Last Updated: 10 Sep 2024 12:26 by Anithapriya

Bug report

The custom ordering of the filter values in the Telerik UI ASP.NET Core Grid does not function correctly when using TagHelpers.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Include operator configuration for string fields in the filterable settings.
  2. Add filter values
  3. The filter values are not shown in the configured order.

A REPL sample for reproduction: https://netcorerepl.telerik.com/wIYNvEvn00CAqNGL14

Expected/desired behavior

The filter values should be presented in the same order as specified in the Filterable configuration.


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.3.806
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2023 15:22 by erwin

I have noticed that neither the HtmlHelper nor the TagHelper wrappers of the Grid's Pageable.Pagesize configuration support the all option to be configured as a page size.

This is unlike the Kendo UI for jQuery pageSize option which supports it as per the example in the API:

 pageable: {
    pageSizes: [2, 3, 4, "all"],
    numeric: false
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2022 08:07 by ADMIN

### Bug report

When the Grid Column Menu is set to "modern", the ButtonGroup "And"/"Or" in the Filter menu is not translated.

### Reproduction of the problem

1. Create a Grid and enable the ColumMenu with the type "modern".

2. Include the localization script "kendo.messages.de-CH.min.js" and the culture file "kendo.culture.de-CH.min.js".

3. Set the Kendo culture to "de-CH".

4. Open the ColumnMenu of a specified Grid column and then the Filter menu. The messages "And/Or" are not translated. The messages are translated as expected when using the default ColumnMenu.

A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/UpUmAlIW

### Expected/desired behavior

The Filter menu ButtonGroup should be translated when using the "modern" ColumnMenu.

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version: 2022.3.913
* **jQuery version: 1.12.4
* **Browser: [all]

Under Review
Last Updated: 28 May 2024 10:18 by ADMIN

I'm using the grid with a Status Bar Template and a button component in the template.

When trying to reference the button using the data() method it returns "undefined".

I've made small changed to the Grid's "selection Aggregates" demo to show the problem:


In the sample code, when selecting a cell in the top grid, the "T" button should be enabled but the line


returns undefined.

Last Updated: 03 Oct 2022 07:36 by Tobias
Created by: Tobias
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Allow de-selection of a row when the "Ctrl + Space" shortcut is pressed when the selection mode is set to "single".
Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 12:19 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)

Bug report

Setting the Reoderable.Rows.ClickMoveClick() API configuration explicitly to false results in an error when using the HTML Helper wrappers.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the following Telerik REPL.
  2. Set the Reoderable.Rows.ClickMoveClick() to false.
  3. Notice the thrown client-side error.

Current behavior

Setting the Reoderable.Rows.ClickMoveClick() explicitly to false throws the following error:


Expected/desired behavior

Setting the Reoderable.Rows.ClickMoveClick() explicitly to false should not throw an error.


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.2.514
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2024 09:16 by ADMIN
Created by: Gaurav
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Is it possible to enhance the column menu by adding an option allowing the user to lock a specified column through the column menu?
Last Updated: 07 May 2024 13:19 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)

### Bug report

When adding a new record in an InCell editable Grid with enabled "autoSync" option, it is not rendered in the Grid.

### Reproduction of the problem

A Dojo sample for reproduction: https://dojo.telerik.com/@gdenchev/omotILiP

### Expected/desired behavior

The new record must be visible at the top of the Grid table when the Create operation completes.

The last working version is 2024.1.130.

### Environment

* **Kendo UI version: 2024.1.319
* **jQuery version: 3.7.0
* **Browser: [all]

Last Updated: 22 Mar 2024 10:20 by Don Leduc
Created by: Don Leduc
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Grid row drag and drop capabilities enhancement request.

Currently, in order to drop a row from one Grid into another empty Grid, adding a placeholder row to the empty Grid with custom logic is required: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/drag-drop

It would be nice to have a more robust drag and drop functionality that doesn't rely on custom logic to such an extent.

