Last Updated: 17 Dec 2019 15:55 by Frank
Created by: Frank
Comments: 6
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

With batch editing there are no indicators that the grid is "dirty" after you hit delete, but before you hit the save changes button. [Note, when a user edits a cell, the top corner display a small red flag letting the end user know the cell is dirty and has not been saved/synced to the database yet.] This should be added to let the user know the delete action has not been performed and is in a "pending" state until the save button is pressed. This would be very helpful for UX purposes.

In the meantime, I just apply my own "dirty" class to the save button so end users know to press it before leaving the page if they would like to keep their changes.

Last Updated: 05 Dec 2019 07:58 by ADMIN

When Batch update mode is set to true, Popup editing mode should write back the data to grid and not call the update actions directly upon confirming the popup editing window.

I have a page containing a grid, in the toolbar there are following buttons:

* Add

* Edit

* Delete 

When the user clicks Edit, the selected row is edited using the pop-up window. Alternatively the user can also double click the row to start editing. 

On the bottom of the page there is a Save and Cancel Changes button. The save changes must update all applied changes, the cancel button must undo them.

At current when Popup editing is used and the user confirms the popup window, changes are immediately written to the database. This breaks functionality of the Cancel button. Cancel will now only apply to deletes.

I need popup functionality because I have too many columns to use in-cell editing.

Telerik is ignoring the setting batch(true) when doing popup editing, so this could even be considered a bug instead of a feature request!



Last Updated: 23 May 2019 05:50 by ADMIN
Release 2019.R2.SP.Next
Last Updated: 26 Apr 2019 10:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Chris
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I was wanting to create a multiselect filter inside the kendo grid that will filter an array column, NOT a simple string column.  Just adding the .Filterable(ftb => ftb.Multi(true)) does display a basic 'multiselect' with just checkboxes in it, which is not ideal , but does work.  But, when you click filter, the grid becomes empty.  I had to use a clienttemplate() function, to return an html object like so:

export function MultiRowTemplate(data) {
       if (data == null) {
           return "";
       var row = "";
       for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
           row += data[i].Description + "<br/>";
       return row;


My column is:

columns.ForeignKey(a => a.DisplayExp, (System.Collections.IEnumerable)ViewData["Exp"], "Id", "Description").ClientTemplate("#= MultiRowTemplate(data.DisplayExp) #").Filterable(ftb => ftb.Multi(true)).Title("Experience");


the code for the foreign key doesn't make much sense as it's an array column, but that was pointed to by telerik support on other forum posts.  

So, there must be a way to hook into that column and run some custom code to return to the grid the filtered values?  i've seen examples for jquery, and mvc, but theres nothing for .net core.  This should just work out of the box, as I don't think this is an uncommon need.  Could you give me an example or point me in the right direction?





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