Currently Linq2Sql expressions are supported. But as Entity Framework is "de facto" the standard for data access in .NET, it would be great, if you also support ESQL expressions. This is necessary for example when data binding to entities in OnNeedDataSource event and filter expressions from RadGrid should be used for adapting query. Thanks, Roger
Property to disable the internal control state which is helpful in scenarios where ViewState is turned off. This should resolve any problems when changing columns and datasource dynamically on PageInit, when sorting/filtering/etc is applied during the previous post.
The problem is a limitation in the current implementation. It is due to the fact that when drag and drop are enabled the grid selects the item(mousedown) using the built-in selection logic. Later when click is fired the row is again selected. The selection logic is designed in such way that if you try to select an item which is already selected it will first deselect it and later select it. It is rather complex and handles various scenarios, altering it will result in a breaking change which is not desirable.
Currently RadGrid supports strongly typed binding to a model and the use of OnCalling DataMethods, but requires additional non-documented code to get it to work correctly. See forum post at for the code requirements. Request putting the ItemType and OnCallingDataMethods into the MasterTableView markup and eliminate the need to override the OnInit call. The markup would end up looking like: <MasterTableView DataKeyNames="intOfficeId" ItemType="Models.OfficeModel" OnCallingDataMethods="grdAssignments_CallingDataMethods" SelectMethod="GetOffice" UpdateMethod="UpdateOffice" DeleteMethod="DeleteOffice" > This would also pave the way to strongly bind the detail grid.
Hi, RadWindow has a property as "KeepInScreenBounds", on setting of which the radwindow can not be moved out of screen area. Lets have the similar or kind of property on Edit Popup of RadGrid with Editmode=Popup? The expectation is, edit popup of radgrid should not be moved outside of screen area that is visible to the user. This is perfectly achieved by for radwindows with "KeepInScreenBounds" property. Ticket url: Thanks, Sunil