Last Updated: 23 Aug 2024 07:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Bryan Patrick
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Expose additional API configurations for the Grid's ToolBar

Reproduction of the problem

As of recent releases, the Kendo UI Grid Toolbar has been substituted with the Kendo UI Toolbar. This change allows users to add the majority ToolBar.items API options apart from the built-in tools.

As noted within the Kendo UI for jQuery API documentation for the Grid's Toolbar:

"Apart from the built-in tools, the Grid fully exposes the ToolBar.items API. This way you can specify any custom tools in the widget using the components available in the ToolBar itself."

Current behavior

The inherited ToolBar.items API options are not available for the server-side Telerik UI Grid for ASP.NET Core and MVC wrappers as well.

Expected/desired behavior

It would be beneficial to the customers if the inherited ToolBar.items API options are available for the server-side Telerik UI Grid for ASP.NET Core and MVC wrappers as well.


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.1.130
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 14 May 2024 11:59 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)

Bug report

CheckBox is not serialized correctly when declared in the Template component.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Open the following Telerik REPL.
  2. Notice that the CheckBox component declared in the Template for the Discontinued field is not serialized correctly.

Current behavior

The CheckBox is not serialized correctly when declared in the Template component.

Expected/desired behavior

The CheckBox should be serialized correctly when declared in the Template component.


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.1.130
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 13 May 2024 12:58 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Ion
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

Regression introduced with 2024.1.130. Likely related to: #7650

Workaround: remove "px" from the width values, e.g.,

width: "80"

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/ulOPUJEW/2
  2. Compare the behavior of the Grid with R3 2023 SP1: https://dojo.telerik.com/alahAneG/3

Current behavior

The columns ignore their width setting and each column has 1/3 of the Grid's width.

Expected/desired behavior

The columns widths are proportionate to the specified width values (as in R3 2023 SP1).


  • Kendo UI version: 2024.1.130
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 09 Jan 2024 07:01 by Sreeju
Created by: Sreeju
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Add a built-in API configuration for the Edit command similar to how you can set the ToolBar.Create() API.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2023 14:28 by ADMIN
Release R1.2024-Increment.1(15.Nov.2023)

Bug report

Grid Filterable Button Title Message is not correctly serialized.

Reproduction of the problem

  • Set the Filterable.Messages.ButtonTitle() API Configuration as follows:

                .Columns(columns =>
                    columns.Bound(p => p.OrderID).Filterable(false);
                    columns.Bound(p => p.Freight);  
                .Filterable(f => f.Messages(m => m.ButtonTitle("Filter")))
  • Hover the Filter Button Icon and notice that the buttonTitle message is applied instead.


Current behavior

The Filter ButtonTitle message shows its default message.

Expected/desired behavior

The Filter ButtonTitle should show the custom-provided message.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1010
  • jQuery version: x.y
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 25 Oct 2023 12:10 by Duffy
Created by: Duffy
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Is it possible to implement binding of TimeSpan property to TimeDurationPicker editor?

For example:

@model TimeSpan?

@(Html.Kendo().TimeDurationPickerFor(m => m))

Last Updated: 14 May 2024 11:56 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Rick
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Bug report

When the GroupPaging configuration is present the exported Grid doesn't have any data.

Reproduction of the problem

  1. Run this REPL
  2. Export the Grid

Current behavior

The exported Excel only contains headers and footers

Expected/desired behavior

The whole content of the Grid must be exported.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1114
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2024 10:15 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q1

Bug report

Grid throws an error when the Filterable Column Messages TagHelper is set.

Reproduction of the problem

  • Open the following Telerik REPL example.
  • Set the child <messages /> in a column's <filterable></filterable> TagHelper.
  • Notice the observed error.

Current behavior

Setting the Messages TagHelper produces the following compilation error:

The tag is not allowed by parent tag helper. Only child tags with name(s) 'cell, operators, datasource' are allowed.

