Last Updated: 01 Jun 2020 12:26 by ADMIN

Bug report

This is a regression introduced in R2 2019.
Textboxes and charts currently are not supported in the Spreadsheet, however, if the loaded excel file contains such, saving the file should not throw a js exception.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. In Excel add a textbox and/or a chart to a workbook. Save the workbook. Alternatively, use the attached file:
  2. Load the .xlsx file in the Spreadsheet
  3. Save the file

Current behavior

On saving the file the following exception is thrown:
kendo.all.js:12938 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'target' of undefined

Expected/desired behavior

No js exceptions on saving the file.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.1.406
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 12 Feb 2020 12:45 by Gary
Created by: Gary
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

If there is a Spreadsheet on a given page and we scroll the page down using the mouse wheel, once the scrolling stops over the Spreadsheet and we try to continue it, we cannot do it. If the Spreadsheet has defined rows that are not currently visible when the mouse wheel is moved, then Spreadsheet is being scrolled, not the current page.

If the Spreadsheet has a lower number of pre-defined rows that are all displayed on the component's initialization the scrolling is again not applying to the page. Instead, moving the mouse wheel doesn't do anything until the mouse cursor is moved outside the Spreadsheet.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example and run it
  2. Move the mouse cursor in the middle of the pane displaying the compiled code.
  3. Use the mouse wheel to scroll down the page and stop the scrolling once the cursor is in the zone of the Spreadsheet
  4. Scroll down again

Current behavior

Because the cursor is inside the Spreadsheet the page cannot be scrolled. If the rows configuration is commented, when the scrolling is started again, the Spreadsheet data will be scrolled.

Expected/desired behavior

If all the data in the Spreadsheet is displayed, moving the mouse wheel over the component should result in page scrolling. If there is data in the Spreadsheet, there should be some way to prevent the scrolling inside the component.


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.1.114
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 06 Feb 2020 13:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Bharathy
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Hi Team,

I am using a kendospreadsheet. I want to find the rownumber of last non blank cell for column C.

When i try the =SUMPRODUCT(MAX(($C$1:$C100<>"")*(ROW($C$1:$C100)))) in excel it works.

The same formula does not work in kendospreadsheet.


Please suggest if this is a bug or if formula needs any change to fit the kendospreadsheet.



Bharathy B

Last Updated: 03 Feb 2020 13:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
The Image and Comments properties should be added to the Cell object in Telerik.Web.Spreadsheet.dll
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2024 13:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Karthick
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Bug Report

When importing a XLSX file with a frozen pane using server implementation(using the Document Processing Library), the dimensions of the frozen pane are missed.  

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Visit the Spreadsheet Server Import/Export live demo.
  2. Import the attached example(

Current Behavior

The imported xlsx file appears to overflow the Kendo UI Spreadsheet component.  See screencast(

Expected Behavior

When importing a file using server implementation, the file should be contained within the Kendo UI Spreadsheet component's view.


Reduce the amount of frozen rows/columns to fit into the widget.  


  • Kendo UI version: 2020.1.114
  • Browser: all


Last Updated: 23 Dec 2019 09:36 by ADMIN


I have identified a discrepancy in behavior of Telerik Spreadsheet vs Excel in treatment of array formulae (multiplication of arrays)


The spreadsheet attached contains two examples on how the difference on how Excel and Kendo spreadsheets handle array formulas is impacting the tool I'm developing.

The first example is a simple multiplication between a one-column range and a two-column range. Since both have the same number of Rows, Excel multiples both columns of Array 2 by the Array 1 and sum them
Kendo instead expects both ranges to have the same dimensions, so the same array formula throws an error when opened on Kendo

The second example is a the sum of a multiplication between two same-sized matrixes, but conditioned to a flag array. If the flag for that row is true, then the multiplication of the elements of that row should be added to the final result. On Excel, it works as expected.
On the other hand, Kendo seems to consider the “Flag” matrix as a 2-column matrix with the second column left blank, so the result is the multiplication of the first column of array 1 by the first column of array two, conditioned by the flag array:

You can check the results uploading the attached spreadsheet to the Demo available online:

Please let me know your feedback and when/if we can expect an alignment of Spreadsheet behavior to Excel's

Kind regards

Last Updated: 06 Nov 2019 11:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Bryan Patrick
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request


When using the URL feature of the spreadsheet it seems to use "_blank" as the target (opens in a new window).


My spreadsheet is in a single page application with some javascript already loaded.

I'd like to have the url be something like "javascript:myfunction('test');" which works well even with an a tag "<a href='javascript...'>"

I do this quite a lot with templates on the Grid control.

