Here is how the support team explained the priority of what editor template is used in the MVC grid: "Actually the behavior is if the EditorTemplateName method is not used to specify template then the ForeignKey editor template is used. If the EditorTemplateName method is used - the template which is passed is used. If there is no such template, it fallbacks and uses the UIHint attribute or if there is not such the default one is used." I'd think the priory should be: 1.) If EditorTemplateName is specified, use that, 2.) If UIHint in Model class is specified, use that, 3.) Then use default editor template (i.e. ForeignKey.cshtml)
Create: Html.Kendo().Grid() .ToolBar(commands => commands.Create(Model.EnableCreate)) where EnableCreate is a bool. Next is Edit and Destroy: columns.Command(commands => { commands.Edit(item.EnableEdit); commands.Destroy(item.EnableDestroy); }) where item is the dataitem of the row and EnableEdit and EnableDestroy is bool properties.
An organization (or more preferable a flowchart) chart like the one in Telerik ASP.NET Ajax suite
The Upgrade Wizard should provide an option to only update currently used skins rather than adding all skins each time a project is upgraded.
Make it possible to use custom names for the unit test and OpenAccess projects while creating a new Kendo UI for MVC project.
The Kendo UI for MVC project template creates a blank test project. It would be nice if it had default code generated like the standard MVC project templates do.
When using Html.Kendo().DeferredScripts() possibly bundle all the controls initialization in one single jQuery initialization function, instead of a call for each of the deferred controls.
Sometimes it is necessary to be able to define certain fields as editable during and edit but not create or vice versa. So, we should have the option to not show some of the model fields during edit and possibly not show a different set of fields during create.
Create an mvc reportviewer control for MVC so that you don't have to hack it with an aspx page inside of razor view engine. Should work similar to the devexpress mvc reportviewer control.
I'm using EF6 in my project, so I can use Async/Await on all methods. My question is: could you add a ToDataSourceResultAsync method? Inside, you could call CountAsync and ToListAsync.
For R# action annotations details please check the following link - And regarding additional actions for url builders - usually I have the action which provides the data for the grids in the same controller so I would prefer to write "... .Read(read => read.Action("LoadSitesData", new { id = Model.StudyId })" instead of "... .Read(read => read.Action("LoadSitesData", "StudySitesAdministration", new { id = Model.StudyId })"
KendoUI MVC Serverside wrappers should allow exporting grid data to PDF, Excel and CSV. While this has been asked for before, what I am asking is that this feature be part of the KendoUI complete with server side wrappers so that this is no longer just a limitation with the client-side framework. Every business application we have with grids requires the ability to export in PDF, Excel and CSV formats.
Great suggestion. Currently I have to add @class="k-texbox" for every TextboxFor.
c.Bound( o => o.Complex.Property ) This throws a js exception when o.Complex is null. The grid fails to render when certain data is bound. c.Bound( o => o.Complex == null ? null : o.Complex.Property ) This throws a .NET InvalidOperationException : "Bound columns require a field or property access expression"
The old MVC grid had the option of allowing paging bar on the (top, bottom or both) please see example at I have an open support ticket and user thread created at for this. Several attempts have been made to add paging on top, bottom and both with JavaScript OnLoad or OnDataBound, currently the suggestions do not appear to be working for MVC. I would like to recommend bringing back the page functionality of the original MVC grid to include (page size selector option located at Top, Bottom or Both) without having to add JavaScript to achieve this original behavor.
That will make web pages load faster
It doesn't seem possible to set the width or height of gauges through the MVC server wrappers. This is useful functionality that should be easy to implement.
It would be nice to be able to set options other than the window's title and set events on the window that is exposed by the grid editing options.
html select has a groupoption tag, and also the possibility to add classes or styles to indivual rows in a combobox. With it, you can combine the items in a combobox in groups/categories. Styling could ofcourse be done by using custom-templates
I find ButtonGroup for mobile framework very useful to desktop (classic) web application too. Could you add this widget to web framework please? An important configuration is to choose if have comportament like "checkboxlist" or "radiobuttonlist", and for sure its orientation, vertical or horizontal.