have a Kendo Notification component on my page. When the page loads, it is possible a notification needs to show immediately. This fails because the Notification component is not ready yet. Even putting this message show inside a document.ready() call does not work. There’s no rendered event on this component to know when Kendo has it added to the DOM and it is accessible. So I ended up creating an array of messages to show. And running a setInterval block on page load until it is ready to go. Then clearing the interval and message array. It’s a work around but it is hacky and it would be better if I could subscribe to an event that tells me when the notification component can be used.

Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 13:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Steven
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

My understanding after talking to support is that a grid with a popup editor has code behind the scenes that stops adverse scrolling behavior when the popup window closes.  However, under certain circumstances, this doesn't work if you have a grid nested in your popup editor that also has a popup editor.  As it was described to me, this "behavior is not directly related to the Grid, but the Kendo Window. Generally, it provides the preventScroll property, but I am afraid this scenario is more complex due to the window being internally embedded into the Grid".

The exact scenario I found was that if you shrink you browser window small enough that you need to use some scrolling, scroll down your grid a little, then do something to cause the popup editor to open.  Scroll down again to get to your nested grid, open that popup editor, then close it.  The browser then auto scrolls to the top.

I was given this code to fix the issue (and it DOES fix it):

    kendo.ui.Grid.fn._destroyEditableOrg = kendo.ui.Grid.fn._destroyEditable;
    kendo.ui.Grid.fn._destroyEditable = function () {
        var that = this;
        if (that._editContainer) {
            var kw =;
                modal: false

The problem is that these fields aren't documented... I would never have figured this out on my own.  So my feature request is that either this behavior is fixed or these properties exposed from the Grid settings.  


PS: For Telerik, the original ticket was 1589389.

Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 13:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Marcel
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

I'm using the ClientTemplate-Feature to render buttons for CRUD-actions in grids. For one entity I have to use a TreeList instead of a Grid due to parent-child relations. It would be great if I could use the same templates I use for the grid for the treelist as well.


columns.Bound(x => x.UserName)
        .ClientTemplate("<a href='" + Url.Admin().Account() + "/#= Id#/edit'>#= UserName #</a>")
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2023 22:28 by Paul
Created by: Paul
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to suggest that Progress/DevTools creates a SSO authentication service.   I'll elaborate further with more details.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 29 Jun 2021 06:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Julie
Comments: 3
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
Using the MVC wrappers to style checkboxes and assign bindings works well except for the visible binding. the style is applied to the hidden input rather than the created styled label. 
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2019 06:37 by ADMIN

This request feature is tied to ticket #1388825. Refer to that ticket for the illustration of the problem I am referring to. 

Given two splitter windows, all I require is to populate one splitter window with some data related to the other splitter window.

In my case, one Telerik splitter window has a simple 3-level Telerik tree control. When the 3rd level is clicked on, I want the other Telerik splitter window containing a Telerik grid to display details of what was clicked on. This requires an AJAX call to avoid having to reload the tree control.

However, while working with Support, there seems to be a very high degree of rocket science and uncertainty involved with implementing this scenario. 

I would have thought with great certainty that the functionality I need would be clearly documented somewhere in the Telerik doc database. I am still amazed that I might the first person who has this problem.

So, this feature request is to essentially provide very clear and competent documentation on the design pattern one needs to implement AJAX calls which pass data between two Telerik controls. At the very least, it would document the design pattern for the scenario I described above.

Maybe this cannot be done in the 21st Century yet. I don't know what is involved. I'm just a backend developer who purchased a Telerik license so I would not have to spend the rest of my life trying to learn Javascript.


Thank you,



Last Updated: 10 Jun 2021 06:25 by ADMIN

When using QueryableExtensions.ToDataSourceResult() from Telerik MVC, SQL following gets produced:

.. FROM [RMP].[V_UC_EQUIPMENT_LOG2_LOCALIZATION] WHERE ([Extent1].[LOG_TIME] >= convert(DateTimeOffset, ''2019-03-05 23:00:00.0000000 +00:00'', 121)) AND ([Extent1].[LOG_CLASS_ID] IN (78,7,18,30,19,16,17))

When we filter manually in code with linq, e. g.