Not asking for templates on the spreadsheet, just let us specify the target and/or use local javascript functions in an "a href";


Last Updated: 14 Oct 2019 12:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Development
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request


 I've been reading through the documentation, and I wanted to reach out in case I am missing something.  In all the Kendo Spreadsheet documentation that is available, I've not seen an MVVM example provided.  Is the MVVM method available with use for the Spreadsheet widget?   I was also wondering if just syntactically I might not have the right items configured in order for the data to populate in the spreadsheet.  I can confirm at the viewmodel that my data is populated in that object, but I just can't seem to get the data to appear in the spreadsheet.  Any guidance or additional documentation would be most helpful.


I am setting the data-role="spreadsheet", mimicking other examples of mvvm that I've seen.  I've also set the data-bind to my dataSource (data-bind="source:spreadsheetDataSource" while also populating a dataSource object within my data-sheets property.  I wanted to verify that these are in fact supported before I continue down this road.  I would also like to understand which properties are required by default (data-columns, data-rows, data-sheets) etc...and the properties that exist within the arrays (such as data-sheets), since that also doesn't seem to be present in the documentation. 

I'd also like to point out that I am using a windows server 2016, since that option was not listed in the fields below for the ticket.  The .NET Framework is 4.5.2


I appreciate all assistance in this matter. 



Last Updated: 10 Jun 2021 06:31 by ADMIN
Release 2019.R3.SP1
Created by: Chris
Comments: 0
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Regression introduced in R3 2019.

Reproduction of the problem

Open this Spreadsheet demo. Even though the Toolbar configuration is set to false, it is not hidden. This applies only for ASP.Net Core and ASP.Net MVC.

Current behavior

The Toolbar is visible when set to false.

Expected/desired behavior

The Toolbar should be hidden.


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.3.917
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 19 Jan 2023 13:47 by ADMIN

Bug report

When we want to add a formula in a given cell in the Spreadsheet, we double-click it and enter the "=" in it as an identifier that a formula definition will follow. If we want to include in the formula a cell that is not inside the visible range of the Spreadsheet, we scroll to that cell and select it. In Internet Explorer, if we scroll to a given cell using the arrows of the Spreadsheet's scrollbar the "double-clicked" cell becomes just a selected one and the "=" sign is converted to a string value.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open this Dojo example in Internet Explorer 11
  2. Select the A1 cell and enter "=" in it.
  3. Press the "down" direction arrow of the Spreadsheet trying to reach cell A50.
  4. With the first click on the arrow, the A1 cell is no more "double-clicked" and the "=" inside it is converted to a string

Current behavior

When building a formula in a given cell and trying to navigate to a cell using the scrollbar, this usage stops the formula building and converts the "=" into a string.

Expected/desired behavior

When a user creates a formula for a given cell, they should be able to navigate through the Spreadsheet using its scrollbars.


  • Kendo UI version: 2019.2.619
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: IE 11.950.17134.0
Last Updated: 30 Aug 2019 11:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Vamsi Krishna
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request

We are looking to see whether all the cells in the formula are filled or not  for that we need all the cells information in the formula. 


Is there any way to get list of cells present in formula cell.

Last Updated: 30 Oct 2020 08:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Rakesh
Comments: 2
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request

Hi There,

I am facing one issue in kendo spreadsheet onchange event.

Suppose I have applied formula on one cell A1 and formula is =SUM(B1:B3)

Now one change of values in B1 to B3 on change event gets fired but whenever cell A1 values gets updated i.e. on entering value in B1 to B2, on change event doesn’t get fired.

How can I make onchange event fire for formula cell.


Thank you,


Last Updated: 26 Jun 2019 13:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Anamika
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request



I am looking at possibility to convert Spreadsheet tables to html . I am creating an HTML report with header and footer and would like to merge the spreadsheet table as html between header and footer.


Is there a way to convert the spread content to html tables





Last Updated: 29 Apr 2019 06:13 by ADMIN
Created by: Vamsi Krishna
Comments: 1
Category: Spreadsheet
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the cells which are disabled are not protected in the exported XLSX document and can be modified by the users. Implement functionality to protect the data when exporting.
Last Updated: 12 Feb 2019 14:50 by ADMIN


we have a hard time controlling the cells "Enable" attribute in a data binding scenario, because it really depends on the data, e.g. the complete Row must be read only (Enable = false) when Cell "Completed" is marked with true.

I mark this as "Feature request" because I think there is no such functionality, but I'd need some dynamic expression here, you could reuse the validation expressions, e.g.:

enable: "NOT(ISERROR(FIND(\"true\", B3)))"


As an alternative/workaround, maybe we can reuse validation / reject, so instead of making the cell non-editable, leave it editable but reject any kind of change, this is just a thought and I feel like there is no easy way to do it like this either.


You might wonder how we apply validation or enabled/disabled cells in data binding scenario; We basically run post processes after data binding, so because I think there is no other way doing it.

Best regards

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