In the meantime you can use the following css workaround that will fix the issue: .rcbAutoWidthResizer .rcbScroll { overflow: visible !important; } /*To target IE 6, 7 and 8*/ @media \0screen\,screen\9 { .rcbAutoWidthResizer .rcbScroll { overflow: auto !important; } } /*To target IE 9 and 10*/ @media screen and (min-width:0\0) { .rcbAutoWidthResizer .rcbScroll { overflow: auto !important; } }
Hi, RadComboBox does not having direct way to set its height, not dropdown height. It is required functionality because its height should be as per website design.
When combo popups to the top of the page it goes out of the browser viewport. Reproduce: A RadComboBox on the bottom of your page and the page height is larger than the viewport. When you scroll down the page to the RadComboBox and open it the itembox (100+ items) height will be higher than the view port. See attachment 'RadComboBox.png' Also the auto shrink doesn’t work in this situation see attachment RadComboBox2.png
Using the .get_value() in the OnClientDropDownClosed event of RadComboBox, produces empty value. The OnClientSelectedIndexChanged event works fine, but I need to be able to kick off the javascript even if the selected index doesn't change. My RadComboBox element: <telerik:RadComboBox ID="CustomerSearch" runat="server" Width="180" Height="160" MarkFirstMatch="true" AllowCustomText="true" CssClass="CustomerSearch" AutoPostBack="false" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" EnableVirtualScrolling="true" OnItemsRequested="CustomerSearch_ItemsRequested" OnClientDropDownClosed="searchnav" EmptyMessage="Select a customer" DataSourceID="dsCustomer" DataTextField="CustomerName" DataValueField="NavPath" BackColor="White" Skin="Forest" /> My SQLDataSource element: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsCustomer" runat="server" SelectCommand="CustomerSearchName" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> </asp:SqlDataSource> My Javascript: <telerik:RadScriptBlock ID="RadScriptBlock1" runat="server"> <script type="text/javascript"> function searchnav(sender, args) { var iframe = document.getElementById('ctl00_iMainPages'); iframe.src = sender.get_value(); } </script> </telerik:RadScriptBlock>
We are running HTML validators as part of an effort to attain WCAG 2.0 A compliance. Among the errors we are seeing is The summary attribute is obsolete. Consider describing the structure of the table in a caption element or in a figure element containing the table; or, simplify the structure of the table so that no description is needed. Here is a snippet of the failing HTML, apparently from the rendering of the RadSocialShare control: <div id="ctl00_TemplateBody_WebPartManager1_gwpciNewSocialShareCommon_ciNewSocialShareCommon_RadSocialShare1_compactPopup_C_comboBox" class="RadComboBox RadComboBox_Default" style="width:160px;"> <table summary="combobox" border="0" style="border-width:0;border-collapse:collapse;"> We are currently running version 2013.2.717.45 of the ASP .NET for AJAX controls, but we just tried 2013.3.1015.45 and it didn't fix things in this regard, either. There is a similar discussion at , which recommends a jQuery fix. This fix works in terms of removing the summary attribute from that table, but it does not result in clean HTML when the w3c validator is run against it, so we believe that is not an acceptable workaround. In the discussion at , some mention is made of fixing the combo box for the 2012 Q3 release, but it doesn't look like that happened.
When EnableAutomaticLoadOnDemand="true" is set and no Height is specified, the first time RadComboBox is expanded only the topmost 3 or 4 items are visible. The rest of the items become visible when they are hovered or if the ComboBox is expanded again.
There is problem selected value radcombox with Ajax modal pop up pls suggest the solution for that
Add ability to filter with accent sensitive, IsAccentSensitive property (like the existing IsCaseSensitive).
described in this forum thread-
Hi There, i am working on 4.0 with telerik ajax control. The problem i am facing is that all the controls are not working but the same files were working in 3.5, for example i am attaching a error page which is showing a radcombobox as a text box. I am not being able to figure out the issue/bug whether it is because of RadStyleSheetManager or RadScriptManager. Kindly help me with this issue.