..  table.Where(e => e.T_EquiID == 234234) ...

the linq provider produces a parameterized query as follows:

AND (@p__linq__0 = [Extent1].[T_EquiID])...


When using a parameterized query, Sql Server can reuse the execution plan much better saving compile time, which is in our case sometimes a big issue.

Please tell us, why can QueryExtensions do produce parameterized queries.

Last Updated: 22 Jun 2021 07:36 by ADMIN
Created by: hassan
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request



can you please enable column resizing for multicolumnbombo box popup grid.





Last Updated: 09 Jun 2021 11:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Hesam
Comments: 3
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request


I'm wondering that if it's too much trouble for Telerik to add/implement  Persian Calendar In Kendo UI Products.


Thank you for your consideration,

Last Updated: 02 Aug 2023 11:22 by ADMIN
Created by: Olivier
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

Hi !

So I work with Kendo UI for JQuery and Kendo UI for ASP.NET MVC and recently I had to use your combobox and found that the search was not accent insensitive and that there were no options to make it so. I think it would be a wonderful feature to have. My dataSource contains a lot of names that could potentially have accents and it would be really great to includes thoses names when I filter without accent.


Thank you !

Last Updated: 07 Dec 2020 09:33 by ADMIN
Created by: Luke Jeffrey
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

The Customer Download Builder ( is a great tool to build and download smaller versions of the quite large Kendo bundle in ways that allows a developer to just get the controls they want for their site and also minifies the bundles to aid with this aim. However, these custom bundles don't come with sourcemaps.

It would be great if there was an optional tickbox to provide these as well. This would enable much better DX when debugging issues either live or in local dev environments.

Last Updated: 28 May 2020 04:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Jan
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
The culture option for the DataSource is available in the webapi option. The same option would be beneficial in the aspnet-mvc type as well so that you can modify it to either match the culture of  the server or set a different from the client's one.
Last Updated: 20 Apr 2020 10:59 by ADMIN

Excel spreadsheet fails to load if the sheet has Charts or TextArea.  The Charts and TextArea are fundamental to us being able to make proper use of the spreadsheet control if we are to allow folks to upload their excel spreadsheet to provide our application functionality.  It is not appropriate for us to use the spreadsheet control if it loses some of the excel spreadsheet items like Chart and TextArea if it were to even load correctly.

Request for this feature support is based on the details in the ticket at the URL:

Last Updated: 27 Jun 2019 07:58 by ADMIN
Created by: John
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request



I would like to suggest improvement to the function convertValues which is used in the virtualized datasources in multiple controls (dropdownlist, combobox, multiselect etc).

I've realised (after very long time) that the ValueMapper ajax is called in the initial loading, i.e. when there is no default value set in the control. In my opinion that request is extra unnecessary load and shouldn't happen if there is no value to be checked (mapped).

For example check this screenshot of the link

In my code I started to surround with the following if:

if (options.value != "") {
        //value mapper code
    else {

which stopped the initial value mapper ajax request.

This also helped to have only single value mapper request when there is default value set - otherwise it was generating 2 value mapper requests, one with empty value and another one with the set value.

I reckon this will help many users to improve their code.




Kind regards,



Last Updated: 28 Dec 2023 08:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Sreeju
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
Add Cut & Paste feature, so that I can move file / folder from one path to another.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2019 09:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter
Comments: 2
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
The Readonly() property is only available for the Switch control.  Please make available the Readonly() property for the TextBox, ComboBox, DropDownList and MultiSelect as well.
Last Updated: 11 Oct 2019 10:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
Unify the property used to define the string that appears in the textbox when a widget has no value. For example, currently the MultiSelect uses Placeholder(), the DropDownList - OptionLabel()