Expected/desired behavior

Setting the Messages TagHelper should not produce the following compilation error.


  • Kendo UI version: 2023.3.1114
  • Browser: [all]
Last Updated: 02 Feb 2021 14:22 by ADMIN
Release 2021.R1.SP.next

Bug Report

Ticket ID:1486632

When using groupable.sort.compare with client operations and groupPaging, a JavaScript error is thrown:





Last Updated: 16 Nov 2020 11:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Matt
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report

Trouble on iPad 6/7/8 with Safari.

Using grid with batch and incell edit mode.

Datepicker is not working. It just shows the text box to manually type in date.

Every once in a while the date picker pops up and stays for selection.

Sometimes I see the dat picker, but it goes away suddenly before being able to set a date.

Won't Fix
Last Updated: 03 Dec 2020 15:51 by ADMIN

It's kind of difficult to describe in the subject, but here's the scenario. In an ASP.NET Core 3.1 web app, we have some different Kendo Grids that are generated by using the HTML Helper. Some of these use server operations while others do not. Following the information in the Persist State demo, I'm working on changes to save the grid options (sorting, filtering, page number, etc.) when the user navigates away from a page, then restore them the next time it's loaded. With a grid we have using server operations, this is working well so far. For a grid we have using client operations, on the other hand, I'm getting unexpected results.



      new { ProductName = "Product 1", UnitPrice = 3.50 },
      new { ProductName = "Product 2", UnitPrice = 5.30 }
   .NoRecords(n => n.Template("No records found"))
   .Columns(columns =>
      columns.Bound(p => p.ProductName);
      columns.Bound(p => p.UnitPrice);
   .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
   $(document).ready(function () {
      var grid = $("#TestGrid").data("kendoGrid");
      var options = grid.getOptions();


If you comment out the JavaScript, you get a working grid. With the JavaScript in place, this should get the options from the grid, then immediately re-apply those same options (just for testing purposes) and the grid should end up looking the same as it did before. However, the setOptions() call seems to be triggering a POST back to the same page (with the data "sort=&group=&filter=") then wiping the data from the grid and showing the "No records found" message. However, since this grid is bound to a model property and has ServerOperation(false), all of the data needed is already at the client and there is no Ajax request that exists to get this data.


This is the code from viewing the source that was rendered by the code in the View from above:

<div id="TestGrid" name="TestGrid"></div><script>kendo.syncReady(function(){jQuery("#TestGrid").kendoGrid({"noRecords":{"template":"No records found"},"columns":[{"title":"Product Name","field":"ProductName","filterable":{"messages":{"selectedItemsFormat":"{0} selected items"},"checkAll":false},"encoded":true},{"title":"Unit Price","field":"UnitPrice","filterable":{"messages":{"selectedItemsFormat":"{0} selected items"},"checkAll":false},"encoded":true}],"scrollable":false,"dataSource":{"type":(function(){if(kendo.data.transports['aspnetmvc-ajax']){return 'aspnetmvc-ajax';} else{throw new Error('The kendo.aspnetmvc.min.js script is not included.');}})(),"transport":{"read":{"url":""},"prefix":""},"pageSize":20,"page":1,"groupPaging":false,"total":2,"schema":{"data":"Data","total":"Total","errors":"Errors","model":{"fields":{"ProductName":{"editable":false,"type":"string"},"UnitPrice":{"editable":false,"type":"number"}}}},"data":{"Data":[{"ProductName":"Product 1","UnitPrice":3.5},{"ProductName":"Product 2","UnitPrice":5.3}],"Total":2}}});});</script>
   $(document).ready(function () {
      var grid = $("#TestGrid").data("kendoGrid");
      var options = grid.getOptions();


I'm not sure why it's attempting an Ajax request, but that appears to be what's causing the problems. With the other grid we have that *does* use server operations, I'm assuming we're not having this same problem because it does actually require an Ajax request to read